"You go to the competition with us?"

Qin Tian nodded, "it is the special batch of the eldest. Although I have armed status, I have never been specially trained. This time, follow you in the past, we can cooperate well and can not lose our face in Shanghai."

Qin Tian said that Zhang Shaocheng nodded and agreed. There were two remaining people who had not met, so they had to meet in the capital military area first.

Qin Tian navigated along the way according to his address, and took zhangshaocheng to the place where he was located. However, he was stopped just after he got down the mountain. There was a heavy place ahead. Their car couldn't enter. Qin Tian had to park his car at the foot of the mountain, take his luggage and Zhang Shaocheng on foot to the mountain.

Although I have heard a lot about this before, there are bases in the forest. He doesn't know, but Zhang Shaocheng looks meaningless.

"I told you that many bases are hidden in the mountains. The secrets of our country cannot be publicized. Therefore, it is not difficult to take pictures or speak in disorder. Otherwise, you will be returned to the place. Understand?"

Knowing that Qin Tian has not been specially trained, so he has little knowledge in this field. Zhang Shaocheng is popularizing him all the way. Qin Tian wrote down his enthusiasm for Zhang Shaocheng one by one.

"I know, less of you rest assured, I will not give us Shanghai sea disgrace."

Zhang Shaocheng nodded and was relieved. He knew that Qin Tian, since he was a leader, must have some way.

Two people walked on the mountain for about half an hour. When they saw a path in the mountain was built into steps, they knew that the base was not far away from here.

Three kilometers further, they finally saw the man standing on the post.

"No trespassing is allowed at the base!"

The guard snapped and the gun in his hand made them stunned.

"Hello comrade, we are here to participate in the comparative examination. This is my certificate."

Zhang Shaocheng took the lead in taking out his documents, and Qin Tian quickly took out his own documents and handed them over.

When they saw the papers of the two, the sentry nodded and asked, "how did you two come here at this time?"

"I haven't been trained, so come and feel ahead of time and join you in training, and then I can be better than the test."

Qin Tian actively explained, the station of the deep faith, said: "come with me!"

Two station posts, this with Qin Tian they went in, the other standing in place, vigilantly looking around.

Qin Tian knows that there are monitoring everywhere, so he dare not to look around at all.

After walking for about 20 minutes, the front was bright.

The base here is not surprising in appearance. The building is ordinary, which is the ordinary cement white wall. But Qin Tian knows that there must be strict guards in it. Qin Tian knows whether he can play it casually only by looking at the gun in their hands.

When he really arrived in the courtyard, Qin genius really felt the solemn and solemn here. He could not help but straighten his chest.

They took them to an office.


"Come in."

Qin Tian heard a solemn voice. When he saw the past, he saw a man in his 40s in camouflage.

"Report, this is comrade from Shanghai and sea participating in the comparative test, and will report one week in advance."

Hearing the voice, Qin Tiantian took the initiative to say, "report, Shanghai sea qintian report!"

"Shanghai sea zhangshaocheng report!"

The voice of the two was loud, and the man laughed, "since they are here to train, let them go to four companies first to stay, Xiao Zhang, you take them down to rest first."


Xiao Zhang, which is just now, turns around and takes them down.

Qin Tian looks around, the heart silent count, here a building each floor has eight rooms, a room eight people, a total of six buildings, it seems that there are many people, but do not know how the strength, and now a quiet, pressure can not hear the sound.

I don't know where people are.

"Come on, you go in!"

Xiao Zhang took them to Qin Tian and there was a person in the dormitory.

"Huang Wu, this is comrade of Shanghai sea. It is arranged in your class for a while. How do you treat them."

Hearing this, the first soldier stood up and offered to extend his hand to welcome.

"Hello, comrade, I am Huangwu, class three monitor."

"I am Zhang Shaocheng."

"Qin Tian."

Huang Wu and the two of them shake hands, obviously feel their palm heart is different.

Zhang Shaocheng is a kind of callouse with a thick palm. At first glance, he was trained. Qin Tian was obviously that kind of white net scholar, and he had no foundation. He looked at Qin Tian and he was a little different.

"Here are two beds, you two look at it."

Zhang Shaocheng said: "I am afraid of heights. I'll sleep down!"

Qin Tian nodded and put his luggage on the bench and waited.

"OK, now you can hand in your mobile phone. If you need to contact your family in the future, please ask your superior."Qin Tian took out his mobile phone and asked, "the monitor, can I have a word with my wife? She didn't know I was here yet

Huang Wu couldn't help disdaining, "one minute."

"Thank you, monitor."

Qin Tian quickly took out her mobile phone and called Li Xinran. She learned that Qin Tian had something to do here and might be closed for training for a week. Li Xinran understood that she was also used to Qin Tian's work outside. Now Qin Tian has something to do, she certainly supports it.

As for the Qin family, when he left, he had already told his grandfather that they would not disturb themselves if there was no emergency.

A minute passed quickly, Huang Wu stretched out his hand, Qin Tian handed over his mobile phone shutdown, and Zhang Shaocheng also handed it in.

Qin Tian was surprised to notice that Zhang Shaocheng's mobile phone was still the oldest keyboard mobile phone. However, he understood his simple and honest face.

Seeing that Qin Tian and Qin Tian were very cooperative, Huang Wu didn't embarrass them. He told them the work and rest time one by one. Qin Tian understood that from 5:30 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, this was his daily work and rest time. He was very nervous.

It's not easy to stay with them for a week. Zhang Shaocheng soon got along with them, but Qin Tian was not easy because his identity had never been trained, and the other two came here. During the report, everyone inquired about each other, knowing that only Qin Tian was not in the sequence. Everyone was curious about him.

Especially when they knew that Qin Tian had driven by himself, they were more sure that Qin Tian came by the back door and didn't have a good face for him.

Qin Tian didn't care about it either. When it came to the last day, it would be clear.

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