Hearing that Liu Xing threatened his family like this, Zheng Hui couldn't bear it. He said angrily:

"Liu Xing, don't be shameless. We have nothing to do with it. You threaten me! I also know your home, your family, compared with me, you try!

If you dare to threaten me who is not in this way, you have to show some skills. Don't think that you have a few people start to yell at me, you do it alone, can you fight against Tiange? This time you hit his people, do you think you can do it alone? If I were you, I'd pack up and get out of here, and threaten me. You're wrong! I tell you, wait for Qin Tian's anger! "

With that, Zheng Hui hung up the phone, and Liu Xing sat in the hotel, feeling uneasy. He knew that Qin Tian's character would settle with him.

Zheng Hui, who turns his face and doesn't recognize people, is really hateful.

But he is right, he beat Qin Tian's people, but also so sneak attack, this time can let Qin Tian suffer losses, he can give up?

But now living in the hotel for several days, there is no movement in Qin Tian, Zheng Hui said again. Liu Xing was agitated in his heart and ordered his subordinates: "you go out and inquire about the movement of Qin Tian. Don't disturb him."

In fact, Qin Tian's people have been staring at the hotel. Seeing his people come out, they immediately greet them and block them back.

Liu Xing's people directly blocked back to the room, Liu Xing knew that he had been staring at Qin Tian. Now there is no way, he has been locked in the hotel can not come out, and Qin Tian is not worried, cat and mouse is not a sudden bite to death, but slowly tired, will eat each other.

So Qin Tian is now a cat, and Liu Xing is the mouse in his paw. Liu Xing is trapped in the hotel and can't come out. What he does is up to him, but he won't let him breathe easily, especially Liu Xing has a fracture all over his body, and he will be discharged after he is cured,. Now there is no way to apply for the protection of the police, so can only see Qin Tian trapped himself, he can not help but feel very scared, but also unwilling to give up.

He couldn't get the land, but he couldn't let Qin Tian build a factory in such a comfortable way.

He called his men who were still outside and told them to sneak out. Although he couldn't go out at once, there were still some ways.

Liu Xing has been in Songshan city for so many years and has friends. Soon Qin Tian receives a phone call saying that he wants to talk and talk and let him go to dinner. Qin Tian smiles and guesses what Liu Xing wants to do, so he agrees.

But is he afraid of eating?

But Liu Xing was always cunning. He was afraid that there might be other things. So he asked the monkeys to follow him, but they didn't go into the box with him. Instead, he stayed outside. Liu Xing was pushed in a wheelchair. When he saw Qin Tian alone, he was worried. He knew that Qin Tian would not be alone.

He also had a younger brother in his hand, but then Zheng Hui came in and Liu Xing laughed. I didn't expect Qin Tian to be so arrogant. He brought Zheng Hui, a fat man, to come. What can Zheng Hui do? Nothing but drinking.

See Zheng Hui, Liu Xing scolded: "you boy still dare to appear in front of me!"

As soon as they met, Liu Xing scolded him, and Zheng Hui was not willing to show up. "Why don't I dare to appear? You are covered with gauze and can walk on the street like a mummy. Why can't I appear?"

A mummy made Liu Xing look blue with anger. He couldn't move now. He even had to be fed, but he still came. The purpose is not to eat, but to see how Qin Tian died today. He has invited bodyguards from abroad at a high price to see his ability.

Qin Tian could deal with so many people alone, he would not believe it. If he could, he would kneel down immediately and call him grandfather. Liu Xing was ready to wait for Qin Tian to come in and die. Seeing that Qin Tian only took Zheng Hui alone, Liu Xing was relieved.

"What happened before is really wrong. My staff are a little excited, but they can't be blamed. Who told you not to give face?"

When Liu Xing met, he satirized Qin Tian. Qin Tian leaned on the back of his chair and looked at him coldly. He didn't speak. Liu Xing thought he was afraid, so he laughed more wildly. "If I were you, I wouldn't dare to eat it. Apologize and get out."

"You asked me to come. Why didn't I dare to come? Don't eat anything that costs nothing, don't you

Zheng Hui heard him say so, echoing: "of course, we don't eat for nothing if we don't spend money. Today we come to eat and drink. If we don't have enough food, we will never leave. But Liu Xing, whatever you have, can do it. We are not afraid of you. Although we are few, Zheng Hui is not a vegetarian."

When Zheng Huihua said this, Liu Xing's face turned green. He knew that Zheng Hui had some skills when he followed him, and there were some people under his hand, but he didn't expect that he would sit opposite to himself today.

Now Zheng Hui said this, no doubt in his face, let Liu Xing's face not good-looking.

And there were only two of them. Zheng Hui dared to say so. He didn't know whether to say he was bold or not.Although the atmosphere is tense, Qin Tian still doesn't pay attention to him. He can also feel that there are masters around him. However, it doesn't matter. Just let him try his recent strength.

Seeing that Qin Tian didn't care, Liu Xing couldn't help but have a lot of heart in his heart. He motioned for the bodyguard to go out and have a look, but the bodyguard didn't find anything after a circle, so he came back and told Liu Xing.

Liu Xing confirmed that Qin Tian didn't really bring anyone here today. This will finally be completely relieved.

Qin Tian doesn't say anything any more. Liu Xing signals the waiter to serve directly. He just looks at Zheng Hui and Qin Tian eating. After Qin Tian drinks three cups of wine, he looks at Liu Xing motionless and sneers at him: "Liu always doesn't eat. Is he afraid to eat?"

"I dare not, but there will be opportunities for you in the future. This is your last meal. Enjoy it. "

his words made Zheng Hui laugh," is it the last meal we don't know, then I know you can't take chopsticks, it's useless before 70 years old, what's the meaning of life? "

Did not expect Zheng Hui satire also have a set, Liu Xing's face immediately iron blue, wish to let Zheng Hui disappear now.

But he held back, waiting for them to eat and drink enough, and then sent them to the West!

Liu Xing's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, Qin Tian also saw, but did not care.

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