He did not come a few days, the old man fell ill, thought of here Qin Tian can not help laughing, "third uncle is not suspicious of me?"

"It's hard to say, Qin Tian, you're from another family. I shouldn't say more about some things, but I still want to remind you not to go too close to Qin Fen. If we find out that the old man's illness starts with you, then you will make Qin Fen lose his position as the master of the house. "

Qin Tian sneered, "isn't that better? The position of the head of the house is vacant. It's just for you to do it. "

Qin Tian's words made Qin Huan's face sink. He had to admit that what he said today was reasonable. However, it was his father who was sick now, and he could not sit still.

"What you said is reasonable. I really want to be the head of the house. But compared with the fourth and the second, I know that I have mediocre qualifications, so I will not compete with them. But the old man is my father and I must be responsible for him. Qin Tian, if you let me find out that you must have done it, I will never let you go. "

"Uncle, don't worry. If I find out, I won't let him go. I came all the way from Songshan city to the imperial capital, not to prescribe medicine to the old man."

Hearing this, Qin Huan nodded, "OK, you can sleep. I just came to ask." After Qin Huan's talk, he didn't know who was behind the scenes.

Qin Tian couldn't believe anyone in this courtyard. He just let Qin Kuo keep a close eye on the people in the courtyard. Qin Kuo didn't let him down and sent him a message soon.

seeing the information in his mobile phone, Qin Tian gave a cold smile. Sure enough, the fox showed his tail and knew that the old man was dying, so they wanted to We're on the move.

Qin Tian quickly replied to Qin Kuo. In addition, he held Qin Fen together to guard the old man's room. He wanted to see who was so upset that he didn't want to wait for the last moment.

In the darkness of the night, the old man was lying in bed and had fallen asleep. Qin Tian used some medicine to make him sleep at ease.

Qin Kuo sent a message that someone came to the old man's room quietly, so the two of them quickly came to guard. Of course, they came in through the back door.

In order to cover, Qin Kuo stood at the front door. A figure flashed by and saw Qin Kuo at the door. The man stopped walking. Just before he left, he saw Qin Kuo yawn and left.

The man darted in.

But I don't know that Qin Kuo left his mobile phone and photographed his figure in it.

Qin Tian and Qin Fen stood by the bedside one by one, only to see a shadow flash in the dark and put something in the tea that the old man often drank. This thing was done quietly. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that someone had actually prescribed medicine to the old man. After dark shadow left, Qin Tian came out quietly, looked at the medicine in the bottle and tasted it.

Qin Fen, quickly stopped him, whispered: "you are crazy, here is the medicine."

"Don't worry. It's just a medicine that can't get up for the time being."

This medicine is colorless and tasteless, but Qin Tian knows that it is a chronic poison after tasting it. If you take it for a long time, the old man's body will soon be exhausted.

If it is like this, it will be about three months according to the time. Qin Tian is surprised by the meticulous mind of the visitor. He just calculates it for three months. That is the day when the old man's time is up. As long as the old man suddenly falls ill and goes away, someone will soon associate with the curse. It seems that this man is really thoughtful 。

Qin Tian whispered a few words to Qin Fen, and Qin Fen quietly followed him out. Before that, they had sprinkled some phosphor on the ground. When the man came in, the sole of his shoe was stained. Now go out, there must be traces left, along the footprints Qin Fen all the way to the second uncle's room.

Sure enough, it's really the second uncle. Qin Fen is a little angry. This is his relative. How can he do such a thing? But driven by interests, no one can stay away from it.

After Qin Fen locked the target, he kicked open the door with a fierce kick. The black shadow was startled. Qin Fen did not say a word and hit him with a fist. The shadow fell to the ground with a loud bang, which surprised the people around him. At the end of the night, everyone didn't know what happened. When he opened the door, he saw Qin Fen riding on the second uncle, making his face black and blue, and the second uncle was lying on the ground He could not stop howling, but his clothes were very strange. He was dressed in black. People who did not know thought that the second uncle had gone out to do something.

Qin Kuo hears the news and rushes in. Seeing Qin Fen like this, he quickly stops him.

"Qin Fen, Qin Fen, if you have something to say, the evidence is here. Don't dirty your hands."

"Yes, Qin Fen. What happened?"

Qin Huan was watching jokes. He had always been at odds with the third one. Now he was glad to see the third one beaten like this.

Qin Fen was so angry that he pointed to his second uncle, Qin Zhang, and said, "this guy drugged my grandfather. I caught him!"

"You fartSecond uncle Qin Zhang was angry, "what evidence do you have?"

"The evidence is the phosphor on the soles of your shoes. We ambush in grandfather's room and sprinkle phosphor on the ground. You run to put some medicine in grandfather's tea. I saw it with my own eyes. You dare to argue all the way after me! The paper containing the powder is still on you. Do you want me to find it on the spot? "

Qin Fen was pulled over by Qin Kuo, but he still didn't get angry. He kicked Qin Zhang hard and spat out a mouthful of blood. It happened that the paper ball fell out of his body. People were shocked. Qin Fen picked it up first. "Call the doctor to take this to test and see what kind of medicine it is."

"You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch

Qin Huan didn't care about others. When he went up, he would beat him, but he was stopped by others. At this time, Qin Tian supported the old man and came over. When he saw this, everyone was shocked.

The old man was dressed neatly and his face was solemn. He didn't look like he was ill at all.

Seeing this scene, the old man said in a deep voice: "I'm not dead yet. You treat me like this. Can't you wait for these months?"

Qin Zhang snorted coldly: "if you don't die, how can I accept the position of master? You want to protect the stinky boy. What's good about him? If you don't choose the people in the yard, you have to choose a younger generation. Even if you choose, will he win? Why can't I take the place when you operate in a dark box? "

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