Zhang Shaocheng and Gaoxiang and others were surprised to see Qin Tian give Huangwu needles. They didn't expect that Qin Tian really had two brushes. Qin Tian was calm and focused on Qi, and inserted the needle into Huangwu's acupoints with Qi, and forced his body toxin out by using Qi.

Those viruses, although not fatal, but if they have been in the body for a long time will also have danger, and their current environment is so bad, there is no drug suppression, it is likely to cause life risks, so Qin tiandare not be careless.

Just did not expect, after the injection about half an hour, Huang Wu woke up, but his face was still ugly, and the fever did not retreat.

Qin Tian knew that his situation was serious, but they had no drugs now, and there was no decent medicine in the middle of the mountain forest, so it was impossible to take local materials.

Now Huang Wu has been so, Qin Tian can only use wet paper towel to put on his head to cool down.

Then the same method was used to give another person a needle.

When he all slowed down, it was two hours later. Now the sky is gradually sinking. Qin Tian simply let them camp and camp in the place. If he goes on, he is afraid of danger. At this time, they have only half the way. The rest half of the journey will arrive in one day. It is really difficult.

I don't know what danger is ahead, and they have so many medical records around them. Qin Tian feels a little embarrassed. But at this time, it is not good to leave them three. If the three people are eliminated, the future comparative test may not be able to participate.

Huang Wu doesn't matter. It is mainly Gao Xiang. Qin Tian doesn't want to miss this opponent. He looks at his strong body and strong muscles. He wants to have some skills. So Qin Tian is not willing to miss the opponent, and now he can only carry it down with his head.

I thought, Qin Tian asked Chen Daqiang to cut some branches and made a stretcher. Because Huang Wu was the most serious disease, he let Huang Wu lie down. Although he had restrained the spread of the virus, Huang Wu now has a high fever, which is not very good.

Originally Qin Tian wanted to rest, but I thought if he had a rest, even if there were many unknown situations in the past night, it would be bad. Huang Wu also knew that his body was burning badly, and he didn't want to bother them. He wanted to struggle to get up and was held down by Qin Tian.

"Your task now is to have a good rest, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

Huang Wu wanted to come down and walk himself at first, but after a while, he began to talk nonsense.

Qin Tian is in a hurry. They don't have any drugs. They want to contact the headquarters, but they also have no communication equipment and can only carry them hard.

Gao Xiang looked at his face, and said, "well, let's go first, so we don't have to worry about it. First, send Huang Wu to the past."

"No, everyone can go together. Since it is a group, none of them can be left behind!"

Qin Tian was determined, Zhang Shaocheng and Chen Daqiang did not agree to leave them.

Although they are not in any danger, it is difficult to see the team-mates can not help. Qin Tian's words made Gao Xiang admire very much. He patted Qin Tian on the shoulder. "Qin Tian, I made sure you are a friend. No matter what people outside say you, I think you are a good person."

Qin Tian smiled, "make friends can, but now we must first cross this mountain forest, and get to the destination smoothly. Otherwise, Huang Wu will have life danger. Brothers, we will work hard for a while this evening, and can we support it in rotation?"

"You can rest assured. I can stand it."

Chen dachengzhenqiang took the lead in speaking, Zhang Shaocheng nodded. Qin Tian looked at Gao Xiang and another person again. The man said, "my name is Chen Kai, and I can support it."

Qin Tian nodded, "OK, Chen Kai, you will take a little bit of time first. When it is really impossible to support it, we will tell us that we can carry you all right."

Chen Kai nodded, he was holding up to go together, because he may have hurt a little bit, so the situation is not as serious as Huang Wu, but also do not want to be so tired of them, can walk on their own must come.

Several people supported each other. Qin Tian and zhangshaocheng carried Huang Wu one before and after the other. Chen Daqiang explored the road ahead. Gao Xiang and Chen kaipad were on the road together. However, Chen was surprised to see the position on their hats in the headquarters. They were surprised, "how can these people be together? Isn't this two groups? "

"It doesn't matter what it is," it doesn't matter what happens to the people around you. Since you go with you, you can get there together. "

Wen Yan, old Chen nodded, and through this training, let them understand the spirit of team cooperation. Although the people in four areas are mixed together, they have disrupted who doesn't know anyone, so it is necessary to test the team cooperation between them. Now, it is very gratifying to see these groups of people together. In short, let them get to their destination smoothly.

But I don't know what kind of danger they will encounter here, which depends on their ability to cope.

Chen also took risks in this training. If he was injured in the mountain, it would be difficult to explain it. After all, there are other people in other areas.But since they were able to hold a group, it should not be a big problem, but they did not think of the crisis Qin Tian and his group were facing. Because of Huang Wu, their speed was not very fast. Although Qin Tian could speed up the speed alone, Zhang Shaocheng could not stand it. After walking for almost an hour, several people stopped to rest. Qin Tian suggested walking for an hour and rest for half an hour. Only in this way can they ensure their physical strength. However, if they don't sleep at night, they can't eat. There is no stop to replenish during the training. They have no choice but to rest first and eat some compressed biscuits. However, Huang Wu has to drink water. Qin Tian looks around, and the water they bring can last till tomorrow. Only in the latter half of the night, several people can't support it I can only rest in place.

It was dark in the mountain forest. There was nothing but the sound of crickets all around, and it was sultry.

Qin Tian thought about it or summoned Li Xiaoshuang. They kept the wind for themselves. With Li Xiaoshuang and Qixia, Qin Tian could feel a lot cooler around him. He didn't expect that they had this effect.

Although they don't know the danger in the forest at night, they can rest at ease with Li Xiaoshuang.

Qin Tian had a very stable sleep. At five o'clock in the morning, they all woke up. Although they only had three hours' rest, it was better than not sleeping.

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