The old man was surprised to hear that the license plate number had just been obtained. How did Qin Tian know? And at this time can be so calm, really let the old man look at.

Qin Tian continued: "I'll take care of the rest. Remember to find it and send it to my mobile phone. This is my number. "

Qin Tian wrote down a number to the old man, and then planned to leave. The old man quickly called out to him, "you wait!"

Qin Tian looked back, "is there anything else?"

"Of course. What do you want when it's done?"

"What do you want?"

Qin Tian frown, the instant reaction came over, the old man this is to give him good.

He shook his head. "No, the first time I was out of duty, and the second time I was looking up to your father, so I didn't need any benefits. I just wanted to finish this mission as soon as possible and go home to be reunited with my wife."

Even if I haven't seen Fu'an for more than a month, I haven't heard of her. If Ding Jiali was not abducted this time, I would fly back this evening. Now because Ding Jiali has to stay here, I hope to find her as soon as possible

Hearing Qin Tian's words, the old man understood that Qin Tian wanted to go back urgently.

He also heard from Lao Chen that Qin Tian took the first place in the competition. Although there are many capable people in the four major areas, Qin Tian, who has no training foundation at all, can master the training elements in a week and win the first prize in various competitions.

Lao Chen's vision was right. Ding hoped that Qin Tian could stay in the imperial capital for development. However, Qin Tian only guarded that acre of land, which made the old man feel a little sorry, but he could only nod his head and let Qin Tian go. If you find Ding Jiali earlier, the more hope she will survive.

Qin Tian's analysis is not wrong. Zhao Xiaohu's kind of people are not afraid, but for money. He's just a bad guy.

But the enemy of the Ding family, it was decades ago. At that time, Mr. Ding met one of the biggest opponents on his way to promotion. The man made his Yin move to hurt him. As a result, Ding Dawei retaliated and annoyed him, and the two families were torn apart.

Mr. Ding later found evidence and fought him down. From then on, he left the imperial capital's sphere of influence, occupied for many years and returned. Now he finds them to avenge, just to see the whole Ding family lose face.

So what can Ding Jiali encounter? The old man can think of it. This time, Ding Jiali was not as relaxed as Zhao Xiaohu.

Ding Jiali also knew that she had fallen into the hands of these people and had no good life. She did not cry or make trouble, but looked around calmly.

During this period of time with Zhao Xiaohu, she also learned to be obedient. Crying can not solve the problem. She can only wait for a chance to escape at a critical time. However, the group of people look at her too closely. After they abduct her into the car, they cover her eyes and directly drag her to a strange place.

At the moment when Ding Jiali took off her eyecloth, she immediately became familiar with the environment. She found that this was a cell with dark walls, only one iron window, and the only exit was the iron gate. There were guards outside the iron gate. Ding Jiali could not get out of the room. She could hear voices outside, whips and screams. She could not help but tremble in her heart Where is it.

But since those people have tied themselves up, they should be able to know what their identity is? They are brave enough to tie people outside the compound.

Ding Jiali dare not think, if they still dare to do so after they know their identity, it is intentional. She has never heard her grandfather and father say that there is any enemy. Ding Jiali has always lived in their care, and does not suffer from human suffering, so she is very willful.

Ding Dawei and his nephews went around looking for them. After all, they were all people working in different places. Sometimes they didn't have to be too high-profile, and they had to train. So what they really looked for was Qin Tian and his group.

Monkey they were going to leave, Qin Tian said so, they can't help but a little frustrated.

"My God, do you think this woman has a brain problem and is taken away as soon as she goes out? This is still in front of their eyes, in their own home was taken away. Is she stupid? "

Qin Tian wryly smile, "silly or not, I don't know, but willful is really willful. You know what? She even asked me to be his bodyguard. After being refused by me, she followed me out. As soon as she went out, she was caught. Do you think the girl is capricious

Hearing Qin Tian say so, the monkey also laughed.

"But what shall we do now, brother?"

"What else can I do! It is said that this time it was the enemies of the Ding family who came to the door, so we had to solve it.

It seems that Chen is right. This is a difficult task, and this time is the real opponent. As people from the training camp, they are very clear about the skills of professionals, so they can't use the people from the base. We can only rely on ourselves. "Qin Tian had no choice but to let the monkeys stay in the imperial capital for a few more days.

The license plate number and the final location have been sent. Qin Tian looks at the address and is suddenly frustrated.

The car was abandoned on the main road, which was surrounded by surveillance. Although there were some pictures, when they got into the alley, there was no news.

Qin Tian can be sure that this is a premeditated battle, but I don't know where they went with Ding Jiali?

Just look at the monitoring screen, you can know that Ding Jiali is under control.

She leans on a man's body, obviously has lost consciousness, they should have used overpowering drugs.

The abandonment of a car on this main road not only caused traffic congestion, but also attracted many people's criticism.

Because when Ding Jiali was taken away, her face was covered with black blindfold. All the way into the alley, many people saw, but all the men's faces were wearing masks, moving quickly.

So it's not clear where it took her. They are so high-profile walking in the main road downtown, are not afraid of being seen to report it?

Qin Tian was a little surprised, but at the same time, he thought that people who can do such things should not be afraid. However, he did not expect Ding Jiali to be taken away in such a dignified way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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