Seeing Qin Tian doesn't believe it, he explains quickly: "I usually only want a few of my men to protect safety. I didn't expect that they had made such a big disaster. Please forgive me!"

Hearing him say this, Qin Tian hum coldly: "forgive you? I asked you to provoke you. It's your asshole. You are here to help them to come out, and you should bear the corresponding cost! Dare to kidnap my wife, you don't ask who I am Qin Tian? You dare to shout with me in Songshan city. You can't live a lot! "

Qin Tian saw the monkey take the belt in his hand and beat him hard. He immediately cried out, "I know that they are wrong. They are all so embarrassed that they are so embarrassed. They have to beat them. I stare at what I do, but I have nothing to do!"

Qin Tian laughed at him. "If you don't speak, they dare to go to my house and tie people? There is really yours. When the boss is like you, when he does something, he pushes his responsibility to his subordinates. What is your boss

Qin Tian said he took three belts hard, and beat the man's howling. The belt was pulled on the body, and a red mark appeared on the skin immediately. It swollen and soon disappeared. But the pain was really intolerable, let alone they were soaked in salt water.

Soon these people were pulled straight, Qin Tian also knew that this is a group of goods counseling, usually speaking on the mouth, in fact, it is nothing, in fact, they are afraid to meet things.

Now I see the boss being pulled by themselves, and they are not good at saying anything.

Qin Tian finally tired, and returned the belt to the monkey.

This is the seat, "what is the matter with it? Which territory do you belong to and have so many people in private, what do you want to do? "

The boss trembled and sucked cold airway: "my name is Huang and huangritian. I am the boss of a small factory. I usually raise these people. They are all my relatives. They are not able to do anything in my hometown. So I call them to help me, and I will give them some salary and let them have a job."

"Then, you still have a little conscience boss."

"I don't dare to be right, but I didn't expect them to come out and make trouble. Brother, please give us a hand!"

Qin Tian just snorted coldly, pointing to the two ruffians, "you said, whoever lies I will smoke who!"

The ruffian trembled and said, "we are relatives and distant relatives, but the salary he gives is too low, we don't want to work. We usually come out to play when we have nothing to do. When we see beautiful girls, we play two words. We have a thief heart and no thief courage. Really, we have nothing to do!"

They just fell, they heard a crackle of crisp sound, monkey up is a light, "Tiange is also you call! You don't say how to play with good family women in the park during the day. That's what your boss taught you. You are taken to the police station and are not at ease. After you come out, you still want to revenge. There is no truth in it! "

Hearing monkey say that, the two ruffians hurriedly lowered their heads, and he also knew that Qin Tian was not easy to make fun of.

Now I hear monkeys say this, they both don't make a sound, Qin Tian smiles, "you still tell the truth! Otherwise, I can't guarantee you will be forgiven? My brothers are not so much to provoke, and they see it. "

Monkey is the eldest of these people. When Qin Tian is not in, he plays his own hard. Now Qin Tian comes. The monkey dare to fight himself in his face. Both ruffians dare not speak. When he is down, he admits his mistake, and he will never dare to do it again.

Qin Tian is not right. They are all in front of each other, none of them are honest. So he picked up the whip again, and the men were scared to move, tears and a lot of tears.

Qin Tian laughed, "it's not fun to play like this. Take a knife to bring down their meat one by one, and let my wife bleed. I also want them to taste the taste of bleeding. Besides, they will be broken in the hand and foot ribs and throw them into the river to feed the fish."

Hearing that they were scared, they were busy begging for mercy. Huang Dayi cried out: "don't, I tell the truth, I tell the truth. I am wrong. I don't know Taishan. I want to scare you. I am used to bullying. So I have to show this tone. And they come to me and say that I want to be the boss in front of them. You are really old Big, now I know that I am wrong. Don't be so right to me. I have old and low children, but I can't do anything! "

Huang Dayi heard that they would break their hands and feet, and immediately rushed. Although he could not kneel down, he was sad and snout when crying.

Hearing him say this, Qin Tian snorted coldly, "you want to be the boss. How much money do you make in this factory in a month, you will learn to be the boss. Tell you that if you indulge your subordinates in the future, I will never let you go!"

Hearing him say that, Huang Ritian immediately responded, "yes! What you say is what, I will promise, will not come in disorder again. Please let us go! "

Qin Tian asked monkeys to beat another hundred whip each, which made them cry and cry for their mother, which made them drive away.

After they left, Huang sun Tian covered his own traces, looked at two ruffians next to them, and kicked them to the ground with anger."You two wastes, see who you are looking for who caused such a big thing to me. Now, how can I see people after I am drawn into this way?"

Hearing him say that, those two ruffians also want to cry without tears. How can they think of the force behind Qin Tians so big? One of them shouted, "boss, we should hire a group of people to fight. You see, we are all small and can't do them. We hire a group of professional people to kill him. Even if he is capable of any big thing, he can't be more than a professional killer."

"He is so nice to say, you have the money to hire, you will pay for your own, I will not provoke him!"

Huang doesn't want to provoke Qin Tian any more. After all, his small factory is open to do business. If he gets in a hurry, people will mess up the business, then it won't be drawn.

Two ruffians heard the boss say that, and immediately they were discouraged.

To say that money they do not have, but to say that the ability to make trouble, they still have some.

Since the boss is unwilling to pay, they will go alone. Everyone is mixed and have brothers. These two ruffians are not oil-saving lights outside. They can't get any benefits in Chen Manman, but they are beaten by Qin Tian. They feel resentful, so they want to come and learn from Qin Tian. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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