Hearing Qin Huan say that, Qin Tian understood that he was willing to tell the truth only when he had benefits. Now he already knew that it was in the antique shop in the west of the city. But Qin Tian didn't dare to rush forward, so he asked Qin Huan to take him with him. Qin Huan was embarrassed. He just wanted to refuse. Qin Kuo and Qin Fen clamped him down. Qin Huan was surprised, "what do you two want to do?"

"Third uncle, you can help. Besides, Qin Tian can see the blood jade, otherwise I can see it with my ability? I said to give you one is also Qin Tian's meaning, you can't just take things and forget it? "

Qin Huan said with a smile, "that thing hasn't arrived yet."

"Oh, my third uncle, what are you afraid of? The production of this blood jade will be handed over to the third uncle for your supervision. Can't you take the first one after finishing it? Hurry up, don't delay the business, Qin Tian is still waiting

Hearing Qin Kuo say so, Qin Huan nods his head and says, "you kid eat inside and out!"

"How can it be outside? Everyone is surnamed Qin, and they are all members of a family. I am a good child of Miao Hong. Please hurry up, uncle. If he finds out what kind of treasure, he can't get rid of others. "

When Qin Kuo said this, Qin Huan understood and immediately agreed.

"OK, we'll go together."

"I'm not going. I'm watching my grandfather here. You go!"

Qin Fen took the initiative to stay.

Qin Tian understood, "today is not urgent, we will go again in two days, and wait until all the blood jade are polished out."

Qin Tian opened his mouth, and Qin Huan was certainly happy. With the blood jade, he would have won tens of millions in vain. If he had been given this string of beads, he didn't know how much it would cost. Qin Huan felt happy when he thought about it. At the same time, he was surprised at Qin Tian's generosity. If it was him, he would never give up.

However, Qin Tian would never care about this little thing. Since he said that he gave them to them, he would not want a point.

However, Qin Kuo in the end is to read his good, secretly left him a pair of blood jade bracelets, let him take back to give Li Xinran.

Seeing Qin Kuo and thinking of Li Xinran, Qin Tian immediately laughed. This is just like a family, thinking about each other in everything they do.

After seven days, everything was polished. In addition to the necklace promised to third uncle Qin Yu, Qin Tian also had a pair of bracelets. The rest were made of small items, including a pair of earrings, several blood jade bracelets and a kylin made of blood jade. They were put in the old man's room. The old man couldn't put it off when he saw it, and he had to rub it on for a long time every day.

When Qin Tian saw this, he couldn't help but feel happy. Immediately took a photo and sent it to Li Xinran. Li Xinran saw the blood jade bracelet on the photo, and was very happy. The bracelet looked good.

She asked Qin Tian what was going on. Qin Tian only said that Qin's family had given her a gift to meet her. Li Xinran was naturally happy when she heard this. She immediately bought a lot of special products in Songshan and sent them to her.

Qin family, the capital of the emperor, received the things sent by Li Xinran and praised her as a good woman and let Qin Tian cherish it.

Qin Tian smiles. Li Xinran has always been a good woman in his heart, but they don't know it. He and Li Xinran have been supporting each other all the way. Naturally, they will cherish her.

The third uncle got his share, and now he was at ease. He took Qin Tian to the antique shop in the west of the city. But this time, the owner was not there, and there was no Zodiac jade. Qin Tian knew that this kind of thing could not be met. He immediately went around the antique shop. The gourd was scalded several times and collected many good things.

All the things that Qin Tian liked were bought by the third uncle. They were all genuine products and the price was dozens of times higher than the price he bought. In this way, Qin Huan made a lot of money. He was very surprised. He didn't expect that Qin Tian was really a good judge of goods.

Since then, he has been more courteous to Qin Tian. Qin Tian can't help crying and laughing. He didn't expect that the third uncle likes money so openly. What's more, he doesn't think that uncle is so cute and can't walk when he sees some good things. But this is also good, simple and straightforward like money is better than that hidden in the bad.

So Qin Tian didn't hate him when he was facing such a third uncle. He only thought he was cute.

Qin Kuo laughed at the third uncle's appearance, secretly pulled Qin Tian and said, "you have to know that the third uncle is the most simple one in Qin family. Although he always does the right thing with the younger generation, he has one gut to the end, and he has no heart." "According to you, third uncle is still a simple baby?"

Qin kuotan raised his eyebrows. "Of course, when we were young, we played with everything in his house. But you have to know that the Qin family is still the third uncle who wants to say that they are warm-hearted. I don't understand that when they competed for the position of the head of the family before, but now the third uncle is stable. "

Qin Tian understood that Qin Huan was a little grumpy, but his heart was still warm. So Qin Tian will be willing to give him something to help him earn a little money.

The third uncle was naturally happy with the money, so he would not embarrass them any more. Without the third uncle's company, Qin Tian comes to the antique shop alone. The antique shop here is different from that before. Most of the shops in the east of the city are stalls, which are collected by every family. Every family of Qin Tian has seen a lot of good things in the past, but there is no Zodiac jade.This is the last one I visited today. Looking at the past, there are some high imitation ancient porcelain in the store. Among them, the most striking one is a snuff bottle. Qin Tian takes a look at it. The boss knows the goods and doesn't sell them. It's just an exhibition. So many people come to Taobao before. Qin Tian doesn't think so. It's OK to buy this kind of things as a collection, but he does Not interested.

Qin Tian's purpose was clear. Since he didn't have it, he just went around.

Seeing Qin Tian come here for several days, the boss felt familiar and saw him come again, so the boss personally received him.

"Please have a seat, sir. I watched my husband come here several days in a row. Is it possible that Mr. Fei doesn't like the things in my shop. Is he looking for something?"

The boss quickly asked the waiter to bring tea. Qin Tian nodded and said, "I want to find Zodiac jade. Have you seen this?"

Qin Tian took out the photos taken in his mobile phone to the boss. He already had several pieces in his hand. Now he wants to collect these things, but there is no progress.

The boss frowned and didn't speak for a long time. Qin Tian thought he hadn't seen it, so he nodded and turned to leave. The boss stopped him, "wait, I don't have this zodiac jade, but I do have some records about it."

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