In fact, Qin Tian is not a young master who does not touch the spring water. He has also suffered a lot. It is not difficult for him to enter the mountain. However, the only difficulty is that his sight is not very good. Although he can see clearly, Chen Daqiang can't see clearly, so Qin Tian goes to the front to explore the way for them.

After walking for about three hours, Qin Tian couldn't stand it and needed to rest. Besides, they had to replenish their water and physical strength. They couldn't rush on the way. Zhang Shaocheng and the three of them sat back-to-back. Each of them was looking at one direction. If something happened, they could get up at any time.

Zhang Shaocheng has no objection to Qin Tian's arrangement. He didn't expect Qin Tian would do this. He underestimated Qin Tian.

What he didn't know was that while they were resting, someone was peeping around all the time. Qin Tian felt a look on himself. The dim sight really hindered a lot. But don't forget that he was a xiuzhenren.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Qin Tian condenses his sight and sees a man hiding behind a tree not far away. Seeing that his height should be that big man.

Qin Tian frowns. How did he come here? Don't you have to hurry?

Qin Tian gently patted Zhang Shaocheng, "you said this time's training, if we arrive successfully, it means qualified, right?"

Zhang Shaocheng didn't know what to do and nodded, "yes! What's the matter? "

Qin Tianyi pointed out: "but if someone wants to prevent us from participating in the final competition during this period, what do you say?"

Zhang Shaocheng was stunned, "how can there be such a person?"

"There are such people, not only such people, but they have come."

"What do you say?" Zhang Shaocheng stood up at once, and Chen Daqiang also stood up. They had been resting for about 20 minutes. Now their physical strength has not fully recovered. However, if someone is spying on them, Zhang Shaocheng will never let them go.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Chen Daqiang and Zhang Shaocheng are very excited. Qin Tian slowly stands up and shouts at a distance: "come out, you've all seen you. What are you hiding from?"

In fact, he was just cheating, because looking around for a week, he didn't see any other people, and Huang Wu didn't appear. Only this big man was alone.

Hearing Qin Tian's voice, the big man stood up and slowly walked over. Zhang Shaocheng could not help but wonder, "how is it you? What are you doing there "It's me. Don't get excited."

When he approached, Qin Tian looked at the other two people around him and asked, "where are your teammates? Aren't you with Huang Wu? "

"The boy Huang Wu saw that I was injured and left by himself." Qin Tian found that the big man was limping when he was walking. His feet were obviously injured. He didn't care. Besides, if they arrived later, he would be eliminated. How could he take part in the competition?

So Qin Tian didn't dislike him, but walked toward him. This time, Zhang Shaocheng held him, "be careful of cheating."

Qin Tian knew what he meant. Although they also came here to practice, they couldn't be sure. Some people tried every means to prevent them from taking part in the competition. Qin Tian thought so at the beginning, but the big one was one, and there were three of them. What were they afraid of.

"It's OK. I just went to see his wound." He guessed right. The big man was also an open and aboveboard person. He limped when he walked, but it was also because his foot was cut by a branch.

When he got close to him, the big man looked at Qin Tian with a twinkle in his eyes. Qin Tian didn't care. He sat on the ground and took out the powder, water and bandage from his bag. He disinfected and washed his feet first, and then he smeared powder and bandage to tie him up to wear shoes.

"That's it. What's the matter with you? You can be punctured by branches when you wear shoes with such thick soles?"

The big man scratched his head. "I felt something in the shoe hurt my feet, so I took off my shoes and poured things. As a result, I stepped on the sharp branch and tied it

When he explained this, Qin Tian understood, "what about Huang Wu and that man?"

"When they saw that I was hurt, they thought that I was in the way and the speed was slow, so they asked me to wait in place. They left first. "Wait? When will you wait in the woods

"They said they would report to the leader when they got to the destination and send a car to pick me up."

"Then you give up

Chen Daqiang didn't understand. The big man raised his eyebrows. "Of course I don't give up. If I give up, what can I do with you?"

The big man's words made Qin Tian laugh, but he didn't expect that it was still a simple and honest man. So he nodded and said, "forget it, then you can come with us."

The big man nodded. He really thought that, but he didn't think that four people walking together were more tired than three people together. Because the big man's foot was injured, he could not walk too fast. On some roads, Qin Tian had to think about whether the big man could walk. In this way, the road was much more difficult than before.

The big man also knew Qin Tian's mind, and his heart was full of gratitude. The road was really boring. The big man couldn't help humming a song. Chen Daqiang and Zhang Shaocheng joined in. The voices of the three people rang in the forest, but they were also emotional."What's your name, big man? You can't be called a big man or a big one! "

"My name is Gao Xiang."

"Gao Xiang, you are really tall."

Qin Tian's words made them laugh. Gao Xiang said with a smile: "I'll be tall when I'm small. Later my mother sent me here to train and train. At that time, I was fat. You don't know that I'm 1.9 meters tall and weighs nearly 300 kilograms. After training here for three months, I'll lose weight. When I go back, my mother feels distressed, but she also says I'm handsome. ”

"your mother loves you, but it's also a kind of training for you. Look at the muscles of your body now. With your hairstyle and skin color, it's a little fresh meat

Qin Tian teased him. Gao Xiang's face turned red slightly. Qin Tian didn't notice. However, Chen Daqiang, who was in front of him, saw a smile and said, "Oh, how did you blush?"

Gao Xiang touched his nose, "who said I blushed?" Qin Tian said with a smile at the front: "you look so handsome. Do you have girls chasing you on your own initiative?"

"Girl? We are all closed training here, how can we have time to fall in love! Besides, we have been so busy recently. Sometimes we can't get the mobile phone for ten days and a half months. If a girl likes us and doesn't contact us for a long time, it will be yellow. So, we still don't talk about it, so we don't have to worry about it. We think about the mood of our girlfriend all day long , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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