But now no one can say who did it, so Qin Fen has been tracking, but there is no clue.

Now he suspects only two people, one from the old family, and the other is his fourth uncle. These two people are usually the most critical, but Qin Fen was wrong.

After drinking tea, Qin Tiansan was told to go to the hall for dinner. He didn't say anything. He took Qin Kuo and Qin Fen.

As soon as I entered the hall, I felt several eyes on him. It seemed that they were even more nervous than themselves. It seemed that they came back to fight for the position of the master of the house.

Qin Tian sat down with a smile and knew what they were thinking.

If they were here, they would have no chance at all, and Qin Fen had a good relationship with himself.

At the beginning, no one knew what was going on in the final battle of the contest, but seeing Qin Fen's face was not good-looking, they guessed that Qin Tian should have won. But Qin Tian gave up and took away the jade.

People in my family all know what's going on. If it's not Qin Tian, then how can he be qualified to take things?

Now when Qin Tian comes back, they can't help being nervous. If Qin Tian fights with them, they won't win at all.

Now sitting in the hall, everyone feels very nervous. Qin Tian didn't think so. These people have their own worries. It's not time to tear their faces.

Qin Tian sat directly beside the old man. The old man said in a deep voice: "Qin Tian came back to see me specially. Don't be nervous. Since the position of the master of the house has been set, it will not change again."

The old man said that everyone was relaxed, "have a meal!"

When the old man opened his mouth to move chopsticks, other people would dare to move. Qin Tian took a look at the old man and observed everyone on the table. He had a clear idea.

After dinner, the old man left Qin Tian alone. He didn't know what he said. When Qin Tian came out, his face was gloomy. Several people looked around. Qin Tian looked at them with their eyes, which made them run away.

Qin Tian can't help but sneer at him. Only this kind of clown can do this kind of thing. He wants to use this month's time to find out the black hands behind the scenes. During this period of time, he will let him play with them well, and if you don't believe them, they won't come out!

At this time, Qin Kuo and Qin Fen took him to his room in the backyard.

"Qin Fen, you have to pay attention to this second uncle of your family these days."

As soon as he sat down, Qin Tian couldn't help reminding Qin Fen.

Qin Kuo took the lead in saying, "what, second uncle?"

"Yes, although Qin Fei's one is bouncing up and down, it is at least easy to deal with on the surface. But your second uncle is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Do you want to keep your position? "

Qin shook his head and frowned: "the second uncle has been standing on my side to help me speak."

He still didn't believe it. Qin Tian patted him on the shoulder, "this is where your second uncle is smart. He stands on your side, ostensibly to help you deal with other people. In fact, every word of his is aggravating the contradiction between you."

"Yes Qin Kuo suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I remember. The last time you left, Qin Fen became the Lord of the family. When we celebrated together, the third uncle was always sarcastic. We dragged him out to comfort him. But the second uncle said that Qin Fen didn't know how much better than Qin Fei. If it was him, he would never have the face to argue, In an instant, everyone was angry. The angry third uncle almost lifted the table. Did you say that the second uncle did it on purpose

"He did it on purpose. The purpose is to intensify the conflict between you. He is willing to take advantage of the profit. He has no purpose to help you. Qin Fen, you should be careful."

Qin Fen was a little flustered when he heard this. The second uncle was such a person. He always thought that only the second uncle and grandfather were the best for him here, but now

He knew that Qin Tian would not cheat him, but now it seems that he does not know too many enemies, and he does not know how long he can support. But now that Qin Tian comes, he always feels at ease. Should he pass on the position of master to Qin Tian?

"Qin Tian, not as good as you..." Qin Fen just started, Qin Tian stopped him, "don't tell me that. I won't be the head of the house. I have a wife and will have children in the future. If I become the head of the house, won't I be too tired? Qin Fen, you should be more responsible. I will help you solve this matter. I will also cure the old man's body together.

in the future, you will accompany the old man to sit in the courtyard. ”

as soon as he said this, Qin Kuo laughed, "brother Tian, do you mean to let him not marry or have children?"

"If he can find a girl like this and marry him, I will not object."

Qin Tian's words made several people laugh. Qin Fen's face turned red.

When he got married and had children, he thought of Lin Xiaoyao. Every time he saw Lin Xiaoyao, his face was always red. He liked Lin Xiaoyao, but he couldn't tell Lin Xiaoyao, because he knew that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy. If Lin Xiaoyao came over, he might not only be unable to protect her, but also pull her into the water That's not good.Implicating Lin Xiaoyao was the last thing he wanted to see, so Qin Fen thought about it and returned to his former coldness.

Seeing his thoughts, Qin Tian asked, "do you have a girl you like, Lin Xiaoyao?"

As soon as he said this, Qin Kuo was stunned, "Lin Xiaoyao? It's OK for a girl of the Lin family to be a friend. If it's a wife, it can't be. She's crazy. "

Qin Fen's face was red again, "why not? I think it's very good."

Hearing Qin Fen say so, Qin Kuo was stunned, "are you not mistaken? I heard you right. You said you like Lin Xiaoyao. Is that true? If it's true, I'll take you to the Lin's house to propose marriage now. "

"What are you talking about?" Qin Fen grabbed him and said, "don't be so impulsive. Don't tear your face open. We can't even make friends."

"What are you afraid of? If you like her, I will help you to say it! What a nice girl

Qin Kuo forgot that he said that Lin Xiaoyao was not suitable to marry home.

Qin Fen but shook his head, "or forget it, I just like unilaterally, do not know what she means." Qin Tian understood that Qin Fen was a single Acacia. He didn't know what Lin Xiaoyao meant to him. If he ran over suddenly, he would be scared.

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