Seeing Liu Xing's eyes, Qin Tian simply put down his chopsticks and asked, "Liu Xing, do you think I have no one to follow now, so you can deal with me unscrupulously?"

Qin Tian looked up at him and Liu Xing said with a smile, "that's why I invited you here. How about that? Qin Tian, do you want to deal with me on your own? "

Liu Xing sneered. He wanted to raise his hand and snap his fingers. However, his hands and arms were bound by bandages. There was no way to move. Only one mouth could move.

The bodyguard behind him immediately raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A dozen people came in at the door and surrounded them. Qin Tian did not move. He poured a glass of wine and drank it up. He took a piece of beef and put it into his mouth to chew. Then he said, "this beef is a little firewood. It doesn't taste very good.

It seems that Mr. Liu's ability to pick a restaurant is not very good. The food in this shop is really bad. "

Smell speech Liu Xing cold hum a: "that also has no way, more tolerant point, will eat, after eating this meal, you have no next meal."

"Is it? I don't know why Mr. Liu said that, but we can't solve this problem so easily today. I will deal with all the people you bring, but what does Liu intend to do with them? "

Hearing this, Liu Xing burst out laughing, "who are you bringing? Who did you take with you? Can I deal with this fat man?

After all, by the time your men come in, you will be a dead body. "

As soon as his voice fell, all the bodyguards around him took out iron bars with needles on them. It looked like a wolf toothed stick, but it hurt much more than the wolf toothed stick.

Qin Tian knows that things are tricky. He can deal with it himself, but what should Zheng Hui do?

He turned his head and looked at Zheng Hui. Zheng Hui did not change his face and said to Qin Tian, "it doesn't matter. I have a way."

Zheng Hui puffed up his sleeves. Qin Tian saw that his arm was bound with a thick piece of iron. There was no problem using this to deal with the stick. Zheng Hui rolled up his trousers again. Qin Tiancai found that his legs were also tied. He couldn't help laughing: "you fat man is smart."

"Of course! With Liu Xing for so many years, I know what's wrong with him. Tiange, you can stand behind me later and let me block it. I'm not afraid to fight. "

His words let Qin Tian very moved, Qin Tian pulled him, "forget it, this kind of small matter how can you come to hand, I'll do it."

"You two don't bother to haw, give it to me!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Xing's bodyguard pushed him out. Liu Xing sat outside the box. The bodyguard lit a cigar and put it into his mouth. He took a puff and thought it was too beautiful. There was a rattling sound in the room, sometimes mixed with one or two screams and screams.

He laughed. It seemed that the boy was not as fierce as the outsiders said.

When I met iron stick, I became so counselled. Liu Xing didn't notice the call outside. It didn't belong to Qin Tian or Zheng Hui at all, but came from his people.

But Liu Xing also thought about it, even if all the people in it were beaten, he also invited a master.

Liu Xing spits out a cigarette ring, the bodyguard immediately takes down the cigar, hears him say: "let David in!"

The bodyguard looked back, and a two meter tall man came out of the box next door. He was very handsome with blonde hair and blue eyes, but the muscles showed that this guy was not easy to mess with.

He nodded to Liu Xing, heard the voice inside, reached out to push the door and walked in.

At this time, Qin Tian has put all the people in the room down. Zheng Hui can't help but give a thumbs up. Just about to speak, he hears the box door being kicked open.

A big man came in, Zheng Hui couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"This is the foreign expert he hired?"

Qin Tian nodded, "maybe? Zheng Hui, push the table aside. "

Zheng Hui raised his foot and kicked the table over. He fell to one side, leaving a vacant space. The people who had been lying on the ground crawled out one after another.

Liu Xing was stunned, but turned to see David in, he was a little relieved.

David saw Qin Tian smile, holding a poor language said: "offended, today down you, I go, or you beat me, you go."

Qin Tian laughed. He didn't expect that the foreign boy was very particular, so he said with a smile, "OK, since I want to fight as soon as possible, I haven't eaten well."

Knowing that he could understand, Qin Tian didn't talk nonsense. He put on a posture, and the big man was not polite.

he bowed up and clenched his hands into fists. Looking at him, he rushed at him. Qin Tian also clenched his fists to fight against him. Qin Tian felt his fist hurt a little. Zheng Hui felt the pain in his fist. Zheng Hui hid behind him One side did not dare to speak. He knew that the most taboo of the master was bullshit. If he said it, he would affect Qin Tian, so he didn't move, just watched.

Qin Tian looks at the big man on the opposite side. He doesn't expect that Liu Xing can really invite an expert. However, the master is only a little more powerful than ordinary people, but it is not a problem for Qin Tian.Qin Tian waved to him and beckoned him to come over. David didn't want to show his weakness when he saw this. He rushed over with a sharp drink, and his face was blue and blue.

Qin Tian knows that this boy is going to enlarge his moves, but he doesn't expect to enlarge his moves as soon as he meets. However, David seems to be just a boxer. His fists are like sandbags. It really hurts when he hits him. Although Qin Tian is hanged by him on the head, he can't match him in flexibility.

Therefore, Qin Tiansheng was flexible. He saw the gap and kept fighting back. He hit David's stomach and his armpits. David was staggered. Qin Tian hit him on the chin with a fist. David immediately fell back and took several steps to stop. He touched his aching chin and rubbed his armpit.

"You attacked. This time it's my turn."

Qin Tian laughs. David's eyes are a little fierce. However, Qin Tian doesn't wait for him to react in a rash way. He doesn't use his true spirit. His real fighting skills hit the big man, but it's like hitting a steel plate.

But Qin Tian didn't stop. His kung fu was skillful. Although David carried it at that time, his stomach would ache soon. And he also specialized in picking acupoints.

Sure enough, after a while, David felt that his internal organs seemed to be burned by fire. Qin Tian even fought so many fists, but now his stomach is really painful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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