When I went to Li Xinran, Qin Tiancai knew that his family was there. Li Xinyu also arrived. He saw Qin Tian and his wife very polite. Qin Tian just nodded and couldn't wait to go back, so he seemed absent-minded.

Li Xinran saw it and asked him in the spare time of washing his hands: "what's the matter?"

Qin Tian took out a small box with a smile and said in a low voice: "I bought some things in the antique market today, and I want to give them to Zhang Xiaoxiao, because she will go back after a while."

Li Xinran understood that Zhang Xiaoxiao should be grateful for helping them. She could also feel Zhang Xiaoxiao's meaning to Qin Tian. She also believed that Qin Tian could deal with the woman beside Qin Tian regardless of Li Xinran.

After dinner, Li Xinran went back with Qin Tian. After arriving at home, Qin Tian took out the little gourd, and Li Xinran was stunned, "what is this? Did you get it at the antique market

Qin Tian nodded, "it was found in the antique market of magic capital, which is called Tongtian gourd."

Then he took the jade tortoise out of his gourd. Li Xinran was shocked. Where did this come from? Qin Tian, like a juggler, took this thing out. She couldn't help being surprised.

"You went to the antique market and bought a turtle back. You're not kidding?"

Qin Tian laughed, "don't underestimate this little gourd. It can absorb space. It instructed me to buy this turtle. I have to see what it is?"

Qin Tian put the jade tortoise in front of his eyes. Although there was no Zodiac jade, the texture of the tortoise was not bad. It was worth buying back 500000 yuan.

Qin Tian didn't see anything when he looked around. He doubted that he had lost his eyes, but he should not. He could have looked away, but xiaohulu would never!

Qin Tian thought about it for a while, and Li Xinran excused herself to eat. Li Xinran went downstairs with her wallet.

Seeing her go, Qin Tian cut off his fingers and dropped a drop of blood on the little tortoise. The little tortoise sucked in at once.

Then Qin Tian felt that there was a flower in front of him, and there was a light on the back of the little turtle. Qin Tian quickly opened his eyes and saw a few lines of words in the light in front of him. He read it in silence. It turned out that it was the cultivation of legal mind.

He quickly recited it, thought about it, or take time to ask the old man.

This little tortoise is a good thing. I don't know the difference between the mental method of this practice and the skill that he is practicing now.

While Li Xinran has not come back, Qin Tian decides to try first.

According to this mental method, he started his luck, and the two breath diffused at the same time, forming a huge whirlpool on his head.

No one saw it at home, but soon the breath made Li Xiaoshuang jump. Xiaoshuang, guidou and Qixia immediately came out of the jade pendant and absorbed the breath greedily.

Qin Tian also felt their changes, which inevitably accelerated the operation cycle.

After two cycles, he stopped and he felt a little different.

Qin Tian looked at his hand and then at his eyes. He found that his eyesight was more accurate, and the blood flow on his arm could be seen. He was surprised to find that he had made a breakthrough.

Beside Li Xiaoshuang and others also advanced, Qin Tian couldn't help but stay, ecstatic. He didn't expect that it was just a mental method, which could make him break through. It was a waste of effort to break through before the breakthrough was still in the face of Wanheshan.

It's so easy now.

Qin Tian quickly took the jade and observed it carefully. Just now, when he was practicing martial arts, his mind skill disappeared. Now he can only feel the warmth in his hand. This is still a warm jade!

This thing should be a very powerful magic weapon. It should be put away quickly, so as not to be missed.

At this time, Li Xinran came back. She brought something in and saw Qin Tian standing in the living room, smiling and saying, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing. My wife is hungry."

Qin Tian rushed to help her carry the bag, saw Li Xinran bought a lot of food, so sajiao began to eat.

Li Xinran couldn't help laughing, "you were hungry just after dinner?"

"I don't think their food is as good as your wife's

Qin Tian's words let Li Xinran smile, touch his head, "well, I'm going to do it for you."

After eating, Qin Tian lies contentedly on the sofa, and Li Xinran leans by his side.

"Zhang Xiaoxiao will go back in a few days, and we will give her a farewell dinner."

Li Xinran nodded and agreed, "I think so too. I think she is a good woman and I don't know which man can accept her in the future."

"I don't know whether to accept it or not. I just want to thank her for helping my club."

In fact, Qin Tian felt guilty about Zhang Xiaoxiao. Originally, they were just having a one night stand, but they didn't expect Zhang Xiaoxiao to help him in the clubhouse and be drunk by Liu Xing.This makes Qin Tian feel that it's time to be restrained. Zhang Xiaoxiao is too affectionate to him. Qin Tian wants to cut off her love on the one hand, and on the other hand, he thinks it is too cruel for her to do so. However, Li Xinran knows that Zhang Xiaoxiao, a woman who values love and righteousness, will not give up easily.

Just when Qin Tian decides to give her farewell, Zhang Xiaoxiao comes to the door.

This time, I didn't go home, but went to the hospital. I think I know from Huang Shuying, right? Qin Tian has nothing to do now. He sits in the hospital. Many people come to see him. But he doesn't think it's Zhang Xiaoxiao.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoxiao sitting in front of him, Qin Tian was surprised, "what's the matter with you? I haven't seen you for a day. It's just like this. "

"I can't sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, you are all over my eyes! Qin Tian, I want to forget you. Do you know if there is anything in the world? It will make me forget you

Zhang Xiaoxiao's words made Qin Tian sweat. He took out the jade bracelet prepared for Zhang Xiaoxiao and handed it to him.

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked stunned, "what is this?"

"I gave it to you."

"Why do you give me something? You don't like me

Zhang Xiaoxiao doesn't accept it. Qin Tian laughs, "Xiaoxiao, in fact, I like you. I admire your justice and your forthright. But I'm sorry that I didn't meet you earlier, and I can't be sorry for Xinran, so I'll give it to you as a souvenir

Zhang Xiaoxiao looked at it and found that the jade bracelet was indeed superior in essence and was comparable to the one in her hand. She also knew that Qin Tian was sincere, but it was too late for her to meet Qin Tian.

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