Seeing the third uncle refused to say it, Qin Tian could not help but remind him: "uncle, it was one of the three prizes in the last competition, the zodiac jade. Did you forget it?

Grandfather said that you found it. Let me find you, uncle. Tell me! "

Qin Huan thought for a long time or shook his head. "I don't know about the jade, but you said that most of the three things were bought from the antique market. How can you still want them?"

"Of course, what else would I do with you? I'd like to find the rest. I'll tell you the truth. There are twelve pieces of zodiac jade. You can get them together..."

"Call on the dragon?"

Qin Huan interrupted him and said with a smile that he obviously didn't believe him.

Qin tianchensheng explained: "it's a treasure map. Uncle, please help me quickly. I'm still several pieces short."

Qin Tian was very soft and hard. Qin Huan finally gave the address of the antique market. There were several antique markets in the imperial capital. Qin Huan said that the antique market on this old street was the oldest with many things.

Seeing Qin Tian's serious face, Qin Huan didn't hide it from him. Hearing this, Qin Tian thought that taking advantage of the fact that it was all right now and that the Qin family was stable, he went to have a look with Qin Kuo.

Qin Fen stayed at home to take care of the old man, which they agreed at the beginning.

After waiting for the place, Qin Tiancai found that it was called a depression. It was also an old street with a long history. The street was full of people, and there were only 20 or so vendors in the street. With such a small number of people, there were no more customers than stall owners. How can we go around?

Qin Tian walked all the way to the stall, except for some bronze, porcelain, antiques, calligraphy and painting, almost no jade. He couldn't help feeling frustrated and touched Qin Kuo's arm. "Do you think it's so easy to find it? How did the third uncle find it? He didn't tell me what I said, nor did he reveal anything. "

"Third uncle, you don't know. Did you give him any good?"

Qin Tian shakes his head. He tells the third uncle that the twelve zodiac jades can get the treasure. What else is the benefit?

Qin Kuo laughed, "no good, how can he tell you easily?"

Qin Kuo's words made Qin Tian stunned, "what does he like?"

"You can ask the right person. The more money the third uncle likes, the better. Last time you had a competition, uncle secretly bet 3 million to buy you to win. How much did he make that time?"

Qin Kuo knows the third uncle too well, so now listen to him and Qin Tian understand. But now it's too late to say anything. They have arrived here.

First of all, Qin Tian asked Qin Kuo one by one. There was no sign of zodiac jade, and some of them had never heard of it. Qin Tian was helpless. He didn't expect Qin Yu to be so realistic and his family was so defensive.

Seeing Qin Tian's appearance, Qin Kuo shrugged and said, "it's no wonder that the third uncle didn't tell you the truth. How precious is this thing as a reward for the competition?

Third uncle can't be so relaxed. He can buy it at the antique market

Hearing this, Qin Tian curled his lips. He didn't tell Qin Kuo that his zodiac jade had come without any effort, and almost all of them came by chance in the antique market.

Seeing his gloomy face, Qin Kuo suggested, "I'll take you to a good place."


"You just want jade? I'm going to gamble with you. There is a gambling stone not far away from this place. I often go to play it. I just have a look at eye addiction. You are different. Do you have those functions? Go and have a look. Maybe you'll make some money! "

Smell speech Qin Tian some helpless, what function can he have?

But Qin Kuo didn't believe it. He just pulled Qin Tian in the past.

The antique market didn't succeed, but we couldn't get nothing. So Qin Tian agreed and went with Qin Kuo.

Stone city, on the back of antique market, the depression of antique market is in sharp contrast to the bustle of stone city.

Looking at the sea of people in front of him, Qin Tian sighed: "it seems that this kind of game stimulates people's hearts. Maybe the gambling stone will make a fortune this time."

"Some of them are ruined. You see, someone will come out crying after a while."

Qin Kuo has seen so much that he has seen nothing strange.

"That's right. Let's have a look at the excitement."

Qin Kuo was surprised, "don't you want to buy two for fun?" "I'm here to take a chance to see if there's any good jade. Besides, if not, I'll open my eyes."

Qin Tian said so, and Qin Kuo followed him.

As they walked forward in the crowd, they heard someone say, "boss, please help me get a pass from here, and then draw a line from there.

I want to see what kind of treasure is hidden in this? "

A familiar voice, let Qin Tian stop, he turned to see, that is not Chen Manman? How did she get here?

Chen Manman also has a boy beside him. It seems that he is well dressed. He has a blue casual suit on his upper half. Taking advantage of his beautiful features, the famous watch on his wrist shows his identity. It seems that he is a rich second generation.Is Chen Manman's boyfriend?

Qin Tian walks over and pats Chen Manman on the shoulder. Chen Manman looks back with surprise.

"Brother Qin Tian, how could it be you?"

"What, Maman, are you coming with your boyfriend?"

Smell speech Chen man man man's face suddenly red, quickly denied, "he is not my boyfriend, he is my client, I come to business."

Qin Tian looked at the boy in front of him. He looked clean and comfortable.

However, the other party did not speak, just nodded. In this situation, he was not able to say too much, and he did not know what the relationship was between Chen Manman and the boy? If the lover is not full, he will not disturb.

Chen Manman did not say too much, just looking at Qin Tian with surprise.

Qin Tian touches his nose and moves his eyes to the field.

The boy also cast his eyes on the jade just now. Qin Tian took a look at the stone and then touched his little gourd. The gourd did not respond. It seems that it should be empty.

At this time, the rich second generation paid the money, and the stone was moved to one side.

"Master, according to what Chen just said just now, one cross cut and one oblique cut."

Chen Manman did not forget to remind his master. As a result, the two knives went down. With the sound of cutting suddenly stopped, Chen Manman's face suddenly became gloomy. There was nothing but a common stone.

"It doesn't matter. Choose another one."

The rich second generation comforted her, but Chen Manman was a little scared. The stone cost 200000 yuan just now, which is her annual income. She didn't dare to choose at will, so she shook her head and said, "forget it, I don't have a good eye and I don't understand. I'd better not waste money!"

The second generation of rich people didn't have to. They just looked at themselves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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