But Chen Manman quickly adjusted his mood, after all, she invited to dinner, so it can not be too dull.

After the meal came up, Chen Manman took the initiative to pour a glass of wine, stood up and said to Qin Tian, "brother qintian, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I would not have a chance to get a new life. This cup is dry."

Before Qin Tian opens his mouth, Chen Manman drinks up the glass of wine. Qin Tian is stunned. He didn't expect Chen man man's liquor volume to be so good. However, he thinks that she is a salesman and should be able to drink wine. So Qin Tian is relieved and drinks the wine cup.

Still don't forget to tell Chen Manman: "girls should be more careful when drinking outside. You are a salesman. I know the nature of your work. You should pay more attention to yourself when contacting customers."

Qin Tian's words moved Chen Manman. She nodded quickly, and then poured a glass full of wine to Li Xinran.

"Sister Xinran, I don't say much. I know you are a good woman. I admire you very much. I respect you first." Li Xinran smiles, "Manman, you don't have to be so polite to me. We are all friends. It's right to help, and you are still brother Jiao Cheng's sister, so we didn't want to ask you to thank us for our help, but I'm determined to have this meal. "

With that, Li Xinran also drank the wine in front of her, with the bottom of the glass facing the sky. Seeing this, Qin Tian knew that Li Xinran would handle this matter well.

After three cups of wine, Chen Manman's face slightly flushed, looking at Qin Tian's eyes also some blurred. Qin Tian is proud to give Li Xinran a dish, which makes Chen Manman feel a little upset, but they are husband and wife after all, and it is reasonable to clip vegetables.

Just did not expect Chen man man man's heart will change so inflated, now she see Li Xinran all sorts of unhappy. Seeing Chen man man man staring at himself, Qin Tian thought and asked, "man man, what's wrong with you? There seems to be something wrong with your face. "

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Chen Manman's face is smothered, and then he speaks his heart's words with the strength of wine.

"Sister Xinran, in fact, I really envy that you have such a good husband. You can see that I am very old. I am already 28 years old, but I have achieved nothing. To say that my work is only a temporary worker, and there is no iron rice bowl, that is to say, living by lip service.

Besides family, what kind of family do I have? My parents treat me as a cash cow. You all saw it in the hospital last time.

Now that I have a job and I can earn money, they start to please me again and want me to pay for them. I really can't stand it. I don't have the love of a man. Even my family treat me like this,

thanks to your help, otherwise I really don't know what to do.

Now I really envy you for your good relationship with brother qintian. I don't know when I can find a person like brother qintian. "

Li Xinran was a little surprised to hear Chen man man say so. He didn't expect her to speak his heart so directly.

Li Xinran took a look at Qin Tian. Qin Tian coughed softly and covered up: "I'll go to see what wine is under it, and then I'll take two bottles."

He got up and was about to leave, but Chen Manman stopped him: "brother Qin Tian, wait a minute!"

Li Xinran pressed her, "or let him go to get some words between us women better." You Li Xinran signals Qin Tian to go out, Qin Tian is obedient and turns to avoid directly.

Now there are only two of them left in the room. Li Xinran looks at Chen Manman, raises her hand and pours a cup of tea for her. "Drink tea and moisten your voice. I know what you think in your mind? Qin Tian is so excellent. I'm very happy to have girls like him. It shows that I have good taste. "

Chen Manman caught Li Xinran, "sister Xinran, do you know you don't hate me?"

"I don't hate you, how can I hate you? If I met such an excellent man as Qin Tian at your age, I would do the same. But I'm luckier than you. I met him before, but Qin Tian was not very good at that time. He didn't have a job and achieved nothing. Moreover, he came to our house and was slandered and disputed by his parents.

At that time, Qin Tian was not as good as you can see now. He was just an ordinary man. I love him with all my heart and soul. No matter what people say, I will never give up on him. That's why Qin Tian is today. You also need to know that many men need to be trained by women. If you meet a man in the future, don't look at how excellent he is, but see whether he has potential. I believe Qin Tian has potential, so I'm with him. If you meet such a man, you don't give up, train him well, and he will love you wholeheartedly 。

But such an excellent man as Qin Tian can be met but can't be asked for. You also know that he can't be with other women any more. "

Li Xinran's words let Chen Manman understand.

Chen Manman also knows that it is immoral to covet her husband, but she can't control her heart.

After experiencing the Chen Hong incident, she knew how good a man Qin Tian was. She attached great importance to love and responsibility. She could also help her solve everything. A woman would be moved by such a man.

But how can Li Xinran get Qin Tian?Chen Manman is unconvinced, so although her face eased a lot, but her heart is not satisfied, but her mouth said: "Xinran sister, thank you, thank you for not hating me, willing to say so many words with me, I will work hard in the future, live with heart, you can rest assured."

Li Xinran didn't doubt what she said. She just laughed. She knew that since Chen Manman could say it, she should be able to do it.

Li Xinran is also too simple, did not expect Chen Manman to turn around and still want to be together with Qin Tian, this is the Afterword.

When Qin Tian came up with the wine, the three drank for a while. The atmosphere was very harmonious. Qin Tian admired Li Xinran from the bottom of his heart. No matter what woman came to her, he would get along well with her.

After dinner, they personally sent Chen Manman back to the company, and then left.

Chen Manman see Qin Tian and Li Xinran leave the back, in the heart some uncomfortable, but the future is long, she has opportunities.

Chen Manman's company now has some business contacts with olan international. She once heard Jiao Cheng say that Lin Wanru of olan international has a deep relationship with Qin Tian. She also hears from the side that Lin Wanru also loves Qin Tian. Does this mean that she has a chance. Although Lin Wanru and Qin Tian have an ambiguous relationship, if she can get close to each other, then she can get close It's not impossible for Qin Tian's women.

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