Qin Tianfei kicked one of them. After a while, he was lying on the ground. All of them were miserable.

Liu Xing was stunned. Qin Tian took off his coat and went to Zhang Xiaoxiao's side. He wrapped her whole person in it and comforted him in a soft voice: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

For the first time, Zhang Xiaoxiao was treated with such gentleness, "Qin Tian, it seems to teach this grandson a lesson."

Qin Tian turned his head and took a glance at Liu Xing. Liu Xing was trembling at the sight of Liu Xing. Then he called out, "you dare to mess around. This is my field. Come on!"

After a while, more than 20 people came in. The small box was obviously not enough. When Jiao Cheng's people saw the situation, they took out their sticks and hit them. The scene was chaotic and Liu Xing took advantage of it.

But Qin Tian knew that he was not far away. The door had been sealed by all the people in Jiaocheng. No one was allowed to approach.

All the guests lined up to walk through the back door. If they dare to say a word, they will be overwhelmed. Under Qin Tian's deterrence, the people who go out do not dare to say, and the people inside have no time to call the police.

And Liu Xing, also don't know which compartment to rush to.

Monkey they heard the sound came, first control the monitoring room, saw Liu Xing here, immediately sent the address to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian smile, eyes flash a shrewd, "I see where you can hide?"

He hugged Zhang Xiaoxiao and came to one of the private rooms, lifted his foot and kicked the door open. "Come out, grandson tortoise, I'd like to see how you play with me today?"

In the corner, under the tea table, there is a shivering person. Who is not Liu Xing?

When Qin Tian walked by, Liu Xing had already shed tears. At the moment when he saw Qin Tian, he couldn't stop trembling: "what do you want to do? This is my territory. If you dare to move me... "

"Up to now, it's your territory. Liu Xing, tell you, after today, this place will be changed. I will not let you suffer a loss if I do what I say. You can rest assured. "

Although Qin Tian said that he would not suffer losses, but Liu knew that he was making irony.

Liu Xing looked up at Qin Tian and said, "you, you..." Words did not fall, was Qin Tian a big mouth out, directly hit his face, immediately his mouth felt a burst of fishy heat, and then spit out a tooth.

Looking at that tooth, Liu Xing kept shaking. He felt that half of his face was numb, and his ears were buzzing. Qin Tian saw him sneering and said, "those who dare to move me will let you taste the taste of being beaten!

Today, I'm going to break every bone in your body so that you can't get up for the rest of your life. "

Hearing this, Liu Xing looked up at him and warned him, "dare you, when the police come, you can't run away. I've already called the police."

"Yes! Monkey, take all surveillance out of here. "

Qin Tian looked up at the camera in the box and called, monkey received the message, destroyed all the monitoring equipment.

Qin Tian then raised his fist, fist to meat, Zhang Xiaoxiao can not help frowning, Liu Xing has no time to shout, only feel the body click, pain he rolled white eyes fainted.

After Qin Tian hit, he kicked him hard and kicked Liu Xing to the door directly. Then he took Zhang Xiaoxiao away.

Before leaving, all the people put their things away to ensure that there was no sign of them in the monitoring equipment, so they left the front door carelessly.

After going back, Qin Tian goes directly to the medical center and asks monkey and Jiao Cheng to clean up their work. The work that should be done and the work that should be done should be done. He will examine Zhang Xiaoxiao's wound.

Still tall Zhang small, did not get what substantial harm, be on the face is swollen badly. Qin Tian smeared the ointment on her face, which soon disappeared, but the palm print still remained on her face.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoxiao's appearance, Qin Tian finds clothes to change for Zhang Xiaoxiao. After all of them are cleaned up, Zhang Xiaoxiao sits in the hospital and drinks tea face to face with him. Qin Tian feels guilty.

"I'm sorry. You've been wronged by my thoughtlessness."

Zhang Xiaoyan shook his head: "no, it's my own bad. If it's not for me to be strong, I won't hurt you to come and save me. What if they are found by their people or by the police? "

At this time, Zhang Xiaoxiao is still worried about Qin Tian, which makes Qin Tian more guilty.

"It's OK. It doesn't matter if you find it. It's OK to go in and pay for it. It's nothing."

Qin Tian comforts her that it is not a day or two for him to fight, and Ding Hanxue is also in it. He should be lenient when he knows what happened. However, what he didn't think of was that the incident did not alarm the police, whether Liu Xing was afraid of his revenge, or whether his secrecy work was too good.

In a word, Qin Xing didn't go to the hospital to see the name of Liu Xingya, but he didn't go to the hospital.

After knowing this, Qin Tian felt a little surprised. Later, Zheng Hui said that Liu Xing was afraid of revenge. More importantly, Liu Xing wanted to make a comeback, so he didn't disturb the police.Qin Tian doesn't think so. Anyway, it's over. If Liu Xing still wants to make a mess, he doesn't mind letting Liu Xing lie down completely.

After this time, Liu Xing's whole body bone was broken, and he was lying in the hospital for half a year before he came out, which is also the later words.

In short, after Zhang Xiaoshi, Qin Tian really had a quiet time, and Zheng Hui became his subordinate.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoxiao off, Qin Tian was relieved. After this incident, he felt guilty to Zhang Xiaoxiao, and knew that he and Zhang Xiaoxiao could not give up. Zhang Xiaoxiao also knew that Qin Tian's intention was not too difficult for him. After he left, he also sent special products of magic capital. Qin Tian knew that Zhang Xiaoxiao wanted to maintain this relationship, and he often had contact with Li Xinran. He also knew that Li Xinran's temper would not hinder him and the opposite sex Met, but Qin Tian restrained himself and didn't reply Zhang Xiaoxiao.

After Zhang Xiaoxiao sent several times, he didn't send back Qin Tian.

In his impression, his small home is good, other things do not have to worry about, in order to avoid extraneous.

Li Xinran probably guessed Qin Tian's mind and didn't say much, but the relationship between them will be better in the future.

Qin Tian put all his mind on the medical school and practicing martial arts. He began to practice according to the mental method on the jade every day, and his kung fu went further. He thought that he had not been to the master for some time. It was time to go and have a look.

And before he went to the antique market, he didn't see the little girl watching the stall. He almost forgot the little girl named Huang Lei. Her grandfather should also be an expert.

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