But they also know the strength of Qin Tian, dare not to hard, but kidnapping Li Xinran such things they really dare not do.

It is only half an hour since Li Xinran was kidnapped to find her. If he catches Li Xinran again, it is estimated that Qin Tian will kill himself, so they dare not make it again and aim all his eyes on Qin Tian.

There is also that girl. The thing that day was caused by Chen Manman. Qin Tian also beat herself for her to show her head. So the two ruffians together went out to find their friends who were mixed in the road, and soon found Chen Manman.

It is sure that people who can walk around the park live nearby. Although they haven't come these two days, they are not difficult to find.

When Chen man was once again blocked in the alley by several of them, her heart fell down, and she recognized, of course, the two men who wanted to be rude to themselves in the park that morning.

Chen man trembled, today Qin Tian is not around, who can help her? She was so scared, "what are you doing?"

"What don't you do, just let you play with our brothers. It didn't work that day, but it hurt us a few brothers to be beaten. What do you think of this account?"

It was good to see Chen Manman. They all showed greed and a bad smile. They saw Chen man's heart sink, but he said, "that's not, I give you money, please eat. What kind of women do you want to play with, how about I pay for it?"

Chen said, they laughed a few, "that is not interesting, the women who offered to send the door can not compare with you, and those women are dirty, not as clean as you! Chick will play with us today. We will not treat you badly after the event. "

Chen man listened to him, and knew that he could not hide today. If he wanted to be humiliated here, he would better find a place to take advantage of the chance to escape, so he pretended to promise.

"Well, I can't escape today. I'll go with you. However, I'll be in a clean place, a bigger place, so I'd better go to the hotel. How about the money coming out?"

Hearing her say that, the men laughed, "OK, where you say it, go, let's go with you."

Said the two men came over, and hugged Chen Manman left.

The other two took her bag away. Chen man has nothing on him, even if he wants to call the police, he has no cell phone.

Several people hugged her out of the alley, and Chen man looked around with stiff body.

It is the rush hour. Although there are people, everyone is in a hurry. And the people are indifferent. These people will not help themselves. She thinks about how to go to the hotel. Who knows that these people take her to the car and drive to the hotel all the way, and they will not give her the chance to contact people at all.

Chen Manman Meng, I don't know what to do, they dragged off the car.

The two ruffians looked at her and said, "look at the hotel is clean enough to keep you in the air."

They took Chen man into the hotel. He looked at him, raised his heels and stepped on his left foot. He grabbed another man's face, kicked them down, turned to the front desk, copied the phone and said, "I want to call the police, and call me immediately!"

The ruffians, however, rushed to her and pulled Chen man's hair and slapped her in the two ears. "His stinky bitch is coming to play us again!"

"Call the police, or I'll die here, and your hotel will not get away with it," Chen man screamed

The girl at the front desk was about to call the police. The two ruffians went up and hit the phone, so that the girl was scared to move.

They watched them drag Chen Manman out directly. After they left, the girl at the front desk reported to the police. When the police came to see the monitoring, they found that they were two ruffians and Chen Manman on that day, and then they followed them all the way.

Qin Tian was so big when he got the call. He didn't think the two men were bold enough to teach them to come up again. He didn't know how Chen mangman was now.

Chen man only knew how serious it was this time. They drove all the way to a abandoned factory building in the suburb and threw her on the ground. No matter how much she begged, she could not withstand the ravages of these people.

When the police found them, Chen man was already full of bruises, no good flesh, his eyes stagnated, and he lay on the ground, without a strand of wisps.

It was a look of being ruined. Jiao Cheng scolded his mother after receiving the news. He didn't expect the brutes to be able to come out.

After Chen Manman experienced these things, he could not survive at all. Several times, he was stopped by Jiao Cheng's wife.

Qin Tian knew that he told the monkeys that they were searching all the way. After the mixed men who hurt Chen Manman, they were castrated.

After receiving the notice of Qin Tian, they dare not to be careless, and with the help of Ding Han snow, they soon locked the target. When I saw some monkeys, these ruffians were more stunned, and I didn't expect them to come to the door so soon.This time, they didn't ask for mercy. They rushed to fight directly. The monkey didn't expect that they were brave.

However, they are not at the same level as the monkeys, and they are soon trampled on.

"Brother Tiange said that you would be castrated. You brutes will harm other girls and seek death!"

Then the monkey took the wine bottle and broke it. With the glass residue, he stabbed them directly. When the police arrived, the ruffians covered their bodies and turned pale with tears.

When they were sent to the hospital, they were told that their lives could be saved, but their functions could not be restored, and the police could not take care of this matter. Because Chen Manman's affair aroused the indignation of "enthusiastic citizens", could they not arrest them?

So monkey, they finished their work and went back.

Waiting for them will be legal sanctions, but this matter Huang RI Tian did not know, Qin Tian after knowing, sneered, "did not expect this boss is also true."

However, these two ruffians really can't let go, but prison is too light.

When Ding Hanxue saw Qin Tian, she was a little surprised. When she learned that Qin Tian was for Chen Manman, she immediately shook her head, "this matter has risen to the legal process. You still don't have to worry about it. The sentence that these people should be sentenced is also an account to the girl. "

Qin Tian knew that Ding Hanxue would not agree with her, but he didn't find her because it was difficult to handle?

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