She regretted.

But what can we do? Now dingjiali only knew how willful she was. If she had listened to Grandpa earlier, she would not have been like this.

She chose the bodyguard herself. She really regretted it, but it didn't work.

Thinking that dingjiali lowered her head, Zhao Xiaohu's ferocious laughter came from her ear. He didn't do anything to dingjiali, but she just hugged the two women to drink and chat with each other. But dingjiali didn't want to listen to the voice again. She wanted to escape, but she tried it many times. All she had to do was fight and abuse.

Fortunately, these people have not done anything to her, otherwise she even has the heart of death.

Qin Tians are looking for them day and night, afraid to disturb Zhao Xiaohu, so they just hang around here as ordinary guests.

And just now there was a bang in it, which attracted the monkey's eyes. Monkey quietly stood in place to light a cigarette, heard the voice inside, silently nodded, the original woman hidden here.

But three days later, the monkey found the clue and sent all the information to Qin Tian.

"The club of haughty?"

The name is really Qin Tian did not want to make complaints about it again. After he had packed things, he kept the monkeys waiting in situ. They stared at Zhao Xiaohu closely. When they left home, they simply grabbed Ding Jiali and left.

Anyway, Zhao Xiaohu can tie them once, Qin Tian can also tie it for a second time, what are they afraid of?

What Ding family wants is living dingjiali, and what Ding Dawei wants is Zhao Xiaohu. It is best to separate those people.

Zhao Xiaohu didn't expect that they had been stared at long ago. When they came out of the club, their monkeys were ambushed in the parking lot, and saw the people coming out, and immediately rushed up. They said nothing, and slapped Zhao Xiaohu face on the face. Zhao Xiaohu was stunned, and he looked at the monkey and said, "lie in the groove!"! Are you tired of living

"I just see you are not obedient, brothers give me a beating!" The man behind the monkey said that he rushed to Zhao Xiaohu and started to fight with his fist.

Dingjiali screamed in fright, and was caught by the monkey as soon as she was leaving. "Aunt, your family is crazy to find you. Come with me!"

Hearing her say family, dingaria knew that this was the family came to her, so she hurriedly followed the monkey. When I left, I didn't forget to kick Zhao Xiaohu.

Qin Tian waited in the car, dingjiali and monkey got on the car. Qin Tian said in a deep voice: "take them all in the car and give them to Ding Dawei for treatment."

"Ding Dawei, you know my father?"

Dingjiali was excited to hear the three words Ding Dawei.

Qin Tian did not turn back, "I don't only know your father, I also know your grandfather."

Dingjiali looks at Qin Tian sitting on the front passenger, she can't see it like what she can hear, and she can hear the sound about 30 times. But it seems that he is wearing a good one, it seems to have a very good time.

"Who are you?"

Qin Tian glanced at dingjiali through the rear-view mirror, and then he said, "I am the one who is here to save you. Your father asked me to come to you. Now people have found it. I will send you back. The rest of them will be sent to your father. They will be handed over to your father for treatment. Are you ok?"

Qin Tian looked at dingjiali, as if there was a little swelling in his face.

Dingaria shook her head. "It's OK."

She said nothing in her mouth, but she knocked up the drum in her heart. If she goes back now, she must be punished by her grandfather and father. Dingaria knows she is finished this time. So many people have been used to find her, and her whole people tremble.

Qin Tian looked at the back seat, knowing that, since she could not escape, he let the monkey sit next to dingjiali, and the front was their people.

Several people have been to Ding family courtyard by car, after checking Qin Tian's identity, the guard put them in.

And behind that car is loaded with Zhao Xiaohu and other people, together into the courtyard.

This time, Qin Tian did not disturb others, but gave Zhao Xiaohu to dingdawei. When Qin Tian saw Qin Tian return with dingjiali, the old man went downstairs and went straight to dingjiali, and raised her hand and gave her a slap.

Dingjiali was knocked down by the slap, covered her face and immediately red her eyes, knelt on the ground and cried, "Grandpa, I know it's wrong."

"You know it's wrong now? The faces of Ding family have been lost by you. Thanks to your growing up in the courtyard, it is so unimportant that I should ask my trustee to go to this old face to find someone to save you. You can really help. You will move out to me from now on. This courtyard can not hold you, and I can't afford this person! "

Listen to Grandpa say that, dingjiali's face is white, she does not leave the courtyard.

The students of the courtyard say that it is good to listen to them, which means resources. If they are expelled, there will be no way to live under the wings of the old man.

She didn't want to, "Grandpa I am wrong, Grandpa you forgive me, I know I am wrong, I dare not again."

"We are all used to you, your courage is bigger than your father! You are a girl in the house. We spoiled you. Now you can do this kind of thing. I feel sorry, but I don't want you to live on any more.Pack up your things and get out of here

Mr. Ding then turned and left. Ding Jiali and Qin Tian were left in the living room. They stood here awkwardly. Qin Tian took a look at Ding Jiali who was lying on the ground and comforted her: "forget it, your grandfather is just angry. He knows you're OK. Don't be angry with him in the future."

"What do you know? Being kicked out means I can't come back in the future

"What is this? Even if he is a leader, he is also your grandfather. You can still come back after your anger has subsided. Now you just follow his advice and move out first. When his anger subsides, you will come back. "

Qin Tian patted her on the shoulder. Now she can only comfort her. However, Ding Jiali still refuses to leave. Being expelled means that she can no longer enjoy the resources of the Ding family. She can't do stupid things and never leave!

Ding Jiali knelt on the ground and did not walk. Qin Tian sighed and turned and walked out.

Seeing this, Ding Jiali immediately got up to catch up.

Hearing the voice behind him, Qin Tian turned his head and saw Ding Jiali coming. Qin Tian was stunned.

"You, where are you from? Be my bodyguard

Ding Jiali points to Qin Tian. Qin Tian frowns. Is the girl sick? Being a bodyguard? Everyone has been found.

He turned around and left, but Ding Jiali followed him out. When Qin Tian came out of the compound, Ding Jiali also went out. This time, she was really kidnapped.

Zhao Xiaohu is just a pawn. The real boss is still hiding behind him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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