So Qin Tian patted Qin Kuo, "now my family's affairs have not been solved. If you involve Lin Xiaoyao, it will be bad."

Qin Kuo thought, "but if it's like this, the girl of the Lin family is not an oil-saving lamp. If she comes over, she will certainly be able to accept the third and fourth uncles and dare not speak up."

Thinking of Lin Xiaoyao's fierce appearance, Qin Fen also laughed. Qin Kuo solemnly said, "Qin Tian, you don't know. If Lin Xiaoyao is crazy, everyone dares to scold. At that time, the third uncle and the fourth uncle will certainly not be her opponent."

"I don't want to involve Xiao Yao."

Qin Fen shook his head and denied, "if I want to marry her, I will wait until the master of the house is stable. Otherwise, it is unfair to involve Xiaoyao. How can she accompany me to suffer here as a young lady? "

Qin Fen is right. Qin Tian agrees with him that if a man is to have something to do, then he will marry a woman into the house. Now let Lin Xiaoyao come here, it will only hurt her.

"If the third uncle and the fourth uncle are not good for her, what do you want Qin Fen to do? In case she gets hurt, Qin Fen will be distressed. "

Qin Tian said that, Qin Kuo understood, but he didn't expect that this guy was still a kind of love.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Qin Fen is relieved and knows that Qin Kuo will not act rashly.

After the joke, three people together to discuss how to lure the black hand out.

Qin Tian thought of the way is to deliberately advance the deadline, let the old man deliberately pretend to be ill, so that when they relax their vigilance, they will know who is behind the scenes.

No matter who has the opportunity to poison, now all the food Qin Fen is guarded by others. He chooses people he trusts, so there is no problem in eating.

However, Qin Fen had no way to prevent it in other places. Hearing Qin Tian's words, Qin Fen thought that this method was feasible. Anyway, they had no other way now. It was useless to wait all the time.

What's more, Qin Tian has only one month to go. If he can't find the secret agent within one month, what should we do?

So we can only do it according to Qin Tian's method. The old man agreed. Even if he left three months later, Qin Fen could not face the whole family alone, so he left it to Qin Tian.

After the decision was made, Qin Tian always frowned when he felt his pulse every day. The people below were surprised to see what Qin Tian really meant?

At first, he said that the old man's body was ok, but then several times he felt that he was different. He invited a doctor, and the doctor said that he couldn't see well. This time, all the people in Qin's family were in a mess.

The old man's face became more and more ugly, and sometimes he coughed up blood. All the people in Qin's family began to worry, especially those uncles, who felt that things were more serious than they thought.

If the old man is gone, Qin Fen will be the master of the house completely. If he wants to take it back, it will not be easy!

What's more, his name is not right and his words are not smooth. What's more, the old man can protect Qin Fen for one day. If he goes away, the master can't get his recognition. That's useless, unless Qin Fen gives in voluntarily or makes a big mistake.

Today, we all had dinner together. The old man didn't come over because he was not comfortable, so there were only a few of them left on the table except the uncle.

Qin Tian takes a look at the people on the table. The second uncle, the third uncle and the fourth uncle are all there, as well as Qin Fei and other younger generations. They are all sitting together. He is just about to carry a bowl of food. When he hears the third uncle touching, he puts the tea cup heavily on the table. Qin Tian looks up, quietly, and picks up his chopsticks to eat.

"I don't know who came from the family. The children are so ignorant. The adults have not eaten the younger ones and moved the chopsticks first!" He said is Qin Tian, Qin Tian also just a faint smile, "grandfather is not here, there is no elder, the master did not speak, what mouth do you open?"

Qin Fen didn't speak at one side. He just took care of his own meals. The third uncle was bored, but he was not willing to be brushed by the two younger generations. He immediately slapped his chopsticks and said angrily, "you two boys, even if he is the master of the house, he is also my nephew. How do you look down on me now?"

Qin Fen said faintly: "third uncle, eat on the table. Don't be so angry. It's not good to make your body angry.

Don't let us give it to you, and grandfather will have to see you off. " Qin Fen was sarcastic for the first time. His angry uncle raised his hand and wanted to beat him. Qin Fen just raised his eyes and looked at him, "beat the owner. Do you want to be expelled from the main house?"

As soon as this word came out, the third uncle's hand was frozen in the air for a long time without saying anything. He left with hatred and did not eat any food.

Qin Tian is surprised that Qin Fen has such a side, but it's good to show the dignity of the master, so they don't dare to bully Qin Fen.

Qin Kuo snickered. Although he was also a member of his family, he also looked down on the third and fourth uncles. However, Qin Tian said that the second uncle was the most terrible one that day. He looked at the second uncle for a long time.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of the second uncle when he saw the two of them arguing. He knew that the second uncle was not a good thing. Now he was more determined to see the second uncle like this. Qin Tian was right. The second uncle was the most crafty person in the family.The third uncle was angry, and the fourth uncle didn't say anything. He just ate a bowl of rice and took a sip of tea and left. Leave the second uncle and his children here, see Qin Tian finished eating is ready to go, he called Qin Tian.

"Qin Tian, how can you say that you are all nephews? If you are so close to the master, you will inevitably cause dissatisfaction from others. In the future, you should pay attention to the distance and keep a proper attitude."

"What's the measure? Qin Fen and I are brothers. Do we have any problems when we are together, or is it that the second uncle is afraid that we are going too close and that some people are the most difficult to deal with us? "

Second uncle is just a light smile is not angry, Qin Tian admire his self-restraint, if you change to be third uncle and fourth uncle, it is estimated that he will jump again.

"I don't mean that. I just hope you can get along well. But Qin Fen is a family after all. If you are together all day, it will damage his dignity."

"The second uncle reminded me. The second uncle said, I didn't think of this. Thank you for reminding me."

Qin Tian immediately changes his attitude and flatters the second uncle, but the second uncle just smiles. It seems that this boy is quite on the road.

An old fox, a little fox, you come and go at the dinner table. Qin Kuo looks at him and doesn't understand what he means. After dinner, Qin Kuo has time to pull Qin Tian to one side. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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