Hearing this, Qin Tian looks back at Ding Hanxue, grateful.

The bones of his younger brother were connected, but he had no gauze or hemostatic for those bleeding on his head. He turned his head to see Ding Hanxue. Ding Hanxue seemed to understand his meaning and asked people to bring him hemostatic medicine and gauze. Qin Tian gratefully took over, said thanks, and then bandaged his younger brother by himself.

I was so grateful that I didn't expect that Tiange would come to cure them in person.

"God, don't worry, we must go out of this tone, we can't disgrace you!"

"Shut up. This is the police station. Don't say anything you shouldn't say. Let's go out and talk about something." Qin Tian's voice is fierce and fierce. I understand that Qin Tian will surely seek justice for them.

So he stopped talking and waited until everything was done.

Liu Xing also knew Qin Tian's ability and knew that he was a man who had revenge. Now when he saw that things were like this, he didn't show up. He just let his people deal with it. He didn't show his face from the beginning to the end. Qin Tian knows that he must be hiding in some place to secretly watch them, this boy is learning fine now, dare not show his face at all, but he has a way.

In addition to the focal range, he has other people to use. So although Jiao Cheng's team fell down, there were still countless teams that could stand up and stare at Liu Xing. Qin Tian arranged all the injured people here, so he sent a message to the monkey, asking them to arrange people to stare at Liu Xing.

Especially Liu Xing's residence. After receiving the news, the monkey went out immediately. It was not a problem to find a person in Songshan City, but within an hour, they found Liu Xing's Hotel, in the Imperial Hotel.

It's a coincidence that Qin Tian of this hotel has beaten many people. They meet here every time, and now Liu Xing is no exception.

I don't know how long I can stay here. After hearing the address, the monkey sent the address to Qin Tian.

Originally, the monkey wanted to go to trouble himself, but without Qin Tian's command, they didn't dare to start at will, so they had to wait for Qin Tian to give orders. After seeing the address, Qin Tian smiles and calls the monkey, "hang them for a few days first. If you fight back now, it will probably be found by the police."

He didn't want to embarrass Ding Hanxue. After finishing the record, Ding Hanxue looked at him with a serious look. "Your little brother hit their people, and they were hurt badly. Both sides have made mistakes. We have already arrested those who make trouble, but we may have a case after finishing the record."

Qin Tian took a look at him and said in a deep voice, "I can pay as much as I can. Don't let them leave a record. The factory will be built soon. They are all people who want to go to work.

They are young people who want to get married and have children in the future. How do you let these young people live in the future? And you also know that we are not to blame for this. It is the other party who is looking for trouble. We can't let our people get beaten in vain. If they don't fight back, they will probably be killed. "

Ding Hanxue also knows that things are difficult, "but the other party has videos, all of which are videos of you hitting people. And there's no surveillance on that site. " Qin Tian heard this, can't help but get angry, "OK, I'll find a lawyer to fight for them. You tell the other party that I will definitely not mediate. Either I will take a lawsuit, or I will die to the end."

Ding Hanxue sees Qin Tian's serious face and doesn't understand why he protects those gangsters like that. However, she also knows the position of these gangsters in Qin Tian's heart, so she can only nod and agree.

"Well, I'll try my best to help you arrange it, but I can't guarantee whether it can be done. After all, the above is so closely watched and such a large-scale fight as the two teams will be severely punished."

Qin Tian also understood Ding Hanxue's difficulties. "I know you can rest assured that I will not embarrass you. But one thing is that the other side will also be convicted of any crime committed by the people on my side. Otherwise, I will never spare them after I go out. "

Ding Hanxue, of course, knew Qin Tian's ability and character, and immediately agreed. After going back to ask for instructions from the fourth round, they gave a new result, which means that both sides have the responsibility to play 50 boards and push them out.

Qin Tian was relieved. If all the responsibility was due to him, he would not agree. However, those people are not as good as they are. Qin Tian's younger brother is also very heavy, and the other party is also seriously hurt. Now that he is out of the police station, Qin Tian asks Yang Bing and his gang to come and stare at these people, to see where they are going, and to find a place where there is no one to beat them again. This is the only way to relieve his anger.

Yang Bing brothers did not let people down. They were all good at fighting. They were not soft hearted when they beat people up! Especially knowing that the brothers of the Qin palace were beaten by them, they were not soft hearted in beating people, and they were all knocked down after a few strokes, crying on the ground.

After all this, Yang Bing recorded a video and sent it to Qin Tian. Qin Tian transferred it to Jiao Cheng. After watching it, Jiao Cheng clapped his thigh happily and said in a loud voice, "I knew that brother qintian would not let me down. These guys really should fight. They dare to attack us."

"Brother Jiao Cheng, don't worry. I've found the person behind the scenes. I'll let him have a taste of it. If I don't do this, he'll lose his fortune. If he can't turn over, I won't be Qin!"In fact, Qin Tian didn't want to be so fierce, but he didn't expect that the other side would suddenly attack them. If you don't attack me, I won't. He's not such a unreasonable person. But if the other party is unreasonable today, he is welcome.

Liu Xing is nervous in the hotel. He knows that although the attack on Qin Tian is successful, it will certainly arouse Qin Tian's anger.

But a few days did not see Qin Tian, he can't help but be a little surprised, Qin naive no longer trouble him?

But it's not right to think about it. Qin Tian is not the kind of person who is easy to accept. He revenged himself on the spot. How can he endure it until now?

After three days of peace and stability, Liu Xing became more and more uneasy. He couldn't help calling Zheng Hui. Although Zheng Hui has taken refuge in Qin Tian, his face still has to pass.

Hearing Liu Xing's voice, Zheng Hui said with a ha ha: "brother Xing, it's no use for you to look for me. Now Qin Tian knows that I'm your man, and he doesn't put me in any important position. I'm just a little horse boy there. I can't help you any more."

Hearing Zheng Hui say so, Liu Xing is angry, "he's what, Zheng Hui, you boy give me to remember, if you dare not tell the truth, I know your home, also recognize your family, you wait for me!"

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