Hearing this, Qin Fen was livid.

Qin Tian didn't think so. He said, "those things have passed. I ask you, when did your family take the position of the head of the house? What deep hatred did the former master have with you?"

Hearing the speech, Qin Zhang snorted coldly: "we are not the father's own child at all, but just cousins. Since we have chosen Qin Fen, why can't we do it?"

His words make Qin Tian a little different. Isn't he a father? The old man shook his head and said, "even if it's not a father, I treat you like my own. Your father died early. I brought you all the way. Do I owe you? Qin Fen is an outstanding child in both moral character and Kung Fu. What qualifications do you have to compare with him and give me medicine? I'm afraid that the former owner of the family was also the one who hurt you? "

Hearing this, Qin Zhang dismissively said, "those people just come up with flattery. How can he de sit on the position of master of the house? If you choose Qin Fei or other people today, I have nothing to say. But if you choose Qin Fen, what is his ability? I'm just not convinced! I call you father because of my father. Now I have been caught by you. If you want to beat you today, I will fight well, and I will not be afraid. "

After Qin Zhang was arrested, he was not polite. It seemed that the fault was not with him. Other people began to talk about it. Qin Zhang was too bold. No one said that he was not a son or a half in this courtyard, but he had such a mind, especially the old man treated him as his own.

The third uncle Qin Huan slapped him, "you son of a bitch, my father treats you so well, how dare you treat him like this? If my father has something wrong, I will never forgive you! Qin Fen is good at fighting. If you want me to say that you should fight a few more fists, let him have a long memory and drive him out of the Qin family! "

Seeing this, the old man sighed and said: "the position of the head of the family is not something you want to fight for. Since I have chosen to give it to Qin Fen, I trust him. In the future, he can take the Qin family better and better. However, it's not suitable for you to stay any longer. Go away, I'll make it clear to the other branches of the family. From now on, you are no longer the Qin family. You should pack up your things, Go now. "

"Grandfather, he drugged you. Are we going to let him go like this? Do call the police! "

Qin Fen is not convinced. Qin Tian shakes his head at him.

Now that the old man has said the final word, there is no need to talk about it. Other people are also stunned. They didn't expect that the old man punished him so lightly. In fact, the old man also has his own ideas. After all, he is a member of the Qin family. Even if he takes the medicine, he has nothing to do with him now, so he is no longer doing anything to him.

When you don't want to die, I'm afraid you're not lucky for him

"Pa!" Qin Huan slapped him again. "You want to have another time. I'll tell you that you'll be disabled today. Fourth, follow me!"

The three uncles and four uncles went up together and beat and scolded Qin Zhang. Qin Huan took his empty foot and stepped on Qin Zhang's kneecap. Then a hand that divided the muscles and bones broke all his bones. Qin Zhang screamed and fainted. The old man looked at him, shook his head, turned around and left, and did not care.

Qin Tian, Qin Fen and Qin Kuo watched coldly. They didn't expect Qin Huan to be so cruel. After fighting, he saw Qin Zhang fainted. Qin Huan stood up and said to Qin Fen, "now this boy has been defeated by me. He can't do any bad things in the future. Don't worry about it. The third uncle will throw the boy out for you. He will never disturb him in the future There you are. "

Qin Fen was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the third uncle would help him like this. So he nodded and said in a deep voice: "thank you very much. Please help me to take care of it. I'll go to see how my grandfather is."

Qin Huan nodded and threw Qin Zhang out together with Qin Xiang. From now on, there will be no such person in Qin family.

The old man came back to the ancestral hall. Qin Tian knew that he was in a bad mood. He brought up a child by himself. In the end, he would prescribe medicine to him like this. The old man was in a bad mood. When he heard Qin Tian coming, he said leisurely, "you can see that big families also have big family troubles. I can't do anything about it."

"Don't think too much about it. Let Qin Fen face it alone in the future. The Qin family has a great cause and he always wants to be independent. Granddad, you have done so much for him. No one dares to say "no" to be the head of the house. I think Qin Fen is also very good. In the past six months, I think you should see clearly that he can really be the master of the house. "

The old man nodded, "yes, but I didn't expect to take out my heart to treat people, but the man bit back. Forget it, don't say him. What's your plan?"

Qin Tian was stunned for a moment. He originally planned to stay here for a month, but now the old man is in good health, and the secret agent behind the scenes has also been found. Qin Tian originally wanted to go, but think about it, what if there is anything else?

Then he hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll stay for a few days to make up for a month and then I'll go to the military camp directly after a month, and the military region has also let me go there to take part in the competition."

"Barracks?""Yes, I have some friends there, so I'll be there in a month."

Qin Tian didn't bring Li Xinran to the emperor this time. He also had to take part in the armed competition. He still had a special identity, so he had to go to the competition this time.

The old man also knew that Qin Tian was busy, so he didn't stop him. However, when he heard that Qin Tian was going to have a competition, he also laughed: "let you take part in the competition. Do they know where you are now?"

Qin Tian shook his head. "I didn't say that, but grandfather, I came to the imperial capital this time. In addition to taking part in the competition, I still wanted to look for zodiac jade. I don't know who found the jade of the last zodiac? "

"That's the third one. Ask him!"

Qin Tian nodded and turned down. Qin Fen followed him in. He didn't know what he said to the old man. Anyway, two people stayed in it for a long time.

Qin Tian went directly to Qin Huan, the third uncle, who was very surprised when he saw Qin Tian coming. Qin Tian asked, "uncle, in fact, I came here to find Xiao Yu. I heard that you found the last Zodiac jade. Where did you get it? Qin Huan had just hit Qin Zhang. Before he could stop his anger, he saw Qin Tian come to ask him about it. He was suddenly in a bad mood: "what Zodiac jade? I don't know. Don't come and ask me, I don't know anything! "

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