"Whoever runs first will rest. If you can finish running first today, I will give you a month's foot washing water in the dormitory from now on."

Huang Wu satirized him in front of him. Qin Tian laughed, "even if it's a month, I can't stay here for more than ten days. I'll go first, and remember your foot washing water."

Qin Tian said that in Huang Wu's astonished eyes, he surpassed him, and finally ran to the front of the team.

When he ran past, the people around him looked at him and didn't understand what the man wanted to do, but when he kept accelerating and running in front of everyone, they were shocked.

Is this man crazy? We all know that he came from Shanghai, but I didn't expect to be so powerful.

"Is this a beast? It's more than 20 laps. What does he want to do? " Old Chen said with a smile: "I know that there are no cowards in Shanghai and the sea. If you look at the four areas, this boy is definitely a stranger."

He has always been very accurate in judging people, and he knows exactly what Qin Tian is from. Zhao Bocheng has already said hello to him and asked him to take a good look at the boy. Although he has strong ability, he is rebellious. So this evening, he gathered to run with heavy load. Lao Chen also came here to see the strength of the people selected from these four areas.

But now it seems that Qin Tian is a black horse, surpassing all the people and running in the front. And now it's nearly 30 laps, Qin Tian dumped them two full circles.

At the end of the race, Qin Tian took the lead in running, but he didn't walk and didn't go back to the dormitory. Instead, he walked around the playground for two times to relax his muscles. When they all finished running and gasping, Qin Tian also relaxed.

"Monitor, I'm finished running. Can I give you a massage? I'm good at it. "

Walking to Huang Wu, Qin Tian's words surprised Huang Wu.

Without waiting for him to open his mouth, Qin Tian began to massage Huang Wu and pinch his legs. Huang Wu cried out in pain. He was about to scold him, but he found that he was extremely comfortable after the pain.

Seeing his face change, Qin Tian knew that he felt his own way.

"After running, massage and stretch like I do. The next day, my legs won't hurt or hurt. Come on, I'll teach you."

"Is it true? We usually relax ourselves. "

Huang Wu obviously didn't believe it, and the people in their team didn't believe it either, so they all gathered around.

"The way you relax is not the same as my massage. I used to be a doctor. Listen to me. All of you follow my advice

Qin Tian called all the people in his class together. Everyone learned his technique and kept massaging his legs. Qin Tian looked for some acupoints to help them relax.

Don't say that after such a massage, Huang Wu really felt much better. Although he got up a little sore, he jumped a few times and was not as miserable as before.

He took a look at Qin Tian and gave him a thumbs up. He didn't expect that he was very good.

"You can do it!"

Qin Tianle said, "of course, I am a professional. You can look at the brothers around here. According to my massage technique, you will be more comfortable in the future. Let's go to the dormitory. I'll tell you more about it. "

A group of people went back with Qin Tian. Lao Chen saw them talking and laughing on the stage. He laughed at the people beside him and said, "I said that this boy has two brushes. Most people can get into Huang Wu's eyes. You should know that Huang Wu's boy's eyes are higher than the top. It's not easy for Huang Wu to accept these people so quickly when they are in his hands."

"That's not necessarily. With this little massage skill, Huang Wu can really accept it? I don't believe it, unless it's in front of you. "

"First in 30 laps, isn't that strength?"

The man disdained, "Lao Chen, do you look down on us?

If there is a long-distance runner who runs 30 laps with load, it is not a problem to run first. You have to know that there are not no such people in the special training camp next door. Qin Tian is still a lot worse than them. "

The man was dismissive, and old Chen stopped talking. Whether it is fierce or not will be known after seven days' competition.

After Qin Tian went back, he helped Huang Wu massage his shoulders and popularized acupoint knowledge to the people here. Such a massage down, they swept the day's fatigue, at night quickly fell asleep, not to mention, the effect can be good.

With Qin Tian, here seems to be a free medical knowledge popularization classroom, which makes Zhang Shaocheng very surprised.

"Qin Tian, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Are you a doctor?"

"Yes, I'm from Songshan. I open a hospital there and study these acupoint maps."

"Open a hospital? You are still a rich man! The car you drove when you brought me here that day was worth millions, right

Qin Tian said with a smile, "the second-hand ones are not worth money. It's also because the hospital has met some friends. I said that I want a car, but I don't want to be too eye-catching. They introduced this to me, saying that the chassis is high and easy to drive." Qin Tian prevaricated on the past at will, just to prevent them from paying attention to their material conditions. After all, he came to compete, not to fight his family background.So they just understated it, but Huang Wu also heard that Qin Tian really had money. If you don't say anything else, you can see the watch Qin Tian brought when he came in and what he was wearing.

Huang Wugang's little affection for Qin Tian just disappeared. If you have money, you can do whatever you want. If you have money, you can come and have a competition.

Huang Wu's face suddenly sank!

"Go to bed with the lights out!" Looking at Huang Wu's face, Qin Tian knew that he was angry again. Forget it, how do you like to think!

Qin Tian also lies down to rest.

The next morning, before waiting for the bell to ring, Qin Tian woke up and went downstairs to wash and eat together in the dining hall.

"After dinner, you should prepare for it. Today is a field training. If there is a straggler, we don't care. Moreover, we pay attention to the skills of survival in the wild. We should never have an accident and protect ourselves."

During the lunch break, Huang Wu reminded them that Qin Tian was stunned. Did he play such a big game the next day?

Huang Wu doesn't care. This is a project that the whole team will participate in, not just for him.

"OK, I made a simple request and said the precautions again. You can listen to me..."

Qin Tian understood, this is to let them learn the ability to survive in the wild, after all, in the mountains and forests, anything can happen. So when the time comes, you can't expect others to help yourself. Qin Tian naturally knows Huang Wu's intention.

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