Hearing Gu Yue's question, Qin Tian didn't think so. Anyway, there were people at the club, including huhai area. Those who would like to follow Qin palace would continue to stay. Anyway, they would not lose their money. If they didn't want to, they could also pay a severance payment to let them go back to find a job or do some small business.

Qin Tian's move made Gu Yue very surprised. Several people sat together and did not speak. Qin Tian knew what they were thinking, but he was reluctant to part with his efforts.

Qin Tianchang breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "you know that the public security in Songshan city has been improved a lot recently. It is said that this is the result of their maintenance, but I know that it is the result of our brothers' joint efforts.

I'm very satisfied with the current situation, but one thing is that our team is too big and it's too eye-catching. It's always hard to see from the top. If we want to do something for us, we'd better solve it ourselves first than wait for them to do it.

I know what you mean, but you can't forget that we still have private clubs. These clubs can dispatch people to help at any time. So these people are not separated from us, but firmly in our control.

I Qin Tian can't do such stupid things. Two hundred people are sent to Shanghai and Shanghai to help Li Zheng and Da Ke. It's not a problem for them to support the business on the wharf side. I can also help with the work at ordinary times. The rest of the people will stay in Songshan City. No matter where I go, I should remember that Songshan city is my base camp. " "Mr. Qin is right. I agree with Mr. Qin. But there may be more people at the club. At present, there are hundreds of entertainment places, large and small, in Songshan city. Although our business is a regular business place, it can't be guaranteed that other people come here to make trouble, so I think each store should be equipped with at least 50 people. "

Qin Tian agreed, only 50 people, their business flow and profits can completely cover the expenses of these 50 people.

"Yes, as long as you can make sure that there is no trouble here and that everything is normal. Then I can tell the above that this is the critical period for the fight against gangsters and evils. We must not commit crimes against the wind.

Fang Zhen, you should take good care of your hotel. "

Fang Zhen nodded. He didn't dare to have any change. As for Jiao Cheng's elder brother, Qin Tian, he is at ease. Jiao Cheng has been on the road for so many years and will never have an accident.

After arranging everything, Qin Tian was relieved.

After Qin Tian's business was settled, everyone sat down for a while and drank tea and then left. But Jiao Cheng stayed. Looking at Jiao Cheng's voice, Qin Tian asked softly, "what's up with brother Jiaocheng?"

Jiao Cheng said: "this is not Manman's job has been stable. Recently, she got a sales champion bonus of 20000 yuan. She said that she must invite you to dinner alone. She is thin skinned. I'm not willing to invite you. This is Manman's number. You can contact her by yourself. It's hard for us to say that we still need Qin Tian's brother Tell him

When Jiao Cheng said that, Qin Tian understood.

Chen Manman's mind Qin Tian is aware of, but did not expect her to be so bold. Also after that time, Chen Manman suffered a blow, but the smooth work also reminds her of personal things, so now she has these thoughts.

Brother Jiao Cheng's words made Qin Tian nod his head. He took the number and said, "brother Jiaocheng, don't worry. I'll take care of it."

Qin Tian's business is of course at ease, but he didn't expect Chen Manman to be so bold. Now Qin Tian saves the number into the mobile phone, and immediately calls Chen Manman. Chen Manman's brisk voice comes. Hearing her voice, Qin Tian knows that she should be out of the shadow.

"Brother Qin Tian, I won the bonus this time. I haven't really appreciated the last time. I want to invite you to dinner today."

"OK, you can set the time and place, and then send it to my mobile phone."

As soon as Chen Manman's voice fell, he heard Qin Tian agree with a smile. Hang up the phone, and then his mobile phone came to Chen Manman's information.

"Seine Riverside Hotel, box 301."

Qin Tian saw brother Jiaocheng get up and go out, so he immediately called Li Xinran. Li Xinran must be present on this occasion.

He is a married man, some things he is not easy to say, but Li Xinran can say it. Although Li Xinran accepted his call, he was surprised when he saw Qin Tian, "why do you want to have dinner? Who is it this time? "

"It's brother Jiao Cheng's sister, Chen Hong's girl. Chen Manman, you know that. You've seen her several times. In order to thank me for inviting me to dinner, I think it's up to you to help me persuade her and enlighten her. It's hard for a man to talk to a little girl

Qin Tian said this, Li Xinran understood, 80% of Qin Tian's charm, the little girl has some ideas.

But before Li Xinran had seen, now see Chen Manman injury after forget the previous pain, she is also happy for Chen man man.

Qin man is grateful to Qin man for coming to the hotel. However, she likes it when she comes to the hotel.Chen Manman dressed up a new, wearing a decent dress, good figure revealed. When she saw Qin Tian, her eyes brightened, but then she saw Li Xinran, the light in her eyes disappeared, and her face became a little chatty.

I didn't expect Qin Tian to bring his wife. Li Xinran she has met, she is also very envious of Li Xinran and Qin Tian's feelings, but did not expect Qin Tian to do so.

Although Chen Manman's face changed, he still responded, "elder brother Qin Tian, elder sister Xinran is coming. Sit down quickly."

"Maman doesn't have to spend so much money. I didn't have dinner last time."

"That's not the same. Last time everyone was here, and I didn't invite you alone. In this matter, you are the one who contributes most. My brother Jiao Cheng said that I must thank you very much, so I came here specially today. "

Li Xinran laughed, "since it's Manman's intention, let's sit down and don't let Manman feel that we don't give face." Li Xinran walked over and took Chen man man's arm. Chen man man felt a warm heart. Li Xinran's enthusiasm and understanding made her feel ashamed.

She still thinks about her husband, but she comes to help her talk, which makes Chen Manman feel bad.

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