According to traditional Chinese medicine, if there are eight channels in the human body, and the eight channels are connected, people will live a long life, but these channels are not seen in modern medicine.

On the contrary, all the meridians are blocked, the Qi in the body can not be emitted, and the external Qi is difficult to get close to. As time goes by, the meridians will be damaged.

The black stripes on a woman's body are blood clots formed by blood accumulation in the meridians after their meridians are damaged!

Lu Bingqian's face was startled. He didn't expect that Qin Tian's statement was exactly the same as his own diagnosis!

"You're right." Lu Bingqian nodded with excitement in his eyes. "Tell me, how can I treat this disease?"

"If I'm not mistaken, the prescription you prescribed should be Tougu grass, Yuanhu, Haitong, piweilingxian, chuanniuteng, myrrh, Angelica dahurica, sappan, cassia twig, Sichuan pepper, safflower, weiweizi each 15g. After decocting, the dregs of medicine will take a medicine bath!"

Qin Tian finished the prescription in one breath. Lu Bingqian's eyes were shocked! Qin Tian's prescription is exactly the same as his own prescription!

Chinese medicine is hopeful, hopeful!

"But as far as I know, this disease can only be slowly nourished by this method. Although it can not be removed, it can prolong the life span... Can acupuncture also treat this disease?" Lu Bingqian asked curiously.

"Acupuncture, instant results!"

With that, Qin Tian asked Jiao Cheng to put the two tables together and let the woman lie down.

"Elder sister, offended."

Finish saying, Qin Tian hands pinch needle, aimed at the woman's back and waist of several big acupoints, quickly inserted in!

"Juyuan needling technique!"

Lu Bingqian exclaimed in a burst of surprise. He heard Qian Mo say that Qin Tian would return to the soul nine or nine times before. Unexpectedly, he used a set of Juyuan needling technique today!

You know, even if ordinary doctors are very poor, they can't master one of them in their whole life. Qin Tian, at the age of 20, has mastered two kinds of needling techniques. He is really a rare genius!

Lu Bingqian stood trembling and watching. However, he did not know that Qin Tian could skillfully operate the five dragon needling technique in addition to these two needling techniques. If he knew, Lu Bingqian would faint with excitement!

With the passage of time, the woman's face gradually tide. Red up, the body's black stripes also with the dissipation and go!

"Good!" Lu Bingqian cheered and took the lead in clapping Qin Tian!

The woman pulled out the needle, a never had a relaxed feeling filled the whole body, as if reborn in general, let her have an unprecedented feeling.

With a plop, the woman knelt on her knees, "thank you for saving my life!"

Then he kowtowed to Qin Tian on the ground.

"Don't, don't, don't, get up quickly. It's our duty to cure the sick and save the people, so we can't do it!" Qin Tian just pulled her up from the ground. "I'll give you another prescription. You and your wife take it together. You should be able to send good news years ago."

The woman's face turned red. Of course, she knew what the good news Qin Tian had said. When she was over 40, God knew how strong she expected her children!

Before leaving, the woman insisted on leaving Qin Tian with a card and a business card. However, Qin Tian had to put it away in embarrassment.

"Hu'anzi... The emperor?" Qin Tian looked at the business card, and then looked at the farther and farther Leslie, casually stuffed the card into his pocket.

Lu Bingqian and Qin Tian are like old friends at first sight. They are determined to stay in qintian for dinner, and even take out the wine they have treasured for decades to entertain Qin Tian.

After three rounds of drinking, Lu Bingqian held Qin Tian, just like his own grandson, and said slowly, "Xiao Qin, there's something I have to ask you."

"Mr. Lu, it's OK to say so."

"Oh, my family is unfortunate." Lu Bingqian did not speak, first sighed, and then a drink of liquor in front of him, "I have a granddaughter, the age is similar to you."

When Qin Tian heard this, he immediately flashed out the woman with strong appearance and soft heart. She was the female president of olan group, Lin Wanru!?

Qin Tian smiles and doesn't answer. He just listens quietly.

"She... Has an incurable disease."

Qin Tian heard this, and suddenly his mouth could not be closed.

Incurable disease!?

"Mr. Lu, to tell you the truth, I have had several encounters with your granddaughter. I don't think she looks sick..." Qin Tian doubted himself for a while. Is he really out of sight?

"Not sick?" Lu Bingqian's eyes widened. "If you are not ill, can you not find a boyfriend? If you are not sick, you can not give birth to yourself, but you have to adopt other people's children? A woman is born to find a man. She knows to hang out with a woman all day. What's the standard of this

Lu Bingqian didn't know whether he had drunk too much or how. He even began to cry by patting his thighs. He also said that his family was unfortunate and so on.

Qin Tian looks at one side, the corners of his mouth are pumping.

As expected, they are the old people in the last century, and their feudal thoughts are still relatively heavy. It's just a love affair with X. what's the big deal!Qin Tian thought, heart is also a pity, so beautiful woman, unexpectedly is a les!

"Xiao Qin, you have to help me with this. You must cure her anyway. I am a daughter, and she only has Wan as a daughter. You can't give up like this!"

Although Lu Bingqian has many sons, he has only one daughter. He is a great granddaughter.

Qin Tian grinned awkwardly, "this... This is not something you can cure if you want to...

" how can't you cure it! You are such an excellent young man, can't you cure a stinky girl!? Chase her! If you can't catch it, use the strong one! What are you afraid of once you get there? " Lu Bingqian two eyes one stare, said the words scared Qin Tian almost a fart. Shares sit on the ground!

This is really pro grandfather!? Qin Tian politely refused to persuade others to use force on his granddaughter...

"old Lu, I am married..." Qin Tian politely refused.

"What are you afraid of in marriage? Which excellent man has few women? When I was a child, Songshan didn't understand it. Let's look at those rich people in other people. Who hasn't got a few aunts? As long as you can cure her, let her follow you to pour tea and water for you. Anyway, our family is not short of money, and we don't need her to show up outside. "

As he said this, Lu Bingqian took up his glass again and knocked with Qin Tian. He kept saying, "what do girls do when they are not at home to take care of their children?".

It has to be said that the world outlook of Qin Tian was almost overturned after a meal with Mr. Lu. It seems that it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines when he was a child.

When one old and one small drink was enjoying themselves, Qin Tian's mobile phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was actually a fly from the security team.

"Oh, my God, it's bad. Someone's smashing the field. Come here and have a look!"

Qin Tian's spirit of wine suddenly dissipated half of his body. He told old Lu a few things and went straight to medical college with Jiao Cheng!

At the moment, the entrance of the medical college has already been surrounded by water. When you look at it, you can see that there are a lot of strong men in black suits all around the gate of the medical college. The spirit of killing gives people the illusion that they want to kneel down and bow down!

At the gate, dozens of security guards were beaten black and blue, as if garbage was generally thrown in the corner, the head of a black suit with a mobile phone attached to the fly's ear, listening to the fly call Qin Tian, just put away the mobile phone, laughing and standing up!

"You... Who are you?" The flies looked at them and trembled.

Without saying a word, the black suit slapped the fly in the face, and half of his face was swollen up. "With your garbage, you deserve to ask me?"

"Listen to me. I want to see the boy named Qin Tian in ten minutes, otherwise... You should be aware of it!"

At this time, there are a few unknown students out of the school, see the people at the door, scared face is white, Leng is not dare to close a step.

Have courage a little bit, accompany smiling face to come over, "big brother, I still want to go out to work, can pass?"


Another slap, the boy was directly fan to the ground, the corners of his mouth are hanging a trace of blood stains!

"If you can't see Qin Tian today, no one can get out of this gate!"

For a moment, everyone was so scared that they didn't even dare to breathe.

"Oh? Who is looking for me in such a big battle

All of a sudden, behind the crowd, a calm voice sounded, only two figures appeared slowly from the dark, not Qin Tian and Jiao Cheng, but who else could it be! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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