After receiving the news, Qin Tian rushed to the hospital and saw Chen Manman's cold body.

Jiao Cheng's wife is crying with tears on her face. She only sighs that Chen Manman's life is hard. It's not easy for Chen man man to get to this day. A good girl left like this. She feels unworthy for man man man and hates those people for doing so? Well, a girl was ruined by them.

Qin Tian helps to take care of Chen Manman's affairs. Ding Hanxue hears about it and feels heavy. In fact, Qin Tian is right. Those ruffians destroyed Chen Manman's life. It's very difficult for girls to cross this ridge.

At the same time, they accept the legal sanctions, but nothing can make up for it. Deep down, they are just afraid of going to prison, but they don't repent.

Chen Manman left like this. For the first time, Ding Hanxue felt that Qin Tian had done a very good job. Some things would be solved in their own way to make up for the mistakes made by those people.

Ding Hanxue feels confused and asks Qin Tian to come out for dinner.

Qin Tian felt strange at first. I didn't know what she had to do. When she saw Ding Hanxue's confused face, I could probably guess her idea.

Although Ding Hanxue does not agree with his own practice, but in real life, there are too many such things, and it is undoubtedly the most exhilarating for him to solve this problem.

This is the only way to solve the problems that cannot be solved by normal channels.

Although Ding Hanxue didn't say it clearly, Qin Tian also knew her mind. Two people sat opposite each other, Ding Hanxue took the lead in saying, "I'm sorry about Chen man man man, I didn't expect to become like this."

"There are many things you didn't expect. In addition to punishing them through normal channels, I can only say that I can relieve the hatred of my heart. However, I know that such punishment can not change Chen Manman's life, so I can only do my best to make myself feel better."

When Qin Tian said this, Ding Hanxue understood. It does make him feel better, but it doesn't change anything.

"Qin Tian, have you ever thought about solving all the things by this means one day?"

Smell speech Qin Tian immediately denied, "impossible, I will not be unreasonable, if some people unreasonable stir three points, I will be impolite. But that's also in the case of no result in the negotiation. You should understand that nothing is absolute. I only do this for Manman's sake this time.

But still failed to let Chen man man man slow down. "

Qin Tian's eyes are full of pity. Knowing that he is in a bad mood, Ding Hanxue advised: "you can't be blamed for this. Indeed, sometimes I wonder, what are these people for?

In other words, you have unified all the forces sent to Songshan city. Why do these things happen?

"Because not everyone is in the Qin palace.".

Qin Tian knows very well that the current situation of Songshan city is stable now. Most of the people who mix on the road return to the Qin palace, but not all people are willing to follow the Qin palace, so this is the case.

Qin Tian also has no way, so many people, he can't force everyone to follow him. He did his best, but he didn't do enough.

Ding Hanxue also knows Qin Tian's ability, so now we can't blame him, we can only say we continue to work hard. "By the way, this time I invite you out to dinner, mainly to celebrate."


Qin Tian was a little puzzled. Ding Hanxue explained, "if Chen Manman's affairs are solved, we don't want to think about it. We still have to live. As for the celebration, I have heard that you represented Shanghai and Shanghai to participate in the competition and won the first place. I also have friends in the imperial capital. They told me that you admire you very much. Qin Tian, I can't see that you can still participate in this competition. OK! "

Ding Hanxue swept away the depression just now and burst into a smile, "this time in the imperial capital can be said to be a great brilliance, Congratulations!"

Qin Tian smiles, "in fact, it's nothing. I'm homesick after staying there for a month or two. Although it's good to go to the imperial capital, it's still a little more comfortable in Songshan city."

Hearing this, Ding Hanxue frowned and asked, "have you ever thought about going to the imperial capital for development?"

Qin Tianzheng said: "I do have this idea, but I don't know what to do. Songshan city is basically stable. I have left all the Qin palace to my brothers to take care of themselves. But if you want to get a firm foothold in the imperial capital and drag all these people there, it should be impossible and unrealistic. Their families and their friends are here, so we can't ask them to follow me to the imperial capital and leave their hometown. Do you think so? "

Qin Tian really wanted to go, but once he got to the imperial capital, it meant to start all over again. He didn't dare to take the risk.

If it was before, he could have no scruples, but now it is different. He has Li Xinran, and there will be a baby to be born soon. So Qin Tian is also thinking about what to do.

When Ding Hanxue heard him say this, she was a little relieved. She was afraid that Qin Tiantian would go to the imperial capital. In this way, it would be difficult for her to see him in the future. But now I listen to Qin Tian say that, he can't leave for a while, so Ding Hanxue will relax."In fact, the development of the imperial capital is much better than ours, but there are more opportunities and risks. I think you are very good now, and you can live a comfortable life in Songshan city."

Qin Tian nodded, she was right, but if for the future development, or to enter the imperial capital.

After all, how big is Songshan city? He has already won the whole Shanghai sea area, let alone the imperial capital.

If you can get there, you will have a broader vision and know more people.

Moreover, the Ding family, the Lin family and the Qin family are all over there. In the future, they will develop their own contacts. If he doesn't use it in the future, all he has done there during this time is in vain.

Qin Tian himself is thinking about whether or not to continue to develop in the past, but Li Xinran dare not act rashly here, so he does not know what to do now.

Qin Tian and Ding Hanxue talked a lot about this meal. He also knew that Ding Hanxue had no problems at work and had a monotonous emotional life. He also knew that Ding Hanxue's unit was so busy. If a girl like her wanted to meet a boyfriend, most of them were within the system. Ding Jianguo would certainly check for her, but he would forget it.

This meal let me understand one thing, that is, he must put an end to all possibilities, not let girls have a little bit of non partiality, otherwise it will be like Chen man man man led to a big mistake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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