He rubbed his aching stomach and rushed towards Qin Tian. Obviously, he was a little angry. Qin Tian raised his foot and kicked him in the knee. David's body was short. Qin Tian's knee was lifted high. He hit his chin. David felt that his jaw bone was going to be broken. His body flew out and fell on the ground with a crash, which hit the table just now.

Liu Xing heard the sound outside, suddenly in the heart a surprise, also do not know who made the sound, motioned for bodyguards to push him past, but saw David fall on the ground.

Suddenly, Liu Xing's face was completely bloodless, "let's go!"

Liu Xing's voice awakened Qin Tian. Qin TianChao took a look at him and sneered: "this is the master you're looking for. It's amazing! Mr. Liu, come in and have a chat? "

The bodyguard quickly pushed Liu Xing away! Qin Tian's face sank.

Take a look at Zheng Hui, Zheng Hui here immediately dial the phone, monkey, they have been guarding outside.

Liu Xing's people were surrounded by monkeys as soon as they went out. Liu Xing knew that Qin Tian was already ready to wait for them to go out!

Now blocked in the door by them, Liu Xing was immediately afraid and motioned for bodyguards to hurry up, but it was impossible for such a few people to deal with such monkeys. After a while, the bodyguard was beaten back, and Liu Xing was also controlled by the monkeys.

This meeting Qin genius came down, the people in the hotel surrounded them one after another, Zheng Hui took out a stack of red bills to send them, the waiter accosted to withdraw. As long as they don't do it in the hotel.

Qin Tian motioned to the monkeys that they would pull people out. He went to Liu Xing and sneered, "how about it? I won this time. What else do you have to say

"Qin Tian, don't mess around. You have to know that it's a legal society now. If you dare to move me, the police will never spare you!"

Liu Xing couldn't be frightened. Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't want to move you, but I told you that I'm going to fix the land. You, I'm going to fix it too! If you are paralyzed by stroke, it's light. If you are sent in, you will be worthy of your face. "

"Send it in? Dare you! What crime have I committed? You're going to send me in. "

"Your unfinished building project is the biggest proof of guilt."

He motioned to Zheng Hui, and Zheng Hui immediately gave Qin Tian all the information he had investigated. He followed Liu Xing around naturally have a lot of gossip, this time Liu Xing saw Zheng Hui's move, immediately white face.

"You dirty bastard!"

Liu XingNu scolded. Zheng Hui came over and slapped him in the face. "Do you eat inside or outside? You have lost your conscience and dug up so many people's money. Do you want to take advantage of it now?

I tell you that these things are all evidence of your crime. If you don't take out the money, you have to make it a mess, and you'll spend the rest of your life in prison! "

"By the way, I forgot to tell you." Qin Tian came to him with a smile, "when your legs are good, someone will take good care of you. Every month someone will break your leg to give you a fresh taste of broken bones. You know, it's enough to have this pain once, but I won't let you die, so you can enjoy your life in prison. " Qin Tian signals the monkey that they will send Liu Xing to the police station.

Ding Hanxue and they were about to go to the police when they saw a group of people rushing in. Ding Hanxue was startled. Seeing that it was a monkey, she said suspiciously, "what's the matter with you?"

The monkey went up and gave the bag to Ding Hanxue, "this is what we Tiange found. Liu Xing is guilty. He always comes to me for trouble, so Tiange will solve it this time. I will give you the things and I will give you the man. "

The monkey motioned for Liu Xing to push in and gave her all the information.

Ding Hanxue pulled out the information and found that all of them were the evidence of Liu Xing's crime. She was surprised. However, thinking that Qin Tian's action did not cause any confusion, Ding Hanxue was still very satisfied. So she nodded and asked people to detain Liu Xing. Liu Xing was still there shouting, "you are all birds of a feather. You should release me, otherwise I will sue you!"

Ding Hanxue looked at him and snorted coldly: "tell me or not, wait until I finish the record."

She firmly believes that Qin Tian will not wrongly treat a good man, so now that Qin Tian's people send people over, Ding Hanxue certainly needs to make a good investigation.

After two days, Liu Xing's case has been completed. It is said that he will be sentenced to more than 20 years. Qin Tian is relieved that no one will disturb this land in the future.

Huang Shuying in the devil all heard of this matter, finally is put down the heart, but then some distress.

If this is the case, the future will be smooth, she will never have a chance to meet Qin Tian.

Zhang Xiaoxiao saw Huang Shuying's sad face in the bar, pushed her and said, "what are you worried about? If you want to see him, you will have a chance to go back and have a look. Why do you have to look so sad? "

Huang Shuying sighed: "you don't understand. I have no excuse to meet him again."

"Why no excuse? You are the shareholder of the company, and the factory building has half of you. If you want to go back, you can supervise the project at any time. Why not? I won't have a chance to meet at that time. They even gave me a gift for breaking up. "Zhang Xiaoxiao took a look at the bracelet on her hand and couldn't help sighing. Seeing her like this, Huang Shuying couldn't say anything. Compared with her, she was pretty good.

At least Qin Tian can have intersection with himself. Zhang Xiaoxiao can't go back completely.

It's not that Zhang Xiaoxiao is thin skinned, but Qin Tian has already said that. He is not good at disturbing him again. Besides, he is a woman with a wife. He is always in the past and he is not very good.

So Zhang Xiaoxiao doesn't disturb Qin Tian.

Qin Tian had a good time in Songshan city and sometimes contacted Huang Shuying.

The factory building was completed not long after construction began. Qin Tian asked Gu Yue to gather some people to see how many people there were in total. They were willing to enter the factory and arrange them all.

Because Huang Shuying promised that he would do the recruitment, Gu Yue gathered all the remaining brothers and sent them to the factory. Of course, they were divided according to their education background and ability.

The brothers of Qin palace didn't expect that they could find a formal job one day. They could bear hardships, but they were lack of guidance. Now they are willing to enter the factory under the arrangement of Qin Tian. This surprised Gu Yue.

However, they also thought that the Qin palace was empty for most of a sudden. How can the rest of the people maintain it?

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