"What do you mean by saying that to the second uncle?"

Qin Kuo didn't understand. Qin Tian said with a smile, "what else does it mean? Follow him. If the second uncle wants me to stay away from you, we'll stay away from you.". Only in this way can we follow his will to know who controls all this behind his back. "

Qin Tian's words made the situation ambiguous. He didn't understand, "do you mean you suspect the second uncle? It should not be possible. Although the second uncle is usually crafty, he will never be soft hearted in the face of the interests of the Qin family. He is also consistent with the outside world. "

"Maybe, you should know that the uncles have their own ideas. If Qin Fen was replaced as the owner, who would be the biggest beneficiary?

Think about it yourself. I'm just guessing. Maybe there's someone else. But now I can't help it. I can only try it out first. "

Qin Tian said that for the sake of Qin fenhao. After all, it was too close and not good to stare at them with so many eyes in the Qin family. What's more, Qin Fen is so good with an outsider. He is really cold and indifferent to his disciples. In this way, there will be some people in the family who are not satisfied.

Listen to Qin Tian say so, Qin Fen understand, before he was like this, did not expect now also pour into trouble. But it doesn't matter, as long as he can help grandfather solve all this, he is willing to be misunderstood by them.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Qin Fen took the lead in nodding, "according to what you said, I know some people look at me disagreeably, but it will not harm me. But I can't promise from my grandfather. Qin Kuo, you've been working hard these days. We'll separate for the time being, and then we'll contact you by mobile phone. "

Qin Kuo understood and nodded immediately. Although it was a play, he had to do the whole set. After several people separated, they went back to their respective rooms. Qin Kuo set up a small group and brought the other two people in. They began to discuss in the group.

Qin Tian knows that Qin Kuo is warm-hearted, but sometimes he doesn't keep his mouth shut, so he can't tell him about some things, but Qin Fen is different. As the master of the family, these things are what he must experience.

Before Qin Tian thought Qin Fen was not easy, because he was weak and deceiving. Now it seems that it is not all like this. Seeing Qin Fen's performance just now, he also knows that Qin Fen is not as cowardly as it seems. It seems that the old man has a good way of selecting people. At least he will not let an incompetent person inherit the Qin family.

However, if he is really incompetent, the old man will not choose him. Qin Fen is the best in both martial arts and moral character. Otherwise, how can we make this family live in peace.

Qin Fen, who has been the head of the family for more than half a year, is not totally worthless. Just listening to what he said to the third uncle, Qin Tian knew that Qin Fen still had some skills.

As for the second uncle, they are not at ease. Qin Tian knew that Qin Fen was not so smooth, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

According to Qin Tian's plan, the old man was not allowed to go into his house until he was ill in the evening. After a long time, some people doubted him. Qin Tian also knew to stop when he was good. At least he could not let him out now. Qin Fen stayed by the old man's side every day, and those uncles and brothers also went more frequently. The third uncle, the fourth uncle and the second uncle went to greet the old man every morning and evening. The purpose was not to see if the old man was better, but to see whether the old man was pretending to be ill.

But with Qin Tian's help, the old man seemed to be on the verge of decay, and they no longer doubted, and their private activities became more frequent.

At night, Qin Tian was lying on the bed when the door was knocked. He got up to have a look. He was actually a third uncle.

This made him a little surprised. Qin Huan, the third uncle, looked at him with a surprised look on his face and explained, "don't be excited. I'm here to see how you've been recently?"


Since he came to the Qin family, these uncles have not spoken to him alone, but now they run frequently.

Of course, Qin Tian knew what they meant, but he came to win over himself. The third uncle came straight over, looked at his room, and shook his head, "your house is really too shady. It's better to move to my side. The house next to me has been cleaned up. It faces south and the sun is good."

"There's no need, third uncle. Besides, a younger generation of mine left after living for a few days. What's more, I have lived here since the beginning of this house. Now that I move away, I think it's Qin Fen's poor care."

Qin Tian got to the point. He was not affected by his meals during the day. The third uncle's face was smothered, and he could hear what Qin Tian meant.

With a smile, he said, "what do you say? Don't be polite to me. I just want to come and see if you don't have anything else

There was an unnatural flash on Qin Huan's face. Of course, Qin Tian knew that he didn't really want to let himself go. So he asked directly, "so, what do you think of grandfather's illness?"

Qin Tian knew that he came here for the sake of the old man. After hearing this, the third uncle's face was stunned, and then he was embarrassed with a smile: "or are you smart? You know what I'm going to say before I open my mouth. I just want to ask the old man how many days can he last?""It's hard to say. If you take medicine to recuperate, it's almost half a year, but if you stop taking medicine, it's one month at most."

Hearing this, Qin Huan was shocked, "no! The old man was fine before. How could it not be so soon? "

A little worry flashed on Qin Huan's face. After all, it was his father. He could not say anything more. But he had stopped taking medicine for only one month, which was too short. Qin Tian looked at his face. He didn't seem to be lying. He was really surprised.

"Indeed, illness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread. I don't know what's wrong with diet. But even the doctor and I can't help it. "

Qin Tian said, let the third uncle face gloomy, "it must be those who have bad intentions, I know they will not easily let the old man go."

Qin Tian was puzzled, "what do you mean?"

"I've heard what you said about the 60 year limit, and I wonder if it's artificial. But now it seems certain. "

Qin Tian's heart moved, "so who does the third uncle suspect? We have been guarding against all these days. We are all family members and no outsiders are coming

Hearing this, Qin Huan looked at Qin Tian and said, "why not?" Qin Tian was stunned and suddenly remembered that the whole Qin family came back from the outside.

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