He picked a piece to weigh and handed it over. The boss looked at it and said, "180000."

This piece is much smaller than the one just now, probably only the hand is so big, the rich generation has not hesitated to brush the card, then left and right to see, and tell the boss: "cut it all around."

After the explanation is clear, the master's cutting knife just cut down, inside it shows green, everyone exclaimed, it seems that the vision of the rich generation 2 is still good.

Qin Tian thought it should be a professional, otherwise, he would not dare to play like this.

Chen Manman eyes out surprise, thought of the jade really, she can not help to erect thumb.

"Zhao is always powerful!"

"Don't be so born, I will be good time. I will give you a memorial when I polish this jade."

"Thank you, good day." Chen Manman's face flew up with two red clouds. She suddenly realized what, turned her head and looked at Qin Tian, Qin Tian had no reaction. As if she didn't exist, Qin Tian's heart suddenly sank.

It seems that Qin Tian didn't put her in mind after the last failure of the confession.

Now, seeing Zhao Liangchen pursuing himself has no response at all, Chen Manman can not help but be discouraged.

Qin Tian is thinking about this good day is a bit of a skill. Just now, when he saw the small stone, his gourd had a little light. Qin Tian realized that, indeed, this little gourd knew treasure. When he saw the stone open material, Qin Tian was eager to try and wanted to try it.

So Qin Tian pulls Qin Kuo aside and says, "let's play big today. Do you want to get rich? How much did you bring? "

"What do you mean?"

Qin Kuo was a little confused.

"You will tell me how much money you brought, and I will open you a big jade in the future, which will double your price."

Qin Kuang stared at him, and he couldn't believe it.

"Is it true?"

"I can cheat you? Do you believe my eyes? "

"Well, I believe that of course."

Qin Tian said that, of course, Qin Kuan would not object. Besides, they come here today mainly for Xiaoyu. If they can't find them, it is also good to get some.

Qin Kuo nodded quickly. "You will pick me a big one. It will take 180000 to buy that small stone just after the second generation of rich people. If we choose a big one, it will cost tens of millions of people."

"You are relieved. I will double all the money in your account, so that you can become the richest person in Qin family." Hearing him say that, Qin Kuo hurriedly moved to hand in all four of his bank cards.

"There are 40 million on these four cards, which was earned the last time."

Qin Tian nodded, and indeed, Qin Kuo was a boy who was hidden in the dark. He would take tens of millions of money.

Qin Tian took Qin Kuang around for a while, while the rich two generations were following. In fact, stone city is so big, Qin Tian chose one of the largest, left and right to see just about to pass, Qin Kuang grabbed.

Qin Tian turns around and sees Qin Kuo still has some tension, so comforts him: "you will be assured, today, keep it to let you earn several billion to go back."

Listen to him say that, Qin Kuan's heart jumped, did not think Qin Tian such a big tone, will not be ugly? If it's screwed up, it's a terrible thing. "

But Qin Tian did not give him this opportunity, and what he saw must be good.

He touched the stone, knocked on it, and everyone laughed at him. "Boy, will you pick it? If you can't pick it, flash away! "

"This is a stone pick. Do you think you pick watermelon?"

Qin Tian just smiled and didn't speak, still touched, knocked, but there was always a hand touch Tongtong gourd.

After a dozen minutes, he finally chose, on the corner of the market that forgotten in the corner of the big stone.

When he picked this piece, even the boss laughed, "boy, don't blame me for not telling you that such a large stone is basically without material. I have been doing this business for so long, and I don't see it, I advise you to forget it! Choose another one. You are all used as a stool. "

People around me laughed, Qin Tian was not upset, but joked: "you are too big a stool. I will take this one. You can see how much money, even if it is stone, I will buy it back as crafts and put it for you. I'd like to!"

Hearing Qin Tian say that, the boss laughed, but he was a businessman after all. He saw Qin Tian was determined to choose this big one. So the boss said he reached out a palm of his hand. "If you don't want to, I will not sell it."

"You kill people, right? 50 million such a waste stone, I don't want to! I think you can sell it? "

Qin Kuo jumped out and started shouting at the boss, and everyone laughed.

"It's too exaggerated to buy a big stone for 50 million?" Qin Tian takes Qin Kuang to go, "you should go to grab money quickly."

"I didn't let you buy either, you chose it yourself. I am the one-time price. You don't buy it sincerely. "

Wen Yan Qin Tian stopped to step, "if you really want to sell, open a sincere price, 50 million, you this stone I think rotten to the earth and no one wants, 500000 I will take it."The boss took a look at a few messy stones covered with dust in the corner. This stone is the largest and is usually made as a stool.

"All right, all right, here you are, 500000!"

Based on his years of experience, this big stone was once cut, and there was nothing in it. Therefore, he was sure that there was nothing in it. It was worth selling a stone for 500000 yuan.

Qin Tian quickly asked Qin Kuo to swipe his card. Even if it was 500000, Qin Kuo thought it was expensive. He was just a stone. No one wanted to buy it as a handicraft.

But hear Qin Tian say to let him double, Qin Kuo now also no longer say what, obediently go to swipe card.

Rich second generation and Chen Manman are looking at him behind his back. Chen Manman is a little worried. I don't know what idea Qin Tian is playing?

"Maman, do you know him?" Suddenly heard Zhao Liangchen's voice, Chen man quickly sneer, "of course, he is my friend, why?"

"There's something wrong with his vision."

"There's something wrong with your eyes. What do you mean, Liangchen?"

"This stone is a stone, nothing. Half a million of them are gone. Your friend is a little crazy. " After listening to his words, Chen Manman is a little worried. Will Qin naivete lose? But she is not sure, after all, she believes that Qin Tian has this ability.

But Chen Manman is not convinced. After all, Zhao Liangchen has real skills.

So she ran to remind Qin Tian, "brother Qin Tian, is it not worth buying a stone for half a million yuan? My friend, he is very accurate. Let him take a look at it for you

"Late, I have bought them. Thank you for your kindness. I know it in my mind."

Qin Tian's voice is faint. Chen Manman asks for no fun, stomps his feet and turns away.

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