Ding Jianguo waved his hand to show that it doesn't matter. Qin Tian coughed and said in a positive tone:

"according to your current situation, too much mental work will cause cardiac overload and sudden death. So I advise you, if you can, take more time off, take an annual leave, and wait for your body to recover completely. It's not too late to come out again. "

Ding Jianguo waved, "I know in my mind that you can't let me rest at home. I am used to it, but I will pay attention to it.

With snow watching me in the Bureau, what mental work can I do? She helped me with the ordinary things. "

"Dad, you always do it yourself. How many times have I said it. You can't do that again

Ding Hanxue is worried. Qin Tian thinks about it and says, "take a pen and I'll make a prescription."

Ding Hanxue immediately went to get a pen and paper. Qin Tian wrote down the prescription, dried it and handed it to Ding Hanxue. "There are two flavors in it that I don't have in my hospital. So you go to other places and buy them together. When you come back, you can fry one bowl of water and drink one every day. This conditioning for a month, if you still feel uncomfortable, then come to me, this is to help you recover your energy. But don't blame me for not reminding you. You must pay attention to your health. Otherwise, I can't help it if I fall down. "

Ding Jianguo, of course, knew that his body was a little weak. He thought that if he crossed, the family would be scattered.

Although Ding Hanxue can support this family, he doesn't want to work so hard.

So Ding Jianguo repeatedly nodded, "I know my own body, I will pay attention to it."

With this sentence, Ding Hanxue felt relieved. Several people sat together for a meal, and then Li Xinran accompanied Ding Hanxue's mother and daughter to chat in the living room. Qin Tian followed Ding Jianguo to the study.

What are you talking about? Ding Hanxue doesn't know, but it must be related to work. Ding Hanxue doesn't care. In any case, there was no change in the situation of Songshan city for the time being. Both the Qin palace and the Shanghai sea area were relatively calm, and all the underground forces were quiet.

The public order in Songshan city has reached unprecedented stability, which should be attributed to Qin Tian. However, some gangsters made trouble after drinking too much, which was solved quickly after the police arrived.

Of course, these people will also be punished after they return to the Qin palace. Qin Tian has promised to settle down all the thousands of people in the Qin palace. Now he is waiting for the construction of the land in the west of the city.

After the completion of the factory, all the work of these people has been finalized. Of course, it can not be compared with those in Myanmar. After all, there is a lot of risk and money, but Qin Tian thought there would be no problem.

After hearing Qin Tian say this, Ding Jianguo is relieved. If he can really settle down, he won't have to worry about it.

In this way, his work will be much easier. No big case doesn't mean Ding Jianguo can live a comfortable life. After all, he is still the backbone of Songshan city. If he falls down, Qin Tian dare not think about it. After returning from Ding Hanxue's home, it is already nine o'clock in the evening. Qin Tian and Li Xinran are walking on the street, ready to walk back.

Li Xinran did not expect that Ding Jianguo achieved this position, and his family was still so poor.

"How much do you say they pay a month?"

Li Xinran raised his head and asked Qin Tian. Qin Tian frowned and said in a low voice, "of course, I can't compare with him. The wages of the two of them add up to 20000 yuan. But these years, in order to cure Mrs. Ding, a lot of money has been spent. If you know that a family has cancer patients, it is bottomless. What's more, he has been cheated by unscrupulous doctors. If I hadn't discovered it earlier, Ding Jianguo would have been empty of money and money. "

Li Xinran didn't expect that there are doctors like this in these years. She was filled with indignation, "what do you think these people think of money so seriously? Is life not as precious as money

Qin Tian shook his head, "this kind of person can't be called a doctor at all. But fortunately, they have already got the punishment they deserve. Let's not think too much about it. Go back to your wife and now I just want to have a child with you. "

Hearing Qin Tian's words, Li Xinran began to laugh. She knew that both of them now lacked nothing but a child. After returning home every day, the two people glared at each other. Although there were endless words, they always felt that something was missing?

Sometimes Li Xinran feels depressed at home alone.

Li Xinran hid her head in his arms and said with a smile, "do you have to work hard? My mother said that if you can make me have a big fat boy, she will thank your family

"How can I listen to this, like who is scolding me?"

Li Xinran chuckled. It was more than ten o'clock for two people to chase and fight back home. Naturally, it was a lingering relationship.

When Li Xinran fell asleep, Qin tianmeng opened his eyes, and he felt that the small gourd in his chest began to heat again. Could it be that this thing found any treasure?

When he got up and closed the door gently, he came to the living room. Suddenly, a little turtle fell out of the gourd. It turned out to be this thing. Qin Tiangang was about to pick up the Jade Turtle. He saw that the turtle's back began to shine again, and a few lines appeared slowly.Qin Tian looked at it and it was a heart skill. What is this? He thought about starting luck. No matter what, he practiced first. What surprise should he find?

After a while of operation, he found that the heart method and the last heart method were continuous. He could not imagine that the tortoise had this effect. Qin Tian dared not to ignore it. He sat on the balcony and began to practice. The Qi and ghost Qi all came out of his head.

Li Xiaoshuang and others consciously came out of the jade pendant, greedily absorbed the ghost spirit around Qin Tian. As long as Qin Tian made a breakthrough, they would also follow the refinement, so everyone would not miss this good opportunity.

After four cycles of operation, Qin genius took back ghost Qi, only felt comfortable, he had a feeling that he could not say, that is, special autumn events, and how not tired.

"Master, I feel like I'm going to break through."

Li Xiaoshuang's voice came. Qin Tian looked back and saw her face was a little pale. Later, she was gradually surrounded by a layer of white flocculent. More and more, Qin Tian understood that Li Xiaoshuang really wanted to break through, but I didn't know how long it could last.

The white flocculent wrapped Li Xiaoshuang all over the people and soon formed a huge human cocoon. If it was not seen before Qin Tian, she would be scared of it, and I don't know what the frost would become.

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