Seeing Qin Tian like this, Ding Hanxue knew that he would not give up easily, so Ding Hanxue advised him: "what should be arrested has been arrested, and the sentence should be sentenced. You can rest assured that the law will not let any bad person go."

Qin Tian shook his head. "You don't know, because Chen Manman has no idea to live. If I don't give her this tone, how can she cheer up?"

"I can't promise that."

Ding Hanxue resolutely refused, Qin Tian listened to nod and turned away.

Since we can't promise, we can solve it according to our own way. Anyway, those people will come out. Before the formal sentence, they should have some days in the detention center.

After thinking about it, Qin Tian summoned several of his subordinates to tell the whole story. The several people were filled with indignation and wanted to speak for Chen Manman.

Although Chen Manman had a strong desire for Qin Tian before, and had done something that made Qin Tian unhappy, in the final analysis, she was also a poor person. Qin Tian naturally wanted to help when such a thing happened.

Those subordinates were caught in a deliberate mistake. Ding Hanxue did not expect Qin Tian to deal with it in such a way. By the time she received the news, the men had already been locked in.

A few days later, there was a fight in the detention center, the plot was very bad.

Those people were taught a lesson. Although they were not life-threatening, their legs were broken and their tendons were picked. Qin Tian spent a lot of money to find a lawyer to settle the matter. These people were released on bail.

Ding Hanxue shakes her head again and again after knowing that Qin Tian will become her most disgusting appearance.

Qin Tian was not surprised when he received a call from Ding Hanxue that he wanted to meet. The two men were in a cafe near Ding Hanxue's unit.

After arriving, Ding Hanxue sees Qin Tian coming from afar, and can't help but tremble. This man can affect his heart no matter when he arrives.

Seeing him like this, Ding Han Xue asked in a deep voice: "they are your people. Did you enlighten that matter?"

Qin Tian did not deny, "I said I would solve this matter in my own way. It's too cheap for those people to go to jail. Do you know? A girl's good future has been destroyed by them. You know what happened to Chen Manman before. After a long silence, she put down the past and faced life again. As a result, she was ruined by these people. She can't live. What I have to do is to do it. "

Ding Hanxue looks at him and doesn't know what to say. He can only watch Qin Tian get up and leave.

She didn't know what she was pulling Qin Tian for. Was it just to listen to him?

Looking at Qin Tian's back, she suddenly felt strange. She didn't know how to say it.

Although he could not agree with Qin Tian's practice, he had to say that he was very angry. So now seeing Qin Tian do this, Ding Hanxue knows it's his idea, but he can't do anything to him?

Ding Hanxue sighed and could only get up and go back slowly.

After Qin Tian went back to the hospital directly, Chen Manman was not discharged.

To see Qin Tian, Chen Manman's dim eyes flashed a ray of light, and only when he saw Qin Tian would be like this.

Qin Tian deliberately let his voice sound a little lighter, came to her bedside, "Manman, I have helped you deal with those people, you are still young, looking forward to everything, we will always accompany you.

I know from your standpoint, I shouldn't have said that, because it wasn't me who was hurt. But the more because of this, the more you want to love yourself, live a personal style, let those who hurt you see, you can't beat. "

Smell speech Chen man man man wry smile, turn the head to no longer look at him, the voice is low, "elder brother Qin Tian, why do you think I am so unlucky? All the things happened to me, and all the sufferings were borne by me? "

"In the future, you will have no more suffering. After suffering, there will be a rainbow. Manman, you have to believe me. Brother qintian will never cheat you. "

Chen Manman's tears came out. "Brother Qin Tian, if you had accepted me at the beginning, it would have been nice. I would not have been hit by them, would not have been injured, and would not have been lying here."

Chen Manman is tired physically and mentally, and her words make Qin Tian speechless.

Although Qin Tian wanted to comfort her, she also knew that Chen Manman had got into the ox horn and couldn't get out. No matter how people tried to persuade them, there was no way.

Now he can only rely on Chen Manman himself, if only she could figure it out. But if you can't think of it, there's nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian takes a look at Chen Manman and wants to say something more. Chen Manman covers his head with a quilt and refuses to talk to him again. Qin Tian can only give up. Now Chen Manman just wants to be alone. Qin Tian has to go out, but he still tells the medical staff to take good care of her. Chen's psychological state is very poor. Qin Tian knows that she can't help but keep people on guard.

As for Chen Manman's family, after knowing this, they cut off their relationship with her and despised her as a disgrace. Chen Manman never hoped for her family. After the accident, only Jiao Cheng's wife, her cousin, was taking care of her. After Qin Tian left, Chen Manman couldn't help crying. If the incident with Chen Hong could make Chen Manman rejuvenated, then Time, Chen man man man is really can't make it.After Qin Tian's return home, Li Xinran has heard something about Chen Manman. After listening to Qin Tian's words, she finds out that Chen Manman's state is now. She sighs deeply.

"Husband, do you want to find a psychologist to give her counseling? I'm afraid she'll have an accident. Girls can't think of suicide easily when they encounter this kind of thing. "

Qin Tian sighed and said, "he has already asked a psychologist to do counseling, but the effect is not very great. Chen Manman is bent on dying. Now he has hired a nurse and brother Jiao Cheng's wife together. These people take turns to watch the night. But you have to know that people who want to die are useless in any way. "

Qin Manman doesn't know what Chen Tiantian wants to say now.

He has already done what should be done. Can't he give up his present family and pursue Chen Manman?

Obviously, this is not very realistic. So although Qin Tian sympathizes with her, he can't pursue her against his own heart.

What we can do now is to comfort Chen Manman to continue to live, and be optimistic.

But it's too late to say anything. Chen Manman has no courage to live. Taking advantage of Jiao Cheng's wife's inattention, he committed suicide with a toothbrush in the bathroom. The handle of the toothbrush went straight into the throat, and the blood flowed all over the floor. By the time they found out, it was hopeless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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