Just a handshake, Qin Tian can see Zhang Min's physical condition, and Zhang Min is also looking at the young people in front of him. On his appearance, Qin Tian is not so handsome, but there is an indescribable flavor.

Some elegant, some strong, and even an inexplicable sense of mystery, she suddenly interested in the young people in front of her.

"Qin Tian? What is your relationship with the Qin family, the capital of the emperor? "

Zhang Min guessed a little, Qin Tian smile: "that's my family, I'm just a nobody on the side."

Hearing Qin Tian's introduction, Lin Xiaoyao laughed.

Zhang Min's sharp eyes swept his face, "nobody? How can a simple nobody get into the eyes of Miss Lin? "

Lin Xiaoyao realized that she was doubting Qin Tian's identity, so he said: "what's the matter? I've never looked at other people's wealth and background, only whether he is sincere to me. This is different from some people."

She looked at Zhang Min with disdain in her eyes. Then she took Qin Tian and Lin Wei's arm. "Let's go, two brothers. I don't want to stay here any more."

Lin Xiaoyao is just like a young girl. Zhang Min doesn't care about her rudeness, but Zhang Lai is angry. Why is the girl he likes occupied by a nobody?

He was about to pass, but Zhang Min held his arm.

"Elder sister, what do you stop me for? That boy is not a good man at first sight."

"You know he's not a good man. You don't have all the preparation. You want to come with him like this? You know, the Lin family is very difficult to deal with me, but it is easy to deal with you. "

Zhang Min takes a look at Zhang Lai. This younger brother is more than ten years younger than her. She is a hairy child. She does everything rashly. How can she trust Zhang family to him in the future?

Hearing Zhang Min say this, Zhang Lai was stunned, "but Lin Xiaoyao is protecting this boy named Qin Tian. If she is iron hearted, how can she do with this boy?"

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Min, "elder sister, you must help me. If you marry Lin Xiaoyao, you can get half of the Lin family. By then, sister, your company will be able to swallow up a large number of people in the imperial capital."

Zhang Lai's ambition is not small, relying on his sister in the mall like a fish in water, he also want to step in, hit Lin Xiaoyao's head.

Zhang Min laughed, "you can't get Lin Xiaoyao, at least by normal means, you can't get her."

Hearing her say so, Zhang Lai was in a hurry. "Elder sister, if you can't get normal means, I'll use abnormal means. Anyway, elder sister, you have to help me. When you marry Lin Xiaoyao, you can take advantage of it, right?"

Zhang Min pondered for a moment and said, "that's what I said, but why should I help you?

In this business war with the Lin family, I forced Lin Wei into this situation. He didn't bow to me, and somehow he turned around. I think someone must be behind him to help him. At this time, don't bother the Lin family any more. Otherwise, it will make him jump over the wall in a hurry, and Lin Wei will tear his face off me. That's not good. "

When we met just now, Lin Wei didn't even look at her. She didn't even make a call. She wanted to look down on herself.

Zhang Min also knew that she had gone too far this time. She wanted to force Lin Wei to bow her head, but she didn't expect to force him to ask someone else for help. If she knew who the helper was, she would certainly not let that person go.

It's hard to force Lin Wei into a desperate situation. Seeing that he is about to succeed, Zhang Min is very angry when he thinks about it. Now Zhang Lai thinks of something bad, and Zhang Min will never allow him to make trouble for himself.

After hearing Zhang Min's words, Zhang Lai let out his anger. He didn't expect things to be so troublesome. He just wanted Lin Xiaoyao to be with him. Unexpectedly, his sister came up with so many methods. Zhang Lai didn't know what to do for a moment. He could only hate to see Lin Xiaoyao take Qin Tian's arm and go to one side to exchange greetings.

He is unconvinced. At this time, Zhang Jing comes over, that is, the girl just now. She looks excited when she sees Zhang Min and Zhang Lai.

"Brother and sister, why did you come here? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhang Min glanced at her and saw her dress with a cold eye: "don't come to such an occasion after you, and you will lose the face of our Zhang family. Will the Zhang family give you food or not to wear? Make it like this, like a girl in a brothel. "

Zhang Min said and left, Zhang Jing stayed in place, Zhang Lai chuckled, disdained, "illegitimate daughter is illegitimate daughter, can not be on the table of cheap goods, you dare to appear here, who is your brother and sister?"

Zhang Lei pushed her to one side fiercely. Zhang Jing was pushed by him and stumbled into the waiter behind her. The red wine spilled all over her. She did not shout, but silently bit her lips and turned away.

Qin Tian sees this scene in his eyes. It seems that there are many internal contradictions in the Zhang family. At least, it is not as united as it seems. The illegitimate daughter is not treated by them, and even gives no face in public.

But the girl is really strange. She doesn't say a word.See her white face into the bathroom, Qin Tian followed. When the time comes for Qin Jing to send a piece.

Zhang Jing also has a trace of tears on her face. It seems that she is not as strong as she imagined!

Seeing Qin Tian, she was stunned at first, and then she began to laugh, "so it's you. Aren't you Lin Xiaoyao's boyfriend? How did you get here? Is it hard to see me and want to have a foot in both hands? "

"It's not about stepping on two boats. It's telling you to protect yourself when necessary. If you want to catch a golden tortoise, you have to improve yourself from the inside out. It's not good to lean on your body. Men want brains, not bodies. There are more beautiful young girls. Can you guarantee that you are young all your life

Qin Tian put the handkerchief into her hand, turned around and walked away. Zhang Jing looked at his back and was fascinated. This was the first time someone spoke to her like this.

In Zhang's family, she has always been the object of ridicule, but now Qin Tian comforts her like this when she is most in distress.

Zhang Jing silently put this person in the heart, "Qin Tian."

"I will remember you," she murmured

Qin Tian didn't know that he was moved by compassion for a moment, and even let Zhang Jing regard himself as the warmest object. However, he didn't want to look like this. He just couldn't see Zhang Jing being bullied by those two people who only had their own appearance.

In fact, the people of Zhang family are not as powerful as they think, but Zhang Min's means are too despicable, so it seems that people like Zhang Jing are still simple.

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