Qin Tian deliberately exaggerates his eyes and makes Ding Han Xue laugh.

"I'm joking. I thought you were the kind of man who just said that before. If I didn't know you, I would never dump you."

Qin Tian saw her smile, with obvious smile in his eyes, and knew that she was in a better mood.

Qin Tian and his wife chatted in the restaurant for a long time, and the whole noon passed. After dinner, Ding Hanxue was due to go to work, so they separated.

Qin Tian didn't break his promise. He called Li Xinran on the phone. They went to the supermarket and bought a lot of delicious food. They were ready to go to Ding Hanxue's house.

Li Xinran was still a little surprised. Hearing Qin Tian's words, she couldn't help asking, "if you said we went to Ding Hanxue's house as a guest, would her family think we were too abrupt? After all, it's the first time we've visited. "

"It doesn't matter. They are all very approachable. And I cured Ding Hanxue's mother. Their husband and wife are quite hospitable. Ding Hanxue and I are also friends, you know. Last time, Ding Hanxue helped me to deal with Liu Xing's problems. This time, we went to cook a good table for them, which was a kind of thanks. Both of them were not in good health and could not eat outside. So it's hard today. I'll give you a hand. "

With Qin Tian's words, Li Xinran felt relieved, but he still reminded Qin Tian, "are you sure the D Bureau will come back from work on time in the evening?"

Qin Tian thought for a while and said, "now there is no big case. I should not work overtime. Don't worry. I have told Ding Hanxue that she will certainly be able to drag Ding Ju back."

After two people bought vegetables, they went straight to Ding Jianguo's home. Mrs. Ding recognized him naturally and warmly welcomed them into the house.

Li Xinran looked, this is a small three bedroom, a total of 100 to Ping, did not expect a family of three living here.

The community is not a very new one. It is an old one. It is estimated that the market price is several hundred thousand. I didn't expect that Ding Ju would live here.

Li Xinran finally understood what kind of good director Qin Tian said.

She put down the bag and said, "Auntie, we are here to cook for you. We have an agreement with Ding Hanxue. When Uncle Ding comes back in the evening, we'll sit together and have a meal, just in time for Qin Tian to help Uncle Ding see how he's doing. "

Li Xinran, an aunt and uncle, was very surprised when Mrs. Ding heard about it. However, she was still a little embarrassed, "how can I ask you to help cook? You are guests!"

Qin Tian took over the words, "what aunt is there? I'm also a friend of D Bureau. He's a generation older than me. If not a position, I call him uncle, call you aunt, you are my elders. It's nothing for me to cook for my elders. You can rest assured. Although my cooking skill is not good, my wife's cooking skill is excellent, and I can take advantage of this opportunity to let uncle Ding come back early. I'll give him a look to prevent him from being so busy in the unit all day and not paying attention to his health. "

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Mrs. Ding can be said to agree, but also embarrassed to see them do so, she followed in to fight in the kitchen, but Li Xinran dragged out.

"Don't worry, auntie. My cooking is pretty good. You'll wait to have a taste. Just give me some guidance. Tell me what you have to avoid. I'll be the first to serve it to you, so you can rest assured. "

Li Xinran was so enthusiastic and obedient that Mrs. Ding naturally agreed.

An hour later, Ding Hanxue and Ding Jianguo came back. Before entering the door, they could smell a smell of fragrance coming from their home. He was surprised and looked at Ding Hanxue suspiciously, "your mother is cooking. Didn't you say that she would not be allowed to cook?"

Ding Hanxue smiles but doesn't speak. She just shakes her head and then opens the door.

After entering the door, he saw a strange girl placing dishes and chopsticks at home. Ding Jianguo was stunned.

"Well, who are you?"

Li Xinran heard the voice and looked back to see a middle-aged man coming in with Ding Hanxue. Her voice was loud and imposing. She said with a smile, "is it uncle Ding? I am Qin Tian's lover. Qin Tian will come out of the kitchen immediately. Uncle Ding quickly washes his hands and we are ready to eat! "

Li Xinran's words let Ding Jianguo froze, "Qin Tian that boy came?"

Qin Tianwen came out from the kitchen, "I'm here, I came to your house today to rub rice."

He came out with a bowl of soup with a smile, followed Mrs. Ding and said, "these two children came here in the afternoon, talked to me for a long time, and made this table dish again. He said that he wanted to have a meal with you. Come and sit down quickly."

Ding Jianguo this just reacts to come over, ha ha smile, "your boy still really has a way."

Qin Tian scratched his head. "I wanted to meet you in the office, but all the talks were business. I didn't want to talk about business, and there was nothing to talk about, so I came.

Come home and let's talk about ourselves. "

Ding Jianguo nodded at the smell of speech. He went to wash his hands and then sat down at the dinner table. Unexpectedly, Qin Tian and his wife really cooked a table of dishes.Ding Hanxue smiles at Li Xinran, "thank you, Xinran sister. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't eat such delicious dishes. Our house has not opened fire for a long time."

Smell speech Ding Jianguo in one side tightly frown, "what words do you this child say, difficult become hungry to you?"

"I'm not hungry, but you and I usually eat in the canteen, and then we pack food for our mother to eat. You don't let her cook. Our family hasn't opened fire for a long time."

Li Xinran listened and looked at Qin Tian. Qin Tian responded, "it's reasonable to say that the food in the canteen is clean and hygienic, but the nutrition can't keep up with it. However, I think the maintenance of my aunt is quite good. And there is no repetition, not bad. It's not enough for you. You have to pay attention. I don't think you look very well. After a long period of mental work, you should pay attention to rest. I'll sell you a handful after dinner

"Let's start now. I'm always worried. Let him go to the hospital for reexamination, and he said he was not free."

Mrs. Ding is still worried. Qin Tian smiles and puts her hand on Ding Jianguo's wrist. When he feels pulse, he needs to be quiet. Others look at him without saying a word and his face is serious.

Ding Hanxue is so nervous in her heart that she is afraid of something happened to her father. Her heart goes up to her throat and she doesn't know what to do.

About ten minutes later, Qin Tian took back his hand. Ding Hanxue asked, "what's the matter?"

Qin Tian shook his head, also a sigh of relief, "the problem is not big, but we must pay more attention to rest."

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