Chen Manman returned to Zhao Liangchen, and she was angry with the fact that Qin Tian didn't give her face.

People in stone city heard that someone bought a stone for 500000 yuan, and they all came around to see jokes.

The boss gave the stone to him after he had brush the card. "You tell me how to drive. We all listen to you." The master said with a smile.

Qin Tian holds the gourd and the gourd is hot. He knows there is something good here, but how to open it is still a problem.

He reached out and touched it on the stone. The hotter the gourd, the more precious the things were. He touched the stones one by one, knew it, and straightened up and said to the master, "you cut me a piece here, and dig one from the middle and dig one out."


The master promised to cut as much as he said.

People around me have stretched their necks to see it clearly. Until now, some people say Qin Tian is a fool.

The master slowly approached with a tool cutter, and told some guys to come and help him erect the stone. Several people tried their best to erect the stone. The people around him looked at it and smiled and said, "this kid is afraid he is not a fool. He bought a big stone and cut it like this."

Qin days are deaf, Qin Kuan's heart has been raised. If today, it is a stone, and his face will be lost. Qin Tian is good. He can go by patting his ass. how can he mix in this field in the future, he can not help but clenching his fist and praying to succeed.

Qin Tian laughed out when he heard it next to him, "what are you afraid of? I said there must be. "

Hearing his words, Qin Kuo couldn't help but he was calm, but he spent his own money. Although there were not many 500000, he was ashamed.

With a sharp voice, the master's cutting knife began to work. Qin Tian threw his eyes on the stone again. The more eyes he stared at, the more people's hearts were raised.

A layer of the stone surface was cut off. The master washed the stone surface with water. Everyone laughed, and there was nothing in it.

Master is not in a hurry, the faster the washing, the cutting knife again, Qin Kuan's heart also raised, what is the matter?

Finally, the master will cut the knife side smile: "it is a good thing, is blood jade."

Master let go, everyone tiptoe to look into the field, jaw to be startled.

The big stone, with a red surface, was really a blood jade. I didn't expect that there was really good goods in the stone city.

The boss stood on the side of the stone, and he was stunned. He had taken the stone for several years. He cut it a little before. He didn't find anything. He didn't expect Qin Tian to find the blood jade after this cutting. Qin Tian was not in a hurry. Then he came and touched it again. He told the master to cut it along the edge of the stone, so that the master would destroy the blood jade. Qin Tian also took it carefully The strokes were marked.

The master was also excited. He had never seen such a big blood jade, so he began to cut according to the signs painted by Qin Tian.

All the people in the stone city were surrounded. Two hours later, a red blood jade showed a real face. Qin Tian laughed and applause was also heard around.

Zhao Liangcheng's face was gray, and he didn't think the boy was really capable. 500000 bought such a good blood jade.

Qin Kuo was excited to jump up and down, hugging Qin Tian and shouting, "Qin Tian, you are my lucky star, this time I will be rich!"

This blood jade market value may exceed 100 million, Qin Tian said that, a stone makes him a billionaire.

The boss plops to sit on the ground, the intestines are all regretful green, face is as dead as grey, the heart is cool. Qin Tian walked to pat him on the shoulder and said, "buy it and leave your hand. I wish to lose. Boss, you can't lose it. You haven't recognized this stone for so many years around you, indicating that you are not the owner of it. Take a good look next time."

Qin Tian patted the boss on the shoulder, and let people pack the stone, and he and Qin Kuang carry it and go. The whole stone city people have given way and let them go back.

Qin Kuang put the stone on the car. The baby was lying on the stone and refused to let go. There was no way. Qin Tian drove back to the courtyard of Qin family. On the way, he called the old man. The old man heard that he hurriedly let Qin Yu and his brothers stay at the door. He also asked the teacher Fu Guo of the jewelry store to come.

It was said that Qin Tian and Qin Kuo bought a blood jade in the stone city to come back. At first, they didn't know how big it was. They were shocked to find that they were a half table size blood jade after they waited for the place. The old man looked at Qin Kuo with a tongue. Qin Kuo was already happy and mad. He couldn't speak anything. Qin Tian was calm and said, "we bought a stone for 500000 and cut it. It was a blood jade. It was a good thing, so we brought it back. Look at what to do, man. "

Qin Kuang laughed so close that he could not close his mouth. He slowed down and said, "Grandpa, thanks to Qin Tian today, how can I think that there will be such a big blood jade in that stone. It really makes a profit. Our Qin family is in the capital of the emperor. Such a house can buy another set and send it!"Qin Kuo walked across the room, feeling happy.

The old man didn't expect that the boy was really lucky. He went out with Qin Tian and brought back a piece of blood jade in such a short time.

"Since you bought it, when the master comes, let him think about it carefully and see what it can be made, or it can be auctioned directly."

Qin Kuo's eyes brightened. If he said this, he would get all the blood jade?

However, he is not stingy, since grandfather spoke, he will not refuse, but also can not be his own.

"Grandfather, don't worry, but the last time uncle found that piece of jade is also good, uncle, where did you get that jade? I'll give you the material for the necklace

Hearing this, Qin Huan's heart was full of joy, and he was still on the way.

Seeing Qin Tian's presence, he was embarrassed to smile and said, "it's the antique shop in the west of the city, which specializes in jewelry."

West of the city? They went to the east of the city today, the old fox!

Qin Tian smiles, and the corners of his mouth rise slightly. The light in his eyes makes Qin Huan's heart tremble, but Qin Tian doesn't say much.

The old man looked aside and knew that the third one played them, but it was not worthless. Otherwise, the blood jade would not let them meet.

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