Qin Tian thinks about it. These young people, for all of them, have abandoned their small family and their contributions can not be expressed in words. Qin Tian finds that he is so far worse than them. Besides helping the brothers of Qin palace find work, they have not done anything but help them to find work. He has not suffered much when they come all the way. But on the contrary, they have not made any efforts People are about his age, and others are younger than him. They come in at the age of eighteen and nine. They always rush in front of them when they have any suffering, and sometimes they will be aggrieved.

Qin Tian suddenly felt that life was unfair. Some people sat in their homes and enjoyed it. Some people would come out at this age, and they were admired more in Qin Tian's heart for their carrying on the load.

Along the way, several people were at ease. When they reached the position of the middle fortress, Qin Tian saw Huang Wu and another man. Gao Xiang saw them from afar and looked down at them. "I didn't expect that they both came to see them. It seems that they have been punished a lot."

Qin Tian looked at the past, Huang wuzhu limped with a branch, looked very embarrassed, clothes on his body were also scratched, Qin Tian laughed up, "where did you go? How can it be like a deserter? "

Huang Wu gave him a fierce stare. "What's your business!"

Gao Xiang said unhappily: "everyone is just joking. What are you two meeting? How is this

Hearing Gao Xiang, Huang Wu didn't have a good airway: "I met ghosts. There are some evil doors in this tree forest. We came from another road. I didn't expect a group of bats coming to us. You see, I still have itchy face."

Qin Tian looks at it quickly. There are some wounds on his face that have been blackened and scabby. Huang Wugang wants to catch Qin Tian and drink him: "don't move. I'm afraid the claws of those bats are poisonous. Now you seem to be infected with virus. Don't catch it. If you get rotten and fester, there is no doctor to treat it for you. There may be some trouble when it comes."

Qin Tian's words made Huang Wu a little unhappy, "don't scare me."

"I didn't scare you. I was a doctor. I can still see these things. What you say is bats. The bacteria they carry are hard to count. If they are really infected to you, they may be dangerous without emergency treatment. You should take care of the wound quickly."

The person beside Huang Wu shook his head. "We rushed out in a hurry, and we didn't deal with the wound. It was all yesterday night."

"I'll give you the first disinfection."

The man walked over, Qin Tian saw that there were some problems with his wound, but he only had iodine wine, which simply sterilized him, and could not guarantee no inflammation.

But Huang Wu did not want to, "what is this, but is bitten a few, the man bleeding sweat are not afraid, this wound is nothing."

His words made Qin tianmur speechless, "at this time, you still speak hard with me. Come here quickly. I will help you deal with the wound. Otherwise, there is still a day and a half behind. Can you make sure you can walk out of the forest safely? If you have any trouble later, if you have inflammation or puffy pus, it will be difficult to cure it. "

Qin Tian is not alarmist. The pathogens carried on these things in the wild can not be underestimated, but Huang Wu doesn't believe it. Gao Xiang also advised him, "hurry up, if there is inflammation or any problem, Qin Tian can help you here."

"No, I am a man of rough skin and flesh, and no more."

Huang Wu repeatedly refused, Qin Tian also had no way, had to rely on him, but to this middle fortress he did not forget his task.

They went in and took the red flag. Huang Wu put a red flag on his backpack, and Qin Tian put the flag on Chen Daqiang's backpack.

Then he looked at Huang Wu and said, "since it is like this, then we will be with six people."

Huang Wu did not refuse this time. Gao Xiang walked in front of him with a cold hum. He was stopped by Qin Tian. His feet were inconvenient or Qin Tian was in the front, Gao Xiang was in the middle, behind Zhang Shaocheng.

"I'll be in rotation with the hadron halfway through, and you're all in the middle of the injured."

Zhang Shaocheng's words let them all not speak. Chen Daqiang nodded his head and made it clear. Qin Tian packed up his backpack and looked at the map, so he was ready to go on the road.

And all the way Huang Wu is constantly scratching his face, and his body is also colored. QingQin day knows that he will be like this, without anti-inflammatory will definitely have inflammation.

But Huang Wu obviously did not believe that Qin Tian thought that even if, wait until the destination to see what complications he had!

But Qin Tian didn't think that, before two hours after walking, Huang Wu began to twitch, spit white foam, and then fell on the ground with a thump, frightening the big guys.

Qin Tian hurriedly turned back to see Gao Xiang panic. He walked over and saw yellow Wu's lips purple, and said, "take water to wash him clean quickly."

Everyone quickly took out clean water to help him wash the vomit in his mouth. Then Qin Tian gave him a pulse and said, "it's poisoning. There are bacteria on the bat."However, looking at another person, his face was only a little black, but it was not like Huang Wu. Qin Tian understood that he should have been smeared with Iodophor for disinfection at the first time, so the situation would be better, but it would not work after a long time.

That person saw Qin Tian this appearance to know the situation is not good, he quickly pressed Qin Tian's hand, "you hurry to save him, in case something happens, then we can't go away!"

They now have three people injured. If these three people fall down together, it will not work. Besides, Qin Tian, Zhang Shaocheng and Chen Daqiang are in a group. Qin Tian can completely ignore them, but since they are teammates, they should advance and retreat together.

Qin Tian is not as heartless as some people, so he nodded, "in this way, I will help him with the needle, and you will help me to carry him to the open space."

They had no choice but to move forward and find a relatively flat place. They cut down all the vegetation around them. Then they spread out their clothes and put Huang Wu on it. Qin Tian then took out a silver needle and stabbed it at several acupoints of Huangwu.

Gao Xiang and others were shocked to see Qin Tian take out the silver needle. They didn't expect Qin Tian to take these things with him.

But fortunately, Qin Tian brought a silver needle. Otherwise, Huang Wuzhen's life would not be saved today.

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