At the dinner table, Ding Jiali poured a glass of red wine to Qin Tian, and raised her glass. Ding Jiali was moved, "Qin Tian, you are the most man I have ever seen. Today, I want to ask you to be my bodyguard. I'm not angry if you refuse. I know you don't want to be here. But when we meet again in the future, we'll still be friends and have a toast Qin Tian looked at Ding Jiali. The glass was just raised to her mouth, but she smelled a faint smell of overpowering drug. He laughed. The little girl still wanted to prescribe medicine to herself. What did she want to do?

Qin Tian is still and drinks the liquid in the cup. Ding Jiali can't help but be overjoyed. The essence in her eyes is caught by Qin Tian. Qin Tian sighs helplessly. She just wants to be her bodyguard and uses this method. But Qin Tian did not expose her.

When Ding Carrie saw that Qin Tian had finished drinking the wine, she was so pleased that she was about to speak. She felt dizzy. She couldn't help being stunned. How could this happen? Clearly, she is the medicine for Qin Tianxia. How can she get hit?

Qin Tian smiles and walks over. Ding Jiali feels dizzy. Then he doesn't know anything. Qin Tian picks him up and puts him on the sofa. Then he calls the waiter and gives him a stack of money. He tells him to inform the Ding family to come and pick up Ding Jiali. Then he goes away by himself.

The waiter didn't dare to be careless, so he called the Ding family. After receiving the call, Ding Dawei came to the hotel and saw that Ding Jiali was asleep, while Qin Tian had already left. He could not help but sigh that this boy was not ordinary.

He patted Ding Jiali. Ding Jiali was dizzy and didn't wake up until more than an hour later. Seeing Ding Dawei sitting beside her, she suddenly sat up and looked around. Qin Tian left early!

"What have you done? If you invite someone else to dinner, why did you fall asleep, or did Qin Tian ask someone to call back and let me pick you up Ding Jiali thought of covering her face here, and then looked at her body without being violated. She could not help sighing: "I want Qin Tian to be my bodyguard. If he doesn't agree, I want to..."

She didn't finish. Ding Dawei understood, and immediately became angry: "I didn't expect that you would use this method. It's really a dirty job! Tell you ding Jiali! From now on, don't think about those crooked brains. I've arranged for bodyguards for you. All of them are female bodyguards. From now on, you'll stay at home for me and don't go anywhere. "

With that, he got up and left. Ding Jiali looked at her father's back, and her heart was sour. Now she is the object of ridicule by the whole family. Even after Ding Dawei solved the matter of Lin Haifeng, she did not have a good face for herself.

Ding Jiali knows that she is despised. What can she say now? She can only stand up in silence and follow Ding Dawei back.

Qin Tian went directly to the Qin family. Qin Kuo and Qin Fen had already been waiting at home after receiving his call. Qin Tianxian went to see Mr. Qin and reported what he had seen and heard in the Ding family during this period.

Qin said in a deep voice: "it's very good to be able to climb into the Ding family, but sometimes we can't be too optimistic. The people around him can't be used by us." Although the Qin family and the Lin family were famous in the emperor, they were merchants after all, which was different from the Ding family.

Moreover, Mr. Ding will be just a few years ago, so there is no need to mention anything about it 20 years ago. Now all the nephews and nephews of the Ding family are in the training base, and they will not come out. It is not so easy for Qin Tian to attach himself to this relationship.

Qin Tian also knew that, so he didn't hold much hope. When he finished the task this time, he should give the Ding family a face and make a good impression in front of them. As for Ding Jiali, Qin Tian avoided it. He really convinced this lady.

Now Mr. Ding also knows that Qin Tian is gone and nods silently. He knows that Qin Tian is not in the pool. He is not willing to be a bodyguard and will leave sooner or later.

"Don't worry, grandfather. I know what I'm doing. No matter whether I can use it or not, I'll give some face when I meet in the future."

Hearing Qin Tian say so, master Qin is relieved. Qin Tian is not confused by these. If he is willing to be a bodyguard, he will look down on him.

"Qin Tian, give Xinran a call back, she is very worried about you these two days, your mobile phone seems to be unable to contact."

Qin Tian was shocked and quickly took out his mobile phone, which found that all the signals were blocked when he was in Ding's house. He suddenly understood that there was no signal in the courtyard, so after entering the courtyard, his mobile phone was a decoration. He had been in it these days, so Li Xinran did not contact himself and found the people of Qin family. Qin Tian quickly called Li Xinran to report peace. He was very happy to know that Qin Tian had come out and would come back in a few days.

Qin Tian also knew that he had not seen Li Xinran for many days. He must have worried her. Qin Tian promised that he would go back as soon as possible, and asked the monkeys to visit Li Xinran, which also reassured her.

After comforting Li Xinran, Qin Tian went to find Qin Kuo and Qin Fen. They took out the zodiac jade that Qin Huan had found. It was a small green snake, which looked lifelike and depicted vividly.

After Qin Tian looked at it, he grinned and grinned. This is it."He found it. Is there anything else?"

Qin Kuo shook his head: "the third uncle said that this thing could not be asked for. He also found it by accident. What he found last time and this time was the owner's private possession. He couldn't resist the third uncle's plea, so he gave it to him.

But the rest is gone. "

Qin Tian doesn't believe it. If he does, he must know where he got it.

"Come on, let's go and ask the third uncle."

"The third uncle is not at home, but he gave us the address. I'll take you there."

Qin Kuo knew that Qin Tian was not reconciled, so he took the initiative to bring Qin Tian to a tea house in the west of the city.

Qin Tian felt a little surprised, "this is a teahouse, isn't it in the antique market?"

"There's no antique market. Most of the friends of the third uncle are drinking and drinking outside. People who like to drink tea and chat are not antique markets at all. The last time they were just to test you and cheat you on purpose! But the boss really likes to do antique shopping, so he also got Zodiac jade. I'm here today to take your chance. "

Qin Kuo's words made Qin Tian speechless. He was a family. Qin Huan cheated himself every time. Is that interesting? Qin Tian thought that the boss should be a thin man in his forties, but he didn't expect that he was still a lady. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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