Ding Jiali never dreamed that she was so unlucky. Just after she came out of the courtyard, she was abducted by a car. She watched Qin Tian go away, but Ding Jiali was helpless.

She didn't expect these people to be so bold. They would dare to abduct people outside the courtyard. The gate guard was stunned to see Ding Jiali's car pulled up!

When he chased out, Ding Jiali had gone far away. They could only write down the license plate and then dialed the Ding family's telephone number. Ding Dawei heard that his daughter had been taken away again. He was in a hurry and quickly recovered Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was stunned. When he returned to Ding's house, Ding Dawei took a look at Qin Tian and said angrily, "what's the matter with you? Why don't you care about her? She was taken away again. Do you know!

Do you want to finish the task? "

Qin Tian felt funny, "you are unreasonable. I have given it to you. You are not good at taking care of yourself. On the contrary, you still blame me?"

"You dare to talk to me like that!"

"Why don't I dare to talk to you like this? I'm not a member of your family. I'll find someone for you and the task will be completed. Is it still my fault that you drove her out of the house and let her be taken away? "

When Ding Dawei heard Qin Tian say this, he was furious and couldn't help raising his voice.

"As you say, it's all my fault?" "Do you know why Ding Jiali is like this? It's not that your goddaughter is so bad.

The Ding family is a big business and a child of a senior leader. Your failure to discipline her has led to her repeated disobedience. Now you are working together to deceive you.

I got her back. She was bullied in the clubhouse. Now she has just been sent back, and you drive her out again. It's hard to say

Qin Tian's heart is also angry, if it is not for Lao Chen's face, he would not be in this business.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much. If you want to find someone, you can go to it. Don't get angry with me. I'm not your subordinate or your bodyguard. There's no need to listen to you getting angry with me here."

Qin Tian finished and turned to go. An old voice came from upstairs.

"You stand still."

Qin Tian stopped and heard that this was the voice of master Ding.

he also knows that Ding has the final say in his family, and he is also a senior leader. But what can he do? Can he control himself? He was not bound by anyone, and he didn't want to have much contact with them.

It's not Qin Tian's arrogance, but Ding Dawei's words just now really upset him.

"Qin Tian, I have something to tell you when you come up."

Ding Dawei stopped listening.

"Dad, this boy is not big or small. What else do you tell him? He lost people!"

"Shut up! The son does not godfather's fault, your daughter has become like this, you this when the father does not have any responsibility? Now take your men and go out and find them for me!

If you can't find it, don't come back. "

Ding Dawei's face was stifled. He didn't expect that the old man would talk to him like this. However, he had no way. He was always his daughter. He had to take people out. Qin Tian turns to take a look at Ding Dawei. Seeing that he is a little angry, Qin Tian shrugs his shoulders. This is his daughter. If he doesn't care, does he want to help him?

But Mr. Ding spoke, and Qin Tian could only go up. When they arrived at the study, Mr. Ding motioned for him to sit down.

Qin Tian got to the point, "Mr. Ding may as well speak up."

"You are brave. If you change the words you just said to Ding Dawei, I can guarantee that he will not see the sun tomorrow."

Hearing this, Qin Tian laughed, "I know that the Ding family is powerful, but it has nothing to do with me. Even if you have power and power, Ding Jiali's disappearance is not caused by me Qin Tian."

The old man smiles, did not expect Qin Tian to be so direct.

"You're right, but you're not afraid to offend the Ding family. Can't you stay in the imperial capital in the future?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but I don't think you'll let them do this. With all due respect, my father and Ding Jiali have become like this because of you. If you don't spoil her so much, she won't become like this.

It is said that every child in the Ding family's big house is promising, but because Ding Jiali is a girl, you treat him differently, which makes her look like this now.

Have you ever thought about sending her to training? "

"Training? It's better to find her first. "

"It's not difficult to find someone. If you really want to find her, I can help. But I also ask Ding Dawei not to speak to me in that tone. I only help out of humanitarianism, for the sake of Lao Chen. "

Qin Tian zhengse way, he knows Ding is always a reasonable person.

"Lao Chen?"

A little doubt flashed in his eyes.

Qin Tian explained: "yes, the person in charge of the imperial capital base is also our leader. He sent me here. Otherwise, do you think I will come here?"Hearing Qin Tian's words, old Ding understood that it was him.

Speaking of Jiali, I found you many times in front of me

"That's because you don't want to get involved in these industries. If you catch a woman, it's either a bar or a club, or you're locked up in a lousy place.

So you will not think that there are so many suffocating places in the world, but I am different. I come from the bottom, and naturally know the truth.

But this time it's not the same. Zhao Xiaohu and those people are not together with these people. "

"How can you be sure?"

Old Ding was curious. He didn't see anyone, so he could judge.

Qin Tian smiles, "the method is not the same, simple and direct, rude and fierce, to now there is no phone call, it is not for money. Do you have enemies outside

Hearing this, the old man pondered for a moment and then nodded, "yes. That's what the boss did. But after so many years of inaction, the original enemy has also been destroyed, and there is only one person left. Can he make a comeback? "

Intuition tells Qin Tian, this matter is not simple.

"You all said that it was the beginning. It's not the same as it used to be. Now it's the era of information development. If you want to revenge, you can fight back as long as you have a glimmer of hope. Now Ding Jiali is very dangerous in their hands. I think it's time to use your relationship with Ding family to find this car.

License plate numbers should be given to you. It's not difficult to find them. "

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