But now Qin Tian has said this, Zhang Xiaoxiao of course knows what he means. She does not hesitate to take the jade bracelet with a bitter smile, "it seems that I still lost Zhang Xiaoxiao."

"No, you didn't lose, you deserve better men to you. I am not worthy of you

"Well, don't say it, Qin Tian. I'm leaving today. I hope you and Li Xinran can live forever. I also hope that there will always be a place in your heart for me. "

Without waiting for Qin Tian to speak, Zhang Xiaoxiao got up and left. Qin Tiantian was stunned in situ and didn't know how to say it. Just about to stop her, Zhang Xiaoxiao had already left. Today, she sighed and saw that she had broken a woman's heart.

He reached out and slapped himself hard. How could he be like this? If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have been like this.

After Zhang Xiaoxiao went out, she was watched by Liu Xing's people. Before she got to the hotel, she was forcibly abducted into the car.

Qin Tian didn't know that. When Zheng Huilai told him, Qin Tian was stunned.

Qin Tian heard Zheng Hui's words on the phone and got angry, "what did you say?"

"God, I won't lie to you! I was told by my subordinates. They said that they wanted to take Miss Zhang away and make him look good. It was because you helped her out that day and Liu Xing got into the hospital with alcoholism!

God, you should go and have a look now. I'm afraid miss Zhang will be attacked by them later. "

Qin Tian of course to go out, "do you know the address?"

"Now I don't know. I'm still inquiring, but I know the addresses of the clubs that Liu Xing often plays. I'll send them to you immediately."

Hang up the phone, Zheng Hui's text message came over. Qin Tian looked at it, and it was not as good as the other people after the notice. He could only let Jiaocheng take someone to look for it.

After a while, Jiao Cheng's phone call came, "God, I found it. Those bastards took Miss Zhang to Haotian club. I've sent you the address, and we're on our way. "

Qin Tian heard that after the voice was fierce, "after entering directly rushed in to me."

"I see. God, don't worry about it."

Needless to say, focal range knows how to do it.

"And block the information from the police. Otherwise, we can't afford it. "

The first floor of Jiaocheng should go down.

Hang up the phone, Qin Tian rushes to Haotian club. He also knows that there are several clubs of his own, but like Haotian, Haotian was built later. Subordinate to other owners, he does not know who, but whether from the decoration style, or from the service level, are like his club.

Qin Tian didn't know whether he was lucky or not. He thought it was very good to let his club become the model of other clubs. But now it seems that Liu Xing's territory may be.

I didn't expect that Liu Xing had been staring at himself for a long time. Now Zhang Xiaoxiao was arrested by them. Although Zhang Xiaoxiao had a love affair with himself, he also decided to cut off this love, but he could not let Zhang Xiaoxiao suffer because of himself.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao was caught by Liu Xing's people, and he wanted to save her anyway. Otherwise Qin Tian will regret all his life.

Seeing the person in front of her, even if she Zhang xiaozongfengyue for many years, she was also scared.

Liu Xing found more than a dozen strong men. They saw that Zhang Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of greed, especially Zhang Xiaoxiao was still born well. They all laughed grimly and wanted to jump on them. Zhang Xiaoxiao picked up the wine glass in front of him and banged it to pieces. Then he put the broken glass fragments against his throat.

Liu Xing opened the lighter and lit a cigarette. He disdained to say, "how do you still want to install a chaste heroine?"

"Pooh!" Zhang Xiaoxiao spat at him fiercely, "Liu Xing, don't you forget whose territory this is? In Songshan City, if you dare to offend Qin Tian, you will die! " Zhang Xiaoxiao's words, let Liu Xing disdain, "I've provoked that, so what, I'd like to see what he has today, dare to smash my territory, you know, it's time to clean up the black and evil, he should dare to move, gather so many people to deal with me, the top will never let him go."

"You know it won't let him go, but can it let you go? Liu Xing, let's not talk about that piece of land for the time being, but say that you are entangled with so many people to deal with me. When things get out, the club can't be saved. You, Liu Xing, will try every means to make you go to prison. No, it's not prison. "

Zhang Xiaoxiao thinks about it for a while, and Liu Xing smiles," there are not many people who can make me go to prison, and he doesn't have the ability to find it Come here to save you, you Liu ask for more happiness

"I said, not in prison, he will use his own way to make you worse than death."

Zhang Xiaoxiao thought of Chen Hong. Qin Tian was paralyzed by a few needles. The people in front of him paralyzed him. It was too cheap for him.

Zhang small voice just fell, Liu Xing mercilessly twisted the cigarette end on the tea table, came to grab her hair, raised his hand and gave her a slap.

Zhang Xiaoxiao was stumbling, and the glass fragments in her hand did not know where to slide. Liu Xing looked at her contemptuously, "Stinky bitch, who do I think you are?I'm not a whore in the devil. Now I'm here to pretend that I'm a virgin. Today, I'll let them have a taste of what it's like to be a lady in your magic capital, brothers! Even if you play, it's mine to play. I'll see how good you are

As soon as the words fell, the more than ten people came up. Zhang Xiaoxiao kept screaming, and did not know where the courage came from. He knocked his shoes into their heads as weapons.

However, the two fists were difficult to defeat with four hands, and they soon tore up their clothes. When Zhang Xiaoxiao wanted to fight them madly, there was a bang at the door, and a little brother rushed in recklessly.

"Big brother and big brother are not good. There are people outside who smash the field. When they see our people, they hit them and hurt several of our customers."

"Who on earth is so short of eyes?"

Liu Xing turns his head and looks angry. His voice just falls. Jiao Cheng rushes in with people, and then Qin Tian comes in.

"I'm not long eyed, Liu Xing. We meet again."

Qin Tian's voice came, Liu Xing saw the three or four people pouring in. First, they were stunned, and then they laughed, "do you want to deal with me? Do you want to die? "

Qin Tian walked over and saw that Zhang Xiaoyi was not in good shape. He raised a finger at those strong men and shook it. "Bullying a woman is not a skill. If you have the ability, come to me and fight with me."

The several people looked at each other, saw Liu Xingchong, they made a wink, and they rushed over.

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