Li Xinran was turned dizzy by him, quickly patted his shoulder and said: "don't turn, I feel dizzy."

Qin Tian quickly put her down and gently hugged her, "are you really pregnant? I'm going to be dad in the future

Li Xinran laughed and patted him on the shoulder. Qin Tian put his ear on his stomach and called Li Xinran in a low voice: "hurry up, baby call Dad!"

"What are you talking about? The baby is only three months old. What kind of father can he call?"

Hearing Li Xinran say so, Qin TianAng began to smile, "what's the matter? Time is very fast. We can meet this year, right? Do parents know the news? "

Li Xinran nodded, "I already know, but I told you after a long time. My mother said that it would be three months before I could publicize it. It's been three months, that's why I told you. You don't know how hard I've endured ahead. "

"You silly woman, even if I'm your husband for three months, you should tell me that I am."

"I am not afraid that you will be distracted when you are out on duty, so I have to hold back and say nothing. Now I am back, it's not too late to tell you!"

Qin Tian nodded. What she said was that they had been married for several years and finally had children. Can Qin Tian not be happy? Now that Li Xinran is pregnant, Qin Tian would like to give her the whole world.

He immediately took Li Xinran to the sofa outside and sat down, "from today on, I will take care of everything, including eating, sleeping, bathing and dressing." Li Xinran chuckled, "I'm just pregnant, I'm not disabled, I can't do anything."

Li Xinran felt that Qin Tian's reaction was a little exaggerated, but Qin Tian didn't think so. "This can't be said. I heard that it's hard for a woman to get pregnant and have children. I can't bear to let you work so hard. I just want to make you live better, so I have no problem with all these things."

Qin Tian patted his chest to guarantee that Li Xinran laughed and felt very comforted. She also knew that Qin Tian would take good care of her.

Knowing that Li Xinran is pregnant, Qin Tian can't wait to release the news in the circle of friends.

Chen Manman's heart sank when he saw him. He saw Qin Tian in the imperial capital last time. Qin Tian disappeared after two days and disappeared for almost a month.

Now Chen Manman knows that he has come back. She is so upset that she always feels that she has lost a great opportunity.

Although there is a person around her in pursuit of her, but she still don't want to let Qin Tian go. And the boy friend he said before also broke up because of personality incompatibility. Chen Manman now saw Qin Tian had a child, and immediately had a plan. They all said that women can't have roommates when they are pregnant. Isn't Qin Tian going to hold back for a long time?

No man does not cheat. What's more, Qin Tian is such an excellent man. He and Li Xinran were separated for such a long time. Once back, Li Xinran became pregnant.

Then this time is her opportunity, see the information on the mobile phone, Chen Manman mouth can not help but rise.

Jiao Cheng happens to be on the side. He also sees Qin Tianfa's circle of friends and says: "now that Qin Tian has children, he won't run out any more. Let's go and see him some other day. With children, the three of them will be happier in the future. It's immoral if someone can't break them up, no matter how thoughtful they are. "

Of course, Chen Manman recognized Jiao Cheng's meaning. Although he was angry in his heart, he had a smile on his face.

"Yes, brother Jiao Cheng, what you say is what you say. I might as well buy some presents some other day

"Gifts, of course, are to be bought. Let's go together."

Jiao Cheng fixed the tone with a hammer. Chen Manman began to laugh and finally had a chance to see Qin Tian again.

No matter whether it is a success or not, she will meet Qin Tian.

Even if we can't be together in the end, we should make Li Xinran feel sick. You know, when you are pregnant, you can't stand to see your husband cheating with other women.

Chen man man man is not simply want to get Qin Tian, but to revenge maliciously. She is jealous of Li Xinran. Why does she have such good fortune to have qintian and she has to suffer such pain?

Two days later, Qin Tian received a call from Jiao Cheng and wanted to meet him. Knowing that his circle of friends had caused a stir, Qin Tian also understood that they were going to come to see him and Li Xinran. So he simply gathered all these friends together and set up a restaurant. They all came to visit the monkeys. Qin Tian was very happy to see these friends All the friends got together, and we all raised their glasses to welcome them.

Li Xinran was very happy to see Qin Tian like this. They had been married for several years and finally had children. Li Xinran looked at Qin Tian with a smile. He kept by his side from time to time and knew that he had not married the wrong person.

These friends came here one after another, and a sister-in-law bought a lot of presents. Li Xinran didn't expect that they would be happier after they knew they were pregnant.

Jiao Cheng was the last one to arrive. He took Chen man man man to come with him. They chose gifts for several hours. When they saw everyone arrived, Jiao Cheng ran over with a smile. "Brother qintian is really sorry. I'm late. I will punish myself for three cups. This is a gift for my younger brother and sister. I wish you a happy family in the future." As soon as Jiao Cheng came in, he handed the gift to Li Xinran. Li Xinran took the gift with a smile. Seeing Chen man man man coming in, she was stunned at first, and then said to her with a smile, "man man man is here, sit down quickly!"Qin Tian was stunned when he saw Chen man man man. He didn't expect to see Chen man man man at this time. In fact, Chen man man man is not his friend. He is just Jiao Cheng's sister-in-law. Now Qin Tian also has no way. When he comes, he nods to let her in.

Jiao Cheng sees Chen man man like this, although not quite at ease, but not good face to face, can only let her sit by his side, so as not to disturb Qin Tian. Seeing everyone around Li Xinran, Chen Manman's heart is not taste, but she also knows that today Li Xinran is the absolute protagonist, she likes sunny days, also can't have the indistinct thought to Qin Tian today, because so many pairs of eyes look at her.

Chen Manman won't die. She just looks at Qin Tian and Li Xinran sitting together in silence. Although she is jealous, she says that elder brother Qin Tian and Li Xinran wish them happiness.

Li Xinran saw her like this, in the heart slowly put down, just polite smile, Chen Manman face with a smile, but in the heart hate to the extreme. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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