Hearing Qin Tian say this, Mr. Ding was a little surprised, but then he thought it was the Ding family's business. It had nothing to do with other people. Lin Haifeng lay on the ground and suddenly laughed wildly: "sure enough, you are all in a group! Let's bully the weak together. "

Qin Tian couldn't help it this time. He turned his head and glanced at Lin Haifeng. He disdained: "the weak? When you bully others, you never feel that you are weak. Now when you are bullied, you say you are weak? Lin Haifeng, you are not a man. I look down on you. Even if I don't catch you today, you will be caught by others, because you can't be the boss at all.

Don't say you were framed 20 years ago. Even if you don't get framed, you can't do the position of Ding Lao. Your pattern is doomed that you will never be able to reach the height of others in your life, let alone you are now a prisoner. "

Lin Haifeng was stunned by Qin Tian's words, and then he said angrily, "you know a fart! If he hadn't hurt me... "

"If you didn't have the intention of harming others, how could you have been overthrown by others. It's just that you lost this time, and you lost completely. If you are unwilling, you want to come back for revenge. You are not wronged or framed! You lose in the game, but you don't admit defeat. If you want revenge, you have to have strength and confidence. You just have confidence and voice, but you don't have strength. You want to come to revenge. You are the most stupid person I have ever seen

Qin Tian does not wait for him to finish. Qin Tian interrupts him. Lin Haifeng is stunned by a series of blows. Qin Tian goes out with a cold hum and ignores him. However, Lin Haifeng and his screams could be heard in Ding's courtyard. People around him were also prying around from time to time. However, they were all stopped by the Ding family. This is the internal affair of the Ding family. It is useless for anyone to come forward.

Qin Tian is also right. He was the king and defeated the aggressor. The Ding family can reach the present height only by the height that master Ding can reach before. However, these things are not what Lin Haifeng can get. So even if he wants revenge, it is impossible to replace him.

Now the most injured is Ding Jiali, Ding Jiali does not let him go, who said it is useless. Lin Haifeng regretted that he should not have let Ding Jiali go. He should have destroyed her after playing.

However, it is not so miserable now. Ding Jiali stopped for a while and began to beat him. Although she was a woman with little strength, she was cruel enough to fight. She counted all her sufferings on Lin Haifeng and kicked him desperately. She also took out the whip once used by the master and whipped it in the past. Lin Haifeng was beaten to death by her without checking Yes.

Seeing this, Mr. Ding waved his hand and held Ding Jiali: "if he continues to fight, he will die."

"You can't die a hundred times like this!"

Ding Jiali's eyes were red, and she wanted to cut him into pieces, but she could not do so now.

"That's not too much. But it's not worth paying for the future of such people. "

Dingjiali responded, "grandfather, do you mean to deliver him to justice?"

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. "Of course, he rushed in with the intention of murdering the senior leader, so he had to spend his whole life in prison."

Such a result should be the most fair for Lin Haifeng. When the police arrived at Ding's house to take Lin Haifeng away, Qin Tian was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the old man would really call the police and give the man to the police.

Later, when the old man told the police that Lin Haifeng wanted to assassinate him, Qin Tian understood that this was to let Lin Haifeng live, and that life was not as good as death.

How painful it is for Lin Haifeng to be locked up in that place for a lifetime without freedom? He thought that Mr. Ding would certainly go to see Lin Haifeng, but every time he saw Lin Haifeng, he could see that he was hale and hearty. That kind of feeling that he was not willing to see could be imagined.

With Lin Haifeng's character, he will go crazy if he is tortured by the old man. But that's his fault, no one else.

After Lin Haifeng was caught, everything else is easy to say, and now it's time for Qin Tian to go back. However, after this event was completed, Qin Tian was left by Ding Jiali, saying that she wanted to thank him.

Qin Tian originally wanted to refuse, but Ding Jiali said that he must be invited to dinner, and he did not want to brush people's face.

Ding Jiali really thanks Qin Tian. If it wasn't for Qin Tian, she would not cheer up. Qin Tian comforted her when she was tracked by Lin Haifeng. However, what Ding Jiali wanted to do most was to let Qin Tian stay as her bodyguard.

Zhao Xiaohu and his gang have been thrown into the prison by Ding Dawei. And now he threw Lin Haifeng in, so there is no bodyguard around Ding Jiali.

After Qin Tian knew Ding Jiali's mind, he directly suggested that she find a female bodyguard.

Ding Jiali, who has experienced this incident, is definitely against men. Therefore, he will suggest that Ding Jiali find a female bodyguard. Ding Jiali wants Qin Tianlai, but Qin Tian is not under the jurisdiction of any company. The reply from Huhai district is that Qin Tian is not under their jurisdiction. He is free from it, so the Ding family has no way.Qin Tianguan can not manage so much, and after this meal he will return to Songshan city and Li Xinran reunion.

Qin Tian didn't think too much, just wanted to eat this meal with dingjiali, and everyone would be good to get together and scatter. Ding family matters later he also can not care, and through this matter, Ding Laozi looks at him. Although Qin Tian has the heart to climb up with Ding Laozi, dingjiali now wants to be her bodyguard. Qin Tian can not agree.

But Ding Laozi seems to have defaulted on this matter. Qin Tian knows his position in Ding family, but it is just a bodyguard. So he gave up and the task was finished when it was completed.

After calling Chen, Qin Tian will go back to Qin's house to see the zodiac jade. After that, he can return to Songshan city. The monkey has informed them to go back first.

Of course, money is not available, but monkeys are also willing to do things for Qin Tian, but Ding family seems to have given nothing, the old man just thanked, nothing mentioned, although Qin Tian was upset, but thinking about it was just a task, so he was relieved. But if anything asks for help from Mr. Ding in the future, he should not refuse. But dingjiali will not be too much on this side, after all, dingaria is the miss of Ding family. If she is offended, it is not good.

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