Mr. Huang's face sank, "what do you mean? Curse my old man to death

Qin Tian quickly shook his head, "uncle, don't get me wrong. I just want to tell you that you can't cure this disease in this hospital. If you want to find someone else to treat it, you can leave the hospital as soon as possible. Otherwise, it's not good to delay!

If I have not guessed wrong, do you feel depressed all over now, and the gas is blocked in the chest and can't come out. Sometimes you will feel some pain. And your heart is always tingling, isn't it? If you are angry, the tingling will increase, but if you are calm, it will be slightly reduced, but it can not be completely eliminated

Listen to him, although Huang is not willing to admit, but his body feel know. Qin Tian was right.

Silence for a long time, the old man nodded, Qin Tian said with a smile: "uncle, listen to my advice, hurry up, if you want to transfer to another hospital, you will have to be reimbursed here later."

He refused to be treated. In fact, it was the same everywhere. But hearing Qin Tian say so, Huang Laozi was not happy.

"Don't scare me, the doctors say that, but every time I don't get through it."

"That's because you've been taking medicine to maintain it, and now it doesn't work for you. If I'm not wrong, you've found symptoms since last month, but you don't want to trouble your family, so you haven't said it until recently. But those doctors can't cure your disease, so you don't feel anxious, right? "

Qin Tian said all his symptoms, including the time of his onset.

Huang began to feel surprised. Then he thought that his body was the most clear. Qin Tian must have listened to others.

If it wasn't for this, how could he be so clear?

However, he was right. He called Huang Yiqing over temporarily. As a result, they did not negotiate the contract, so they put down their work to see him.

Now he is transferred to this private hospital. At the beginning, he came here because the municipal hospital could not accept it.

Now hear Qin Tian say so, although Huang Laozi's face is not happy, but in the heart actually knew Qin Tian said all right.

He lay down with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He didn't speak for a long time. Qin Tian thought he was asleep. The old man suddenly said, "is my life really going to be reimbursed?"

"Uncle, I didn't mean to change to another hospital as soon as possible. If you don't believe these doctors, it's boring to live in."

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I don't think they understand anything. My old man is not the kind of man who is afraid of his illness. If you don't understand and pretend to understand, you will spend money recklessly if you can't tell the cause of the disease. I don't agree to that. "

Because of this, Qin Tian understood that although Huang Yiqing was rich, the old man, like most old people, was reluctant to pay his son to pay for his treatment. Especially after the examination results were all out, the doctor still could not identify the exact disease. He would only ask for an operation and an operation to solve the problem.

So the old man didn't think it was so good, so he was so angry with the medical staff that he found the crux of the problem. If he wanted to solve it, it would not be a problem.

So Qin Tian said happily, "if you believe me, let me cure it for you."

"You? What can you do? I see. You're with them! "

The old man was angry again. Seeing that Qin Tian was sitting on the bed with his hands and legs crossed, he said with a smile, "I'm not with them. Do you know Gu Yiming? He and your son are working together. Gu Yiming and I are partners. Frankly speaking, I want to please you. If it is cured, Mr. Huang will sign a contract with our company. "

Qin Tian is direct, when facing Huang Laozi, he does not conceal his purpose at all.

Mr. Huang looked at him and said in a deep voice, "you're not afraid that I'll tell my son that he won't sign with you."

Qin Tian shook his head, "you won't. You never interfere in business affairs. Of course, Mr. Huang is obedient, but he is a businessman. He can put down hundreds of millions of projects and stay with you. You are lucky, of course, and won't let him suffer heavy losses. "

Mr. Huang finally showed a smile, "you know, I really won't interfere in his business affairs. But at one point, no one can stop me! "

"Of course, we don't have to stop you. It's important for your health. You think I saw it when I checked your pulse just now. If it's cured or not, you can decide for yourself. I won't say another word. "

Qin Tian turns around, lies on the bed, pulls up the curtain, no longer talks. In the next bed, Mr. Huang stopped talking. After about half an hour, he heard the rustling sound coming from the next bed. He turned his head and saw that the old man went down and walked out of the ward. Qin Tian sat up and didn't know what he was going to do.

But on second thought, this is the hospital, he should be OK, so he was relieved.The old man actually did not go far, just went out to find Huang Yiqing, although Huang Yiqing let Qin Tian live in, but he also dare not walk far, has been in the corridor.

At this moment, when he saw the old man come out, he quickly met him. Huang Yiqing knew that he must have understood everything. So he explained quickly. The old man put his hand at his hand and didn't want to listen to his explanation. He just said: "let the light man try that year, live and die, and live and live. If he doesn't cure it well, I will live and die. If he doesn't cure him well, I will be rich and prosperous this time And it's dead. "

Huang Yiqing was shocked and then he showed a happy face.

Since his father agreed to cure the disease, he certainly agreed to go in and contact Qin Tian immediately. Qin Tian also said that the disease requires the cooperation of surgeons.

This side with silver needle to cooperate with treatment can.

Because it is in a private hospital, Qin Tian wants to let the old man open the knife and let him see the heart problem. In fact, he can see it without opening the knife. However, he can still make surgery reassured to ensure that he can get the medicine out.

Huang Yiqing agreed, the old man also agreed, although some of the pinching, but also know Qin Tian will not cheat him.

But on the day he arrived in the operating room, the old man was afraid, holding Qin Tian's hand tightly. Qin Tian patted him and knew that he was nervous. Huang lived so big that he had never entered the operating room. Now, it is normal to fear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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