Lu Bingqian is known as the backbone of Chinese traditional medicine. In the face of Lu Bingqian, Qin Tian has lost his previous cloud and light breeze, and he dare not trust him any more. Every patient has his own pulse. He is cautious and cautious before prescribing medicine!

With the passage of time, Qin Tian and Lu Bingqian gave the same prescription every time. Even if there was a slight difference, it was only a difference in dosage, and the effect could be ignored.

As time went by, Lu Bingqian's eyes on Qin Tian were no longer despised before. Instead, he was so appreciative that he would smile at Qin Tian every time he finished the prescription.

The sky soon became dark, but the crowd was more and more addicted to the fight between the two doctors. Each time the same prescription was shown, a burst of cheering was heard in the crowd, which could be described as wonderful!

Lu Qianmo stood behind him and was stunned. The doctor, who had always looked down upon by him, could compete with his grandfather on the same stage without losing anything. This medical skill is no longer what he can match!

Originally, everyone thought that the competition would end in a draw, but at this time, a black Rolls Royce phantom stopped at the door of the medical center, and a beautiful woman in her forties slowly stepped down from the car, aiming at the table of Qin Tian and Lu Bingqian!

"Who is Lu Bingqian, doctor Lu?" When a beautiful woman opens her mouth, she asks about Lu Bingqian's identity.

"The old man is Lu Bingqian." Lu Bingqian answered without hesitation.

"Doctor Lu, please help me." Say, beautiful woman person then double legs kneel down, the forehead heavy knock on the ground!

"Never!" Lu Bingqian raised his hand in a hurry, and the apprentice of the hospital rushed to help the woman up. "If you have any problems, just say it."

The woman sat opposite Lu Bingqian's desk, ignoring the dust on her forehead, and began to tell her illness.

"My body has been different from others since I was young. My back is burning and I'm sweating every day. But the first half of my body, especially the lower part of my body, is always chilly, just like soaking in ice water. Moreover...

when the woman said this, she said something unpleasant, but still could not resist the fear of illness. She whispered to Lu Bingqian "And I'm always not interested in the affairs of husband and wife..."

"my husband has some capital. In recent years, I've traveled all over the country and visited famous doctors. Everyone is at a loss. Originally, I gave up treatment. Anyway, most of my life has come here, and it doesn't matter at the back. But just a while ago, there were black lines on my body, and I came here Come back to doctor Lu

Said, the woman also regardless of the surrounding crowd, tore off the sleeves and trouser legs, revealing the snow-white skin inside, but on that white, it is a black let people panic stripes!

When people saw this scene, they took a breath of air! I'm afraid you've seen this kind of scene in martial arts novels, right!?

"Come on, open your mouth and let me have a look."

Lu Bingqian's face was dignified. After reading the fur on his tongue and his eyelids, he finally put his hand on the woman's wrist.

With his eyes closed, the time for real shopping passed in a twinkling of an eye. More than ten minutes later, the onlookers did not even dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing Dr. Lu.

Gradually, the heaviness on Lu Bingqian's face was replaced by lightness. A smile hung on his face. He picked up the wolf hair and wrote his prescription on the yellow.

"Young man, you can come and have a look. It doesn't matter whether you can see it or not. After all, you are still young. Maybe this patient can make you and me have a higher position." With that, Lu Bingqian stroked his beard and began to laugh.

The crowd also showed a smile, but Qin Tian could see that they did not laugh at the slightest, on the contrary, the laughter was full of people's affirmation of his medical skills!

"It's very difficult for a young man to keep up with doctor Lu."

"In time, I must be a miracle doctor again!"

"Don't be discouraged, young man. There is still a long way to go. Chinese medicine depends on your generation!"

For a moment, a stream of praise fell down toward Qin Tian. Jiao Cheng, standing behind Qin Tian, could not help but smile, and his pride was expressed.

"No matter how fierce, I can't win my grandfather!" Qin Mingji is not satisfied with these people!

"Hum, you have to learn from others when you are young and have such a heavy heart."

"The skill is not as good as the person is still squinting at the side, jump out to look for spray?"

"Go home and practice in seclusion and learn from the doctor Qin!"

People are still thinking about being misled by Lu Qianmo just now. When he opened his mouth, he was merciless. Lu Qianmo's face turned red and his face was completely lost.

Qin Tian stood on one side and looked at all this calmly. He had already made some conclusions in his heart, but saw Lu Bingqian thinking that he had won. His face was full of excitement. For a while, he didn't know whether to continue the competition.

Nowadays, there are not many doctors, especially traditional Chinese medicine, who are able to think for the patients and do their best to serve the patients. In addition, the good medicinal materials of huishengtang and the low price have highlighted Lu Bingqian's benevolence and kindness!For a time, Qin Tian actually had an impulse to admit defeat!

Once their own number, huishengtang can keep its reputation, and more people can receive good treatment!

However, when Qin Tian saw the black stripes on his arm and leg, the doctor's benevolence made him unable to sit back and ignore!

After careful consideration, Qin Tian finally opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lu, before treating this disease, I have two questions to ask." Qin Tian held out two fingers, "the first question is to ask you!"

Qin Tian's two words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"If you have any questions, please speak up!" Lu Bingqian smiles calmly.

"Would you mind if I won the contest?" Qin Tian's words, suddenly caused a huge wave!

"Is this young man... Arrogant?"

"Do you really think that the minor ailments in front of me are the same as those prescribed by Dr. Lu Shenyi, and you think that you are really great?"

"If this is the case, then his future will stop here."

Everyone was in an uproar, but Qin Tian didn't pay any attention to it. He still looked at Lu Bingqian with clear eyes, trying to see something from his face.

However, Lu Bingqian's face changed a little at the beginning, but in a flash, he relaxed and said, "if you win me, it can only be said that the old man's skills are not as good as others. If you think about it... The descendants of Huaxia traditional Chinese medicine came out like you, and I'm a half body into the loess, and I'm happy, should I have any other feelings?"

Lu Bingqian said that, and then self-care smile, for a moment, people around Lu Bingqian have thumbs up!

Qin Tian a look, the heart of the depression instantly dissipated!

With such an answer, even if you beat him, it will never affect any business of Huisheng hall!

"The second question, I want to ask the patient." Said, Qin Tian turned to look at the woman, "you this life, whether childless or childless?"

The woman was a little stunned. She was supposed to be a mother when she was in her forties. But surprisingly, no matter what kind of examination the hospital did, she could not find any problems. However, she had never conceived and had no children.

"No There is a desolation in the eyes of a woman.

"Then after today, you and your partner will be ready to conceive." After that, Qin Tian took the silver needle that Du Haibo had given him from behind, and said to Lu Bingqian, "Mr. Lu, taking medicine is too slow. Only once acupuncture and moxibustion is needed, I can make her completely recover!"

Lu Bingqian's face immediately changed as soon as he heard it. "Young man, you haven't checked your pulse yet. How can you get an injection?"

For the first time, Lu Bingqian had doubts about Qin Tian for the first time. Was he wrong about people? Is this young man a conceited man?

Qin Tian shook his head. "I've seen her before. It belongs to the legendary Tianyin Jue pulse. She can't live to be 30 years old. However, modern medical conditions and living conditions are much better than before, which has delayed her onset for 10 years. If you treat her for another year or two at night, I'm afraid that only a dead bone will be left in her eyes!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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