Qin Tian reached out to hold the Tongtian gourd in the collar. The little gourd was hot. Qin Tian pulled the rope down and held it in his hand. The gourd was constantly beating. Qin Tian held the gourd in his hand. Zheng Hui didn't find it. Just now Qin Tian said he wanted to go. Now he returned to the restaurant. Zheng Hui was surprised and didn't know what happened.

"How can I still go shopping?"

Qin Tian nodded, "I still want to go around, if there is something good I miss?"

Qin Tianjing went straight back.

The gourd seemed very excited, and kept beating in his hand, and his hands in town were a little hot.

Qin Tian is quiet, speed up, the more the small gourd in front of the jump, Qin Tian's hands creak.

Zheng Hui after seeing it, he felt strange. Just to speak, Qin Tian stopped. At this time, the little gourd stopped, just passing the stall, and the gourd stopped at once. Qin Tian understood that it was here.

In fact, this is a handicraft stall. Qin Tianjian at the eye points to see one of the jewelry boxes. The box says that it is small and small. It is just good to put a Zodiac jade. He just needs to reach out, and suddenly a white and tender hand is stretched out, and a slap hits his hand back. Qin Tianli horse shrinks back.

There is a little girl in front of me. She says very hard: "look at it. Don't touch it. Can you afford it if you feel bad?"

Zheng Hui was not happy to hear this, "I said you girl, how to do business, can not see, this is my elder brother, this is the right Lord, look at this jade is what we just bought, look at your things, that is to look at you, not let people touch! No, how do you know the head? Open the box and let's see. "

The little girl saw Zheng Hui, the man with a black head and a big ear, was frightened.

But the little girl then reacted, immediately handed the box over, "you see, but don't touch, my grandfather said, if you want to open touch, you will buy it."

"Black! How can you still buy and sell you girl? You go to inquire, which stall here did not look at carefully before I started. I asked us to buy before I saw the goods inside. When we were the big enemy! "

Zheng Hui got angry when he heard it. Qin Tian stopped him quickly. "Come on, I see. I don't want this money either. Qin Tian opened the small box, but the box outside was nothing, but the inside was not Shaxiao jade, but a turtle made of white jade.

He looked at it and was crying and laughing. He didn't know what the man thought. What was the implication of making a turtle out of such a good jade?

Zheng Hui was also stunned, did not think that the box is filled with this thing, but he looked at it and said: "Tiange, this thing is good quality, but do not know whether it is worth the price?"

"How much is it?" Qin Tian looked up and asked her, and the little girl thought and said, "Grandpa said this jade is 500000."

"500000, will it sell 500000 on this stall?"

Zheng Hui blew up again!

Qin Tian looked at it, and put his little gourd in his hand. As soon as the gourd met the turtle, it immediately sucked it in. Zheng Hui took things out quickly. It seemed that it was the tortoise.

So he nodded and agreed.

"OK, I'll give you 500000."

Zheng Hui was stunned, did not expect Qin Tian so generous, "Tiange, you are not joking?"

"No, I think it likes it. I bought it. 500000. I'll give it to you."

The girl was stunned at the sight, and did not expect to meet such a generous guest. The surrounding stall owner was excited. She didn't expect that such a small stall could sell 500000 things. They came around to see the box.

Qin Tian quickly picked up the box and put it in her pocket, and then she took out the check. The girl looked at it and was unwilling to, "no, Grandpa said that she only received cash."

She said that Qin Tian was stunned. Who fucked up to get 500000 cash to the place?

"Or you'll go with me to the bank."

The little girl thought and said, "well, I'll go with you."

She collected the stall casually and went with Qin Tian. Qin Tian didn't expect the girl to take such an axis, but I think about it. It is estimated that the annual income of such a small stall is less than 500000. Now she can see so much money. She must be careful.

He looked at the thin girl in front of him and asked, "do you have an ID card? Are you adult? "

The girl gave him a white look. "I am all twenty. Why not be a teenager, you can rest assured that there will be no mistake in the money being paid to my account."

"You just said Grandpa, where is your grandfather sacred, and he put 500000 things on the stall."

"Grandpa is my grandfather. What's wrong? What do you ask so much about something you pay for? Are you sorry, if you regret, you can take it back now. "She made a gesture to take that piece of things, Qin Tian had already put it into his pocket.

"No, I'll take what I like. Don't worry, I won't play with you."

With Qin Tian's words, the girl was relieved, followed him to the nearby bank and quickly handled the transfer.

When she saw that her card had increased by 500000 yuan, the little girl laughed. "My grandfather really didn't cheat me. He said that he asked me to take this thing out and buy it with me for two or eight cents. Now, I'll soon have the money to go to school. "

Hearing her words, Qin Tian was stunned, "go to school?" The girl carefully put away her purse, and then she said, "yes, I'm a student here. I went to college and my family was poor. I had no choice but to help people watch the stall. My grandfather said that if you can sell this jade head, you will give me money. Thank you very much today

Qin Tian didn't expect it. But since she sold it, she should have it.

Qin Tian looks at the girl's ID card, which is called Huang Lei.

Well, it's not a problem if you want to check someone. Since the girl doesn't want to say anything else, he will find out sooner or later.

Seeing Huang Lei skip away, Qin Tianxiao breathes a sigh of relief, and the small gourd in his pocket has already sucked in the jade.

Qin Tian didn't expect that the gourd valued the Jade Turtle so much, so he couldn't wait to put it in. It seems that this thing has a certain origin. He has no time to want to see what it is. So he asked Zheng Hui to go back first. He had to go to eat with his father-in-law Li Cheng, and then he took Li Xinran home to have a chance to see things again.

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