When they went in, they saw the boss's mother sitting in the middle of the teahouse, with high and high hair bun, and exquisite makeup. They wore a well-cut cheongsam, which made Qin Tian admire very much. He didn't expect that uncle Sanshu knew such a woman. After sitting down, Qin Kuang rammed Qin Tian's arm. "This is a friend of Uncle three. They have been in a relationship for more than ten years."

Qin Tian laughed out, "three uncles have not thought about another three aunts?"

"What a joke! Uncle three is not that kind of person, they are just friends, and the usual friendship is very good, that jade is sold to him by the boss. " Hearing him say that Qin Tian understood, if you want to find the rest of the zodiac jade, it will take a lot of effort, after all, can people easily take out good things?

Now he just sat down and ordered a pot of dahongsam. The boss came to cook tea for them. He saw that there was something similar between Qin Tianmei and Qin Yu. The boss asked, "you are the Qin family?"

"It's the boss's mother. Qin Yu is my third uncle. He got Zodiac jade in you some days ago, so let's come and thank you. "

Qin Tian opens a smile, the boss mother voice is sweet, "you call me Jane sister, do not boss mother boss mother call me, I also did not marry."

"OK, sister Jane." Qin Tian hurriedly climbed up the bar and called sister Zhen, and she laughed, "this child is sweet. I have known Qin Yu for so many years, and I have never heard of him saying that he has such a big child in his family."

"We are all children of Qin family, so the relationship with uncle Sanshu is very good. I heard that the three uncles said that the zodiac jade was brought here. So I want to ask if sister Jane can find the rest of Xiaoyu."

Wen Yan sister frowned, "I don't have the rest of the zodiac jade, but it is a treasure indeed. Our family has also passed down from the top, but you should say that I don't know the origin of it. If it wasn't for Qin Huan, I would not let these things out. "

Hearing that, Qin Tian understood that uncle Sanshu also spent a lot of money. Otherwise, how could the boss easily send the zodiac jade, and it was also ancestral. Qin Tian was still a little confused, "this thing was uploaded from the ancestors?"

"Our ancestors uploaded a lot of things, but they were all lost in the catastrophe. The two jade pendants were hidden by my grandfather, so they were handed down."

Qin Tian understood that even if there is an estimate to lose, it is very good to have these two now, so Qin Tian does not have to ask.

I don't know about the elder sister of the origin, and Qin Tian has to stop.

Qin Tian just drank tea and chatted with Jane this time. He didn't get any useful information. This made Qin Tian feel disappointed.

It is not easy for such a large emperor to find the zodiac jade. If he wants to know more, he is afraid of being greedy. He will be relieved to think of Qin days here. After all, he has already got most of the zodiac jade in his hand. The rest can be obtained in the future. However, it will be slowly accumulated. Sooner or later, he will get it. Qin Tian comforts himself like this, but he doesn't know that shengxiaoyu is scattered all over the country, waiting for him to collect it. Now he has got so much. What else does he not satisfy?

When they walked out of the tea house, Qin Kuan and Qin Tian looked at each other, and Qin Kuo shrugged, "I didn't think that sister Jane knew nothing, but she came here in vain today!"

"It's not white either."

"At least we know that this thing is scattered all over the country, and it's not so hard to find, so there is hope," Qin said

Qin Kuang nodded when Qin Tian said this, "indeed, I am asking about it in the emperor capital. You also go back to Songshan to see. After all, you get these things from Songshan."

Qin Tian thought so, at the beginning he got Zodiac jade is very unexpected, but now that has collected most, the rest of the pieces are not too difficult to come. So Qin Tian went to pat Qin Kuang on his shoulder, and asked him to inquire about each other in the antique market of the capital. If there is one, he will get it at all costs. Money is not a problem.

He had money in Qin Tian, but it was not so easy to get the zodiac jade. Although Qin Kuo nodded, he knew that the jade was not so easy to find. If it wasn't for Qin Tian, they didn't know what the use of this thing was.

So now that we know its value, Qin Kuang will do his best.

After three days in Qin's house, after confirming that the old man was not in great trouble, Qin Tian started to go back.

Li Xinran, Songshan City, has been waiting for many times. He got up early to pick up at the airport. He didn't inform the monkeys about them or anyone. Li Xinran came to the airport alone.

Qin Tian saw Li Xinran holding a high sign to welcome himself home, his heart warm.

No matter when Li Xinran is in, he always thinks that this is his home. Emperors are no better than a Li Xinran.

Seeing Li Xinran, he walked quickly and rubbed her into his arms. Li Xinran smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "How to do it is the same as life and death, but it's almost two months since I didn't see him." "Is it? You are also worried that I call Qin's to ask me about it. ""Of course, people will worry about you. They know that you are alive, but they don't know what happened to you and they can't get in touch with you. Naturally, I have to worry."

Li Xinran looked up at him with a smile. Seeing the familiar smile, Qin Tian suddenly remembered what Li Xinran had said to him, so he asked, "who is this new member of our family before you said it?"

Li Xinran shook his head and took Qin Tian's hand and said, "you will know when you go home."

Qin Tian didn't know what kind of medicine she sold in the gourd. She just followed Li Xinran back home. After arriving at home, Li Xinran cleaned up all his things. Then he took a cloth to cover Qin Tian's eyes, took him to a room, and then opened the cloth.


Qin Tian opened his eyes and saw that this was the original study, but now it has been changed into a children's room, with cradle, toys, and various dolls.

His heart couldn't help shaking, turned to look at Li Xinran, eyes with a touch of doubt, "really really pregnant?"

Li Xinran nodded, a trace of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

"It's been three months, you see."

Li Xinran was wearing a bottomed skirt and a coat over it, so he didn't find that Li Xinran's abdomen was slightly protruding. Now see Li Xinran so excited Qin Tian will hold Li Xinran up and turn a circle.

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