After hearing this, the Dean nodded, "Mr. Qin said yes, but I still hope Mr. Qin can..."

Qin Tian raised his hand and interrupted him,

"the doctor is benevolent, but I can be frank about the conditions you mentioned. I don't have this idea. My hospital is in the urban area, but if you have any difficult and complicated patients in your hospital, you can send them to me."

With Qin Tian's words, the president was relieved. Originally, their private hospitals charged high fees. Although the cure rate was high, there were still some problems that could not be solved. In the end, they had to be complained by patients, and it was very difficult for them to deal with them.

Now with Qin Tian, he certainly knows that Qin Tian has a purpose. Money is not a problem. Anything can be discussed as long as there is a win-win situation.

While Qin Tian is still in the dean's favor.

It's not that Qin Tian is too greedy. It's just that his reputation has been spread out in the municipal hospital and outside. The price of medical expenses is very high for Qin Tian to come forward to rescue people. Now, the president of the hospital is very happy to let Qin Tian loose his mouth and take the initiative to rescue people in private hospitals.

What's more, Huang Yiqing also paid for the medical expenses this time. Their hospital has made a reputation and made publicity. Why not?

Twenty minutes later, Gu Yiming arrives. Huang Yiqing happily signs the contract after seeing Gu Yiming. Both sides win. Qin Tian looks at the number in the contract and decides that there are many billions that can be distributed to him. He did not expect that there will be more in his account after this time.

Thinking about Qin Tian, he felt that the time was almost over, and he had to rush back to the hospital for pharmacy. So he nodded at them and went back with Gu Yiming.

On the way, Gu Yiming was also excited. "Brother Tian, I knew you could. Today, I really should come and see it with my own eyes and broaden my horizons."

Qin Tian laughed, "what's good about this?"

Gu Yiming raised his eyebrows. "That's not the same. I just heard about it before. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. They all say you're God. I also want to see what it looks like when you save people, brother Tian? It must be very handsome. "

Qin Tian said with a smile, "it's hard to be careless in treating patients. If I want to be handsome, I won't choose this road.

Yiming, do your business well. You are a talented person. "

Gu Yiming naturally understood and said, "brother Tian, you can rest assured that the monthly profit will definitely hit your card on time and won't let you suffer losses. There is also sister-in-law there, you help me to say, if that cream is used up, I personally deliver to the home, do not let the sky elder brother you bother to run errands much.

Qin Tian laughs. Gu Yiming is still at ease when he talks about things. After separating from Gu Yiming, Qin Tian returns to the medical center and makes a phone call to Li Zheng for a while. He learns that everything is normal on the wharf side of Shanghai sea area, and can cooperate with him very well. Qin Tian is relieved. At this speed, his brothers will soon be able to work in various legitimate industries.

The road of washing white is long. Although it is not easy to do, Qin Tian still wants to continue. Now he is waiting for the construction site to start.

After the factory building is completed, there are brothers who can go to work again. Qin Tian broke his heart for these brothers, but he never knew what he had done was always in the eyes of Ding Hanxue.

Ding Hanxue thinks Qin Tian should not be too handsome. In the past, the underground forces were a thorn in the heart of the police, but now there is Qin Tian. After he takes over, he arranges all these people properly, which can be regarded as a method.

In fact, Ding Hanxue admires Qin Tian very much. However, she is too busy during this period. She has no time to meet Qin Tian. Now she stops and hears that Qin Tian has saved people in a private hospital.

Ding Hanxue thinks it's time to meet Qin Tian and talk about the latest situation. Besides, Qin Tian doesn't owe her several meals. Now it's time to pay back the money.

Receiving Ding Hanxue's phone call, Qin Tian is a bit surprised, but for a second, he and she have not met for a long time. Now it's OK to meet again for an interview.

In addition, although the police did not find trouble with Liu Xing, it was impossible for the police not to have a criminal record. I don't know whether Ding Hanxue is operating behind the scenes. Anyway, Qin Tian thinks it's time to meet her and have a detailed talk with her.

So about the time and place, Ding Hanxue did not expect Qin Tian so happy to agree, the original happy mood is more cheerful.

Ding Jianguo saw in the eyes, did not forget to remind her: "snow pay attention to discretion."

"I see. You can rest assured."

Ding Jianguo went back to work directly after he was discharged from hospital. In fact, his family didn't want him to come back to work here. After all, he hurt his head and he might have to rest for a long time.

However, Ding Jianguo is concerned about his work, so he can't come here again. Ding Hanxue usually reminds his father not to be too busy in the unit. Therefore, Ding Hanxue is very busy during this period.

But you can't delay seeing Qin Tian.

After waiting for the place, Qin Tian sees Ding Hanxue at a glance. She is already sitting in her seat and waiting. Qin Tian rushes over and sits opposite her, smiling at her.

Seeing this face, I don't know what's wrong with her. Ding Hanxue just feels calm in her heart."I haven't seen for a long time. I am so busy that I can hardly take a moment to meet you and go back later."

Qin Tian just sat down and said he was busy. He was really busy. The medical school and the practice of martial arts occupied most of his time.

"Why are you so busy? I heard that someone killed four sides in the club. Why should I worry about your club now? "

Ding Han snow fun him, heard Dinghan Snow said so, Qin Tian understood, originally was she really help.

But now that the matter has been resolved, Qin Tian doesn't know how to thank her.

"You helped me in that way?"

Ding Han Xue glanced at him and was very proud. "Of course, I heard that I rushed by. When I arrived, I found that those people had been sent to the hospital, and I knew that it must be your pen when I saw him hurt like that."

Qin Tian was stunned, "how do you know? I asked someone to delete the monitoring, Liu Xing also dare not say ah! "

"Who else can you do to break the whole body bone into this way? Did you forget that you played the last time, and the people you taught before. This is your style. Qin Tian, if I were you, you can't deal with people the next time. Otherwise, it will be watched by people. "

Ding Han snow reminds Qin Tian to be stunned. He didn't think Ding Han Xue was so careful that he could see his skills from these people. It seems that he should be careful next time. Otherwise, it will be bad if he is found!

He is not afraid of trouble, but it is seen that his technique is not very good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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