When Ding Han Xue sees his face change suddenly, he knows what he said. Qin Tian listens to it. So he patted Qin Tian's arm and comforted him and said, "don't take it to heart. I'm just saying it casually. However, where did you go during this period of time, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Tian responded, and then replied: "in fact, there is nothing. I just sit in the hospital, and the club also has something to do. So I have a lot of busy time. I owe Liu Xing a lot of things."

"No, it's a piece of cake, and he didn't say anything about you. I'm just guessing. Since he doesn't investigate, why should I bother?"

Qin Tian laughs. He knows that things are not so simple. If they go to the police once, they will not withdraw the case easily if they don't make it clear.

"Thank you anyway."

"How would you like to thank you?"

Ding Hanxue raised eyebrows at him. Qin Tian said with a smile, "please have a meal."

"I'm not creative. I eat every time, but I haven't seen you treat me."

Seeing Ding Hanxue complain, Qin Tian laughs, "so you are for this. It's easy to do. I'll treat you to eat today. I'll treat you to a meal every time I ask you something. There are so many restaurants and restaurants in Songshan city. You can choose whatever you like, and I'll promise you any price. "

Qin tianshuangkuai, Ding Hanxue was amused by his words.

"I know you're a good man, but I still hope you can have a good meal with me, and don't talk about business at the table, OK?"

This is Ding Hanxue's last plea. She also hopes that Qin Tian can have a good meal with her. Just like ordinary men and women, they don't involve those emotional things. They can chat like friends. Ding Hanxue is really depressed during this period.

Her father didn't listen to her and insisted on leaving the hospital. After returning, Ding Hanxue was worried, but there was nothing to do. She also knew that her father was a workaholic. She always did so in the unit. So now Ding Hanxue's biggest headache is Ding Jianguo's body.

Hearing Ding Hanxue say so, Qin Tian frowned and said: "his injury is not too serious. I told him to take a rest for two or three months. It is estimated that it will take a year for him to recover completely. If he has a headache recently, he must go to the hospital for general examination. After all, it is his head that is injured. Even if I use silver needle to cure him, there will still be sequelae. If it's too serious, even I can't help it. "

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Ding Hanxue is more worried, and her mood is heavy. Qin Tian also knew that her words made Ding Hanxue think too much, so he comforted her: "don't worry too much. As long as your father can pay attention to some and rest more at ordinary times, it's no problem. He's in good health."

Ding Hanxue shook his head with a bitter smile, "I know Qin Tian, you are comforting me. I know my father's body best. When he was young, he worked very hard, and his body had already suffered a lot of injuries. Now he is still unwilling to rest. As a leader, he still has to do it by himself. Sometimes, although he is in the base camp, his mental work is more terrifying. I'm really worried about the sudden death of him in a series of transfers.

Qin Tian, another day you go to my house to have a meal, have a good chat with my father, and show my father a look at it. I'm really worried about his health. "

Ding Hanxue said so, but Qin Tian agreed. After all, Ding Jianguo is good to him, and Ding Jianguo is such an honest policeman that he can't fall down like this. So Qin Tian decided to choose a better day than to hit the sun, just today.

"I'll go to your house tonight and see your father by the way."

Ding Hanxue was a little surprised, but when she heard Ding Hanxue say so, she nodded quickly, "OK, I'll call back now."

"No, I'll go to your house. I'll go with Xinran. The two of us cook by ourselves. As you know, your mother's health has just begun to recover, your father's health is not very good, and you are so busy with your work. Xinran and I will go over together and help set up a table of food for you to eat in the evening. "

Ding Hanxue's face broke down when she heard Li Xinran come. However, she immediately thought that this was someone's wife, and it was no fault for them to take the past with them, so she nodded and agreed.

In fact, she hopes Qin Tian can come alone, but he wants to take Li Xinran and he can't refuse.

So he nodded, "by the way, I heard a few days ago that your club has invited a powerful person to take part in the battle. After transformation, it seems that the business is better."

"You've heard about this. She's a friend I know in modu. She's a very powerful woman and she's very righteous. So I asked her to give some advice to my club. As a result, Liu Xing took a fancy to her.

Liu Xing and I had a bad relationship because of this woman. However, the previous land was not happy, so Liu Xing deliberately came to find fault. I had no choice but to fight back.

You know that I've never been a quiet person, but if someone moves my people, I'll never let them go. "

Ding Hanxue also knows Qin Tian's character. Generally speaking, he won't take the initiative to provoke others. It may be that he moved some people's cake, so that the person he provoked was not happy.

Now Qin Tian said that, Ding Hanxue understood that 80% of the reason was because of the land before, and the man moved Qin Tian's woman. That's why.She was suddenly very curious, what is the origin of this woman, actually can let Qin Tian stand out for her?

Ding Hanxue is just about to ask, but on second thought, Qin Tian is not that kind of person. He is not confused at all. If it is not because that person is too much, Qin Tian would not do so.

Thinking of this, Ding Hanxue is relieved. In any case, Li Xinran is his wife, and neither the woman nor herself has any chance.

So Ding Hanxue's mouth began to stir up,

"sometimes I really envy you. You are excellent but don't know it. So many women are attracted to you."

"Who said I didn't know it?"

Qin Tian stretched out his hand and wiped his hair twice. His face was full of complacency. "I think I'm so handsome. Walking in the street, so many little girls look at me and want to talk to me about the object. But my brother is an honest man and won't like them."

Qin Tian's words made Ding Hanxue laugh. He didn't expect him to fart so much. "Qin Tian, I really admire you. If it wasn't because we were friends, people like you walking on the street, if I had this idea in my heart, I would have slapped you up."

"My God, can you be more violent, Ding Hanxue? I am your friend, since you have such an idea. "

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