Then you said: "don't be angry. If you get angry too much, you will have to save your life. If you are not careful, I will become a single room."

"It's none of your business!" Mr. Huang cursed when he opened his mouth. Qin Tian just laughed and touched his nose and said, "it's none of my business. But in the future, we will live in the same ward, and there is no other ward in this hospital.

You have to live if you don't want to. If you don't want to see me, he can move out. "

"Why should I move out? Do you understand me

"I don't understand. I knew that Laozi had money to live here."

Qin Tian is unconventional and tough with him. He is always treated respectfully and respectfully in the ward. Suddenly, he meets a young young man who dares to talk to him like this. Huang can't help but be stunned. Then he snorts and stops talking. Huang Yiqing takes a look at Qin Tian. He doesn't expect that he can cure him with a few words.

So he secretly laughed and privately made a gesture of "OK" to Qin Tian. Qin Tian didn't speak, but he just slept on the bed. The old man pulled up the curtain between them.

Qin Tian didn't care, just opened the mobile phone to watch the video.

Huang Yi retreats and goes out. It depends on how the two of them are in here. However, he is still worried. Quietly asked Gu Yiming: "is it OK? I don't think your friend will make the old man of our family pout in the past?"

Gu Yiming clapped his chest and said, "it's OK. You can rest assured. My brother has treated so many people, and it will be OK. Do you know Dai Zhongtian? The son of their family was cured by my heavenly brother. There is nothing to worry about here. The so-called "suit the remedy to the case".

Tiange did this just to calm down the old man as much as possible. You can see, after a while, you won't yell! "

Huang Yiqing thought about it. Sure enough, the famous doctors have some strange temperaments. They talk differently. They don't like it, but they are on their father's appetite.

Now the old man doesn't care about it. He just didn't expect that Qin Tian's video was loud and aroused his anger. After a while, he couldn't stand it and began to curse people.

"I said, do you have a little bit of public morality, this is a public ward, can you turn down the voice of your mobile phone, so that no one can rest!"

As soon as the voice dropped, I heard a Shua and the curtain opened.

Qin Tian said with a smile, "if you don't talk to me, I just watch my cell phone to relieve my boredom. It's natural to relax when I'm in hospital. Why should I be so angry? I'm so old!"

The old man snorted coldly and stopped talking. Qin Tian leaned forward to sit beside his bed. The old man snorted and patted Qin Tian's legs. Qin Tian didn't move aside. He just leaned on his bed and asked, "I think you are full of middle spirit. When you scold people, you have such a strong morale. How can you be hospitalized? What's wrong with you?"

"I want you to care. I have money. Would you like to come in and experience the feeling of hospitalization?"

"Yes! Like me, I also want to experience the situation of this private hospital. In fact, I didn't want to see anything and let him serve me


The old man turned his head and looked at him. Qin Tian deliberately asked, "don't you know? The medical staff in private hospitals are well paid and usually have nothing to do. They usually come here for the aged.

The longer you stay here, the happier they will be. So I'll try it out and see what the service is like here? Now it looks really good. Look at the surrounding environment, how good each one is. "

Qin Tian quietly took the old man's hand and gave him a pulse while he was introducing him. The old man didn't care. Qin Tian was silent for a moment, and then he said, "who needs them to serve, I don't want to live, but my son has to let me live."

"Your son is filial. Let's experience it. You should know that every ward is different. Our ward has air conditioning, washing machine, and cooking space. If you go down, there is nothing in the ward on that floor. Except for a bed and a bathroom, there is no one to wait on, let alone watch TV.

Turn on the air conditioner with the consent of the nurse.

Did you go to the city hospital? The ward there is worse than this. "

Qin Tian said everything about every hospital. The old man was interested. He sat cross legged on the bed and asked, "can you tell me if this private hospital can cure my illness? I'm not here to experience life. I'm here for treatment. They all say that I have a problem."

The old man pointed to the position of his heart and asked. Qin Tian took a look, reached out his wrist and carefully gave him a pulse. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "the problem is not big, but they dare not operate on you, but you meet me. That's your luck."

Old man Huang turned his head and looked at him and threw him away. "I knew you were not a good man. You were also a doctor."

Just when Qin Tian gave him pulse, he knew Qin Tian was a doctor. Qin Tian shook his head. "I'm a Chinese medicine doctor, but I'm not in this hospital. I'm here to have a physical examination. Don't get me wrong. It's very expensive for me to see a doctor. I'm lucky to meet you today. I just give you a pulse. It doesn't mean I'll treat you. Don't think about it. I'll consider it if you ask me, but I'll make an appointment. "Qin Tian said this deliberately, turned back to his bed and leaned down to see the mobile phone.

The old man didn't think he would look like this. He thought he was a doctor. He wanted to approach himself. But he didn't think Qin Tian gave him the pulse, so he didn't say it. He was still leaning on the bed. It makes him feel strange.

"Tell me what you can do with Chinese medicine. Tell me what patients you have cured."

Qin Tian knew that the old man was still very sorry for his life, so he smiled and said, "you want to inquire about me, right? To inquire about the wife of director dingjianguo. Cancer is my treatment. Dai Zhongtian's son is my treatment. You go to the municipal hospital to inquire about Qin Tian, and you will know. I have treated a lot of people, and the fees are very expensive. Generally, I will not treat him. Old man, I just remind you that your illness is not well treated here. Discharge early and enjoy life with good food. "

Qin Tian said this deliberately, the old man's face is yellow, did not expect Qin Tian so bold son unexpectedly curse himself to die! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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