At night, Qin Tiancai knew that this training was not a joke. Even though he has some Kung Fu and his physical strength is better than ordinary people, he really can't bear it when he comes to training.

But fortunately, there is true Qi to protect the body, everything is nothing.

After joining class three, Huang Wu has been very critical of Qin Tian. He doesn't understand why this boy is nothing, but he comes to them for training.

Therefore, in the emergency combination of the time, will only a strong urge Qin Tian faster, do not drag their class.

Qin Tian didn't say anything. He put his backpack on his body and rushed down with them. The speed was not the fastest, but he didn't drag his legs. This surprised Huang Wu. He didn't expect that the boy was quick, but he didn't have much priority today, so Huang Wu didn't look at Qin Tian differently.

The task of emergency assembly is to run around the playground for 30 laps, which is not a problem for ordinary training people, but it is the first time for Qin Tian.

Huang Wu is also worried that Qin Tian can't stand it. After all, he is white and clean, and he has no muscle. He must make a fool of himself later.

But it's also good. On the first day, he was given a bully to let him know how powerful he was. He would not dare to be arrogant in the future. In fact, Qin Tian was not so arrogant. He just sat on the stool and read books honestly.

However, he was called by several leaders to ask him questions. Huang Wu was not happy. He didn't know what the boy came from.

Seeing the leader looking for Qin Tian several times, Huang Wu is sure that the boy has a background, so he will break the rules and come to them here.

Now he received an urgent task that he wanted to run 30 laps and run with heavy load. Huang Wu was so happy that Qin Tian couldn't bear it tonight!

Huang Wu then looked at Qin Tian of the team. Seeing that he did not change his face, Huang Wu laughed. He was afraid that the boy didn't know how hard it was to run with heavy load,? This is enough for the boy to eat a pot.

If he can't bear to quit early, then in the future competition, they will naturally be merciful. Just didn't think Qin Tian didn't say anything and ran along with their team on the playground.

After 30 laps, I feel very tired just after running. Not to mention all kinds of equipment and weapons.

It's 50 Jin at least. At first, he thought that Qin Tian could not bear to cry, and even could not run the second lap. However, he did not expect that after five laps, Qin Tian was still in the middle of the team and did not take any pains. This made Huang Wu a little surprised.

In particular, those leaders saw Qin Tian's mouth rise slightly. They didn't expect that none of the people on the other side of the Shanghai Strait were cowards.

Qin Tian's performance impressed them.

The boy looks white and pure, and thinks he has no strength, but now he really can't be underestimated.

"Lao Chen, look at that boy. His face has not changed. It's already the sixth lap. Other people have begun to breathe a little bit. He also threw a large part behind him at the same speed. Those people who are usually trained can't compare with him."

The man known as Lao Chen chuckled, "of course, you should be a vegetarian in Shanghai this time. They've been full of energy for a long time, and they must have sent top-notch ones. It's only 30 laps. It's no problem for them. " "But the boy is so white that I don't think much of him."

Old Chen glared at him, "don't look at other people's white skin. They just can't get tanned. Don't discriminate against others. Do you care whether his skin is white or black? As long as he wins, he's a good guy. "

"Win? We are the capital of the emperor. He came from the other side of Shanghai sea. If we come all the way to win, we will be disgraced. "

Lao Chen smiles. It's not sure who will win. Let's take a look at the 30 laps!

"Today is just the beginning, if he can adapt to the intensity in the future, it will not be difficult to win the game." The man on the side did not speak. It was the seventh lap. Qin Tian still kept the position in the middle of the team. Even Zhang Shao Chengdu felt a bit hard, but Qin Tian still kept the same speed.

Zhang Shaocheng ran to his side, "Qin Tian, if you can't bear it, tell me, I'll help you carry some."

He looked at Qin Tian's equipment and knew that Qin Tian had never been trained and it was not easy to keep running for a few laps. Qin Tian said with a smile: "it's OK. I can insist. Are you ok?"

"In addition, it's not like the normal time for us to train every day. In addition, it's not like the normal training time for the two people in Shanghai. It's not like the time for them to strengthen their training every day. It's possible that they don't have the time to train in Shanghai Qin Tian turned his head and looked at the two men at the end of the team. He was able to run so easily because he had genuine Qi to protect his body. But I didn't expect that they were just ordinary people. They could do the same.

He could not help admiring.

"Don't talk nonsense. You two talk so much about running!" Huang Wu listened in front of him, turned his head and glared at Qin Tian fiercely.

Qin Tian turned his head to pick up his eyebrows and motioned him not to speak.

I don't know why. They know that Qin Tian has never been trained to watch his jokes.It is a miracle that people like Qin Tian can come here through the selection at different levels. Even Zhang Shaocheng himself did not know why the leaders chose Qin Tian before he met him.

However, after seeing Qin Tian, Zhang Shaocheng knew that he was also an ordinary person. However, he was modest and could not understand. However, he could not see anything bad.

On lap 15, some people couldn't take it. In addition to Shanghai and Shanghai, there are other places in the competition, which are divided into four areas. After people from other areas come here, Qin Tian can clearly see the gap.

It's only 15 laps. Some of these people can't stand it. By lap 30, I don't know how many people will be paralyzed?

People on one side were surprised to see Qin Tian. They didn't expect that the boy really had two brushes. When he ran for 20 laps, many people had fallen behind.

Qin Tian remains at the front of the team, following Huang Wu behind.

Huang Wu is their monitor. It's not a problem for him to run with heavy load. But for Qin Tian, it's beyond his expectation to keep up with Huang Wu.

Qin Tian wants to finish as soon as possible because he wants to go back to have a rest early. He feels a little impatient to run so many laps on the playground this evening.

He took a look at Zhang Shaocheng and asked, "we'll keep the queue like this, no matter who comes first?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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