"How can you say that, my God, I came to ask you for help. I have a friend. The old man in my family is not very comfortable. I want you to go and have a look."

"Which family can invite you to come and beg me?"

"Hi! Tiange, that's a friend of mine and a customer of our company. Recently, we were talking about a business, and it was almost finished. Suddenly, he was called away by a phone call. When he came back, he looked gloomy. He told me that he was afraid that the business could not be done. I asked a lot of questions. As a result, he knew that his father was ill. Now he was in the hospital for rescue. His life was recovered. However, the disease was always bad and would be repeated.

You say you are worried about it. This business is so delayed. He said that he is not in the mood recently. Think about it. If it takes a long time, what can we do about it? There are hundreds of millions of dollars in my business. I don't want to miss it in vain, so I asked Tiange to help me

As soon as Gu Yiming said this, Qin Tian understood. It was estimated that it was a complicated disease. But why didn't he hear from his father-in-law?

"Where is it? Is it a municipal hospital? "

"It's not a municipal hospital, it's a private hospital. It's said that the municipal hospital is helpless, so it's transferred. Now they are transferred to this private hospital for maintenance of medication, and they may get sick at any time, so they are worried.

God, you can help me, cure him, we can also make money, No. And you have an extra medical bill. "

Gu Yiming's abacus is good. He thinks everything for him. Qin Tian laughs, "OK, I'll show you, but I've said in advance. I don't know if it can be cured. It depends on the specific situation."

Gu Yiming fully agreed, "brother God, you know, we do business must pay attention to a fate, I met him like a friend, that's why I asked you to help, if the ordinary people, I don't care about this job."

This is also said, Qin Tian thought or nodded to agree, followed Gu Yiming out.

Gu Yiming introduced on the way, "this client is called Huang Yiqing. He is in his thirties. He is a filial son. His father has been ill for some time. Huang Yiqing didn't take it seriously in the first place because he didn't have any symptoms. Later, when he got sick, he knew that things were not good. When he was sent to the hospital, he couldn't find out the disease."

Qin Tian frowned, "what is the situation? It should be a big problem if modern medicine can't find fault. "

Qin Tian guessed it right. Gu Yiming continued: "in fact, it's the heart disease. The old man is very angry and irritable. He starts to get angry at all. This myocardial infarction has been a problem for many years, but he can't do it if he wants to have an operation. I don't know what kind of vascular problem it is. Instead, he is resting in the hospital now, and he can't meet so many people.

When he saw many people, he was worried. When he was worried, he became excited. His illness was not good again and again. So Huang Yiqing was worried. I heard that his company employees did not dare to speak loudly these two days. I was really unlucky. I finally talked to me about it. I had to sign a contract, but I was delayed because of this. Can I not worry? So I asked Tiange to give it a try

Qin Tian understands that Gu Yiming wants to promote business by himself, but whether Huang Yiqing believes in himself or not is still a problem.

According to what he said, the old man had a strange temper, and whether he would like to be treated by himself is also a question, but wait till we know.

Qin Tian follows Gu Yiming to the private hospital, which is also famous in Songshan.

The boss of the private hospital is still a doctor returning home. He has great skills. All the doctors invited are the best in the major hospitals. However, he is helpless in the face of the old man's condition, and he dare not go to the operation at will. He is afraid that he will not be able to get down to the operating table. When that happens, it will be bad to annoy Huang Yiqing?

Huang Yiqing is the name Qin Tian has heard of, is the chairman of Yiqing group.

Money is money, and his temper is really strange. I'm afraid the old man's temper is the same as that of him.

After waiting for the place, Qin Tiancai found that the old man's door had been surrounded by a lot of people. There was a constant roar from inside. Gu Yiming covered his forehead and said, "listen. He started to scold again. It is estimated that he saw more doctors, so he scolded him. However, he had to have expert consultation for this disease. It was impossible without so many doctors. However, he always got angry every time he went round. The disease was always bad, and the worse his mood was, he formed a vicious circle. "

Qin Tian understood that people will always be like this when they are old, but it's not easy to deal with so many people here.

So he whispered a few words to Gu Yiming. Gu Yiming widened his eyes, "it's not big, OK?"

"Why not? How can I know what's going on with him if I don't have a close look?

As you know, he has seen all these doctors in white coats, but I have never seen them. So he put me in a ward and I can have a good communication with the old man. "

Gu Yiming thought: "I have to ask Huang Yiqing about this. If he doesn't agree, I won't worry about it."

Qin Tian nodded and agreed. After all, it was someone else's business. He just put forward suggestions, and it was their business to answer.Gu Yiming thinks about it for a moment. When he enters the ward, he sees Huang Yiqing pull him out and say a few words. Qin Tian doesn't say anything. He just stands at the end of the corridor, his hands in his pockets and looks out of the window. From time to time, there comes the old man's roar and angry and abusive voice. Qin Tian sneers in his heart. He is sick, but he still looks like this. Does he really think his life is long?

After a while, Gu Yiming came to him and nodded, "brother, it's already said, he has agreed. I'll wait for you to pass by. "

Qin Tian is not surprised at all. In any case, it's already like this. If they don't agree, they have no way out.

After a while, the doctors in the white coats in the surrounding wards had been evacuated.

Soon another bed was added to the ward. The old man was a little strange and asked Huang Yiqing, "what's going on here?"

Huang Yiqing quickly explained, "the ward in the hospital is tense, so you add another bed to the ward." The old man snapped at the railing of the hospital bed, "I'm a VIP and I want to add a bed. Is there a mistake? What's going on in their hospital? I'll tell you. It's not good for you to change this hospital. You won't listen! "

Just at this time, Qin Tian came in in wearing the patient's uniform. He saw that the old man Huang was full of vigor, but his face was a little blue and black. If he was not ill, he had reached the limit. It would be two days.

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