Books? Qin Tian came to be interested in it. "Show it to me quickly."

At that time, he only heard about it, but there was no relevant record. It would be good to know what treasures were hidden behind these Zodiac jades.

The boss thought about it and wanted him to follow him in. Qin Tian found that there was a dark lattice in the small facade, which opened with a push, and there was a hole in it.

The boss asked him to go in. "This is my treasure house, and ordinary valuables will be put here, and I will lead you to it."

"How can the boss be sure that I am your guest of honor?"

Qin Tianxiao, this business is able to speak, not modest at all, see who are guests.

But the boss said in a loud voice: "look at your dress and temperament are different from others. And a few days ago, I heard that the stone city has spread. Someone bought a piece of blood jade for 500000 yuan. They all took photos and uploaded them. If I don't recognize it again, I'm really embarrassed. "

Qin Yu didn't think that he lost his fame.

Now the boss went to a bookshelf, carefully put on his gloves, opened the drawer, took out an ancient book, opened the page, and showed it to Qin Tian. Qin Tian could not help but feel moved when he saw the source of the ancient jade on the zodiac and the secret behind it.

"The treasure of my emperor's life is hidden in the jade of the zodiac, and the treasures handed down from time to time come out, which are incomparably rich..."

With just a few words, Qin Tian took a look at the book and finally decided, "boss, sell this book to me."

"If you want to buy it, it's not a secret. It's just ancient books."

"No, it's very important to me. Swipe the card

Qin Tian handed over a card, of course, the boss would like to.

In fact, Qin Tian also knew that there was no content in this book, but if the book recorded the zodiac jade, he must know its source and how it was dispersed at that time. He could follow it.

After finishing the card, Qin Tian took the book and went out. He went back to the car and looked through it carefully. There were only a few words about the jade of the zodiac. Since it is owned by the emperor, who is he?

He had to go back and have a good look. He didn't know if it was true. Unexpectedly, he came to an antique shop and found nothing else. He spent 200000 yuan on a book.

After going back, Qin Fen could not help but smack his tongue when he learned that the book cost 200000 yuan. He turned the book over and over, read it again and again, then ran back, took a red sandalwood box, put the book in, and carefully sealed it with a cover, and put a pair of gloves in it.

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. "What are you doing?"

"That's 200000! Although our family has a big business, it can't bear such a flower. I tell you, keep all these things well and sell them in a few years' time, and it will certainly double. "

Qin Kuo is serious, Qin naivete is convinced him, "I don't intend to sell."

"If you don't sell them, you should keep them. They are all ancient books. If you move them a little, they will be broken. And when the weather is good, you should take them out and look them over. Do you know? I left this sandalwood box for you to carry. I didn't expect it would come in use today. "

Hearing this, Qin Tian grinned. In fact, Qin Kuo looked careless, but he was thick and thin.

He didn't think of this, so he took the box with both hands and solemnly said, "thank you, Qin Kuo. This book is in your custody. It's not convenient for me to carry it. I'm going to have a big competition in two days, so I'll leave it in the Qin family. I'll take care of it when I get back."

Qin Kuo was stunned, "do you want to compete? What's the comparison? "

"But I don't know what to compare. It's about their training program."

Qin Kuo was suspicious. He looked him up and down, "but you have never trained."

"I haven't trained before, so I'm going to try with them a week in advance. If I can keep up with them, I won't lose face."

He wrote down what the old man said to him before. Zhao pocheng came to see him, but he never contacted him. Later, he informed him directly through the old man that he represented Shanghai and the sea in martial arts competition, and three other people came to the imperial capital to have a competition.

Qin Tian is not easy to refuse, so he came here. Now he has not been exposed to such training, so he should be trained in advance.

Now it doesn't take long. When things over here are over, Qin Tian says goodbye to his grandfather and goes directly.

On the way, I received a call from Nie Laozi, who just connected the phone. The old man scolded me!

"Where have you been? I haven't been able to reach you for such a long time. "

Qin Tian looked at his mobile phone, did not answer the phone, so full of grievances: "I have been staying in the emperor's grandfather's home, did not run around, these days did not receive a call."

"No matter, I'll send you the address right away. You and the other three people will report together. As soon as possible, I'll specially ask you to come over a week in advance for training. Don't lose face.""No, don't worry. What does the chief mean?"

"You don't have to worry about the meaning there. You just need to know that you represent Shanghai and the sea. If it's messed up, you won't come back!"

The old man bang a hang up the phone, Qin Tian feel strange, how can get through? I don't know if there is something wrong with the mobile phone. Later on, he thought that there was a shielding device inside the Qin family. For so many days in the Qin family compound, he didn't receive a phone call from Li Xinran. He contacted him through wechat. I think that's also the reason.

Think of this. Xiaoxiao saved all those numbers in the mobile phone and dialed one of them.

The person who answered the phone was a young man, who was only in his twenties. He was very cheerful and brisk. Hearing Qin Tian contact him, the man introduced himself and said, "Hello Qin Tian, I'm Zhang Shaocheng. I'll wait for you at the high-speed railway station in the west of the city."

"Well, give me half an hour."

High speed railway station? Qin Tian drove by himself and saw Zhang Shaocheng in military uniform. He was quite different from the voice on the phone. He was a solid man.

He should not be called a man. When he approached Qin, he found that he was a young man. He was only in his early twenties. His face was dark. It seemed that the chassis was relatively stable.

Seeing Qin Tian coming, Zhang Shaocheng didn't react at the beginning. He didn't understand until Qin Tian said hello to him. This is Qin Tian who just talked to himself on the phone.

Seeing Qin Tian's white face, Zhang Shaocheng was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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