Qin Tian, Zhang Shaocheng and Chen Daqiang are ready to set out. Once they enter the mountain forest, it is extremely dark. Qin Tian looks at the weeds in front of him, but he doesn't know why they have to drill here.

So he grabbed Chen Daqiang and asked, "can't we just walk around here? Why do you have to go in? " Don't you know all the rules of Chen Shanqiang


"That's it."

Chen Daqiang took out a piece of paper from his arms and shook it. Qin Tian suddenly thought that he had sent such a piece of paper before he left. However, he didn't see it. He didn't expect that the task this time was so tense that he actually wanted to travel through the mountains and forests.

In that case, try it!

Huang Wu's people on the other side had already entered. After walking for a while, Huang Wu patted the big man in front of him and asked, "where are we? Where's the map? "

The big man shook his head. "I didn't bring that. Didn't you? I'm going for the first time. You should take the rest? "

Huang Wu looked at the people around him. It was one of his dormitories. The man also shook his head, "just now, how can it disappear?"

He searched all over his body but couldn't find it. Huang Wu couldn't help getting angry. "What's the matter with you? You don't take anything so important!"

Huang Wu's words made those two people unhappy. The big man turned to look at him, and his eyes were not good. "Huang Wu, you are not right. We are a team. I don't think well about the map, but don't you take it with you? Besides, how could I have left the map if you hadn't dragged us to join you? If you think we're a burden, you'd better go by yourself. Don't take the two of us with you

After listening to his words, Huang Wu's face was a little chatty, and he apologized quickly: "forget it, I'm wrong, but now there's no map. Do you know where to go?" The big man said with a smile, "what if you don't have a map

"Do you mean to rob?"

"We are all teammates. Shouldn't we help each other? And we can't get one, two or three this time. As long as we get to the destination smoothly, we can borrow one of them in groups of three. "

Huang Wu thought that this was right, so he simply didn't go. He sat there waiting to see if anyone passed by and lent them a share.

When Huang Wu and his colleagues saw Qin Tian and others passing by, their faces were gloomy. They didn't expect that the three people had become a group.

That little Huang Wu is known, Chen Daqiang is so small can walk out? And Qin Tian, can these three people walk out together? Huang Wu was very curious about how the three of them got together at that time.

Looking at the strange combination of Wu and Huang, he thought that it was useless.

See Huang Wu that moment Qin Tian chuckles, did not expect to meet them here.

Qin Tian went to say hello: "monitor, how are you?"

The big man recognized it with a glance, and then said, "we have no map. Can you borrow one?"

No wonder sitting here to rest, dare not to walk.

He took a look at Huang Wu. Now Huang Wu's face is not very good-looking. How can I see him so shameful? Don't even want to talk?

Qin Tian thought about it and said with a smile: "this time, the squad leader told us the precautions for a long time in advance. I didn't expect to see the monitor, but I forgot all about it."

"So what? You're kidding me, aren't you?"

"I don't dare. It's just a map. I'll give it to you. But don't do that when we meet again next time, monitor. It's not good to leave things behind."

Qin Tian's words made Huang Wu's face gloomy. "Thank you this time. Next time we meet is at the end. I don't want you to be miserable and let everyone wait for you."

After saying this, Huang Wu got up and took people away. Qin Tian shook his head after him. Chen Daqiang said, "how can this man be like this? He didn't feel so arrogant when he was in the dormitory at that time. Now what kind of spectrum are you playing here?"

"Don't take him for granted." Qin Tian laughs bitterly. Huang Wu just doesn't like him.

"There is no dispute between you. Why are you unhappy with him?"

Zhang Shaocheng was puzzled. Qin Tian sneered, "he is jealous of me. When I ran ten laps, I ran to the first place. When I came back to massage them, didn't you ask me about my family background? Then he looked at my face and there was something wrong with him. I think his family condition should be very ordinary, so he was jealous. There are people who hate the rich in the world. I am not very rich either. All I have is my own work. It is also the arrangement of my superiors to come here. I don't know why he treats me like this. "

After listening to Qin Tian's words, Zhang Shaocheng was puzzled, "what's the matter? There are poor and rich people in the world. Isn't it normal? Besides, it doesn't matter whether we're rich or poor, does it, man? "

Qin Tian was very helpful to this remark. He patted Zhang Shaocheng on the shoulder, "OK, I know, but he can't think of it. Let's go and stop talking about him."Qin Tian took Chen Daqiang on the road with him. According to the route on the map, they had to go through the forest from the east to the west, and they had to get a red flag in the fortress.

So Qin Tian's destination is this fortress now. It's a thing to get the red flag after entering the fort.

Qin Tian and Qin Tian walked past. When they were halfway there, Chen Daqiang stopped them. He took out a dagger and cut off a branch beside him with a click. He simply cut it into a stick and handed it to Qin Tian. Then he cut two sticks, one for himself and one for Zhang Shaocheng.

"I don't know what's in it. Use it to explore the way. If something happens, you can defend yourself."

Qin Tian nodded. He didn't expect that his hands and feet were so quick that he looked down on him. When he saw Qin Tian's eyes, Chen Daqiang laughed and explained: "my family is from the countryside. When I was a child, there was a mountain behind my family. At that time, my family had to go into the mountains to cut firewood. Sometimes I was lucky enough to catch one or two wild rabbits to improve the food. So, these places are very important to me It's not a problem. "


Qin Tian's face showed a smile, "I also read the field survival manual, which follows you, you are a living manual!"

Chen Daqiang laughed sheepishly. Zhang Shaocheng also said, "it's common for us to train into the mountains and forests for years. It's ok if you don't know. You'll know when you stay here a few more days."

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