Because of Zhang Jing's simplicity, if you want to help Lin Xiaoyao fight against Zhang's family and understand Zhang Min, you still need to start with Zhang Jing!

Therefore, Qin Tian decided to use Zhang Jing's simplicity to inquire about Zhang Min's action plan and know himself and the enemy. He is invincible!

The same is true of business war.

Qin Tian thinks about his martial arts. His body is full of green energy and can't be used. It's not easy to confuse Zhang Jing?

Qin Tian in turn to walk, want to understand this matter, turn around and come back again!

Zhang Jing is still pondering over Qin Tian's words. Seeing Qin Tian coming back again, Zhang Jing can't help being stunned: "why don't you go?"

"Is it really your sister's proposal behind the party? Do you hate your sister Zhang Min? " Qin Tian suddenly asked.

Zhang Jing shook his head, and suddenly nodded again. A daze and reflection appeared in his eyes. He opened his mouth and said, "I hate and respect her and hate her!"

"I saw her assassinate you in the face just now. It seems that you don't have a good relationship. I may be able to help you! " Qin Tian said kindly, with a touch of cunning in his eyes.

"You can't help me. I always treat her as my sister. Although I was born out of wedlock, I'm still in deep wealth, which many people can't compare! I hate her because her methods are so vicious and extraordinary When Zhang Jing thought of this, she was afraid.

"She used the two relationships to keep suppressing other families, such as the Lin family?" Qin Tian pondered.

"It's just one aspect. I don't know about business, but I know she has a lot of subordinates. These people are very good at ancient martial arts. Some of them are geomantic, Taoist and hypnotic The whole family of Zhang has been well managed by Zhang Min's people! " Zhang Jing said it just like venting.

Qin Tianwei squints. He seems to think why Zhang Min wants to win over Lin Wei. Qin Tian once heard Lin Xiaoyao say that Lin Wei has a skill in identifying treasures. He once found a genuine one worth tens of millions of yuan in a fake that no one wanted!

Zhang Min personally likes to collect antiques. He has all kinds of things. Among them, Zodiac jade is one of them. Zhang Min wants to take advantage of Lin Wei's talent!

However, Lin Wei is the successor of the Lin family's future enterprise development. Although he has the talent to identify treasure, he can't work for Zhang Min, and he also has to oppose Zhang Min's development plan in business.

So it's a confrontation today.

"It seems that from the development plan of Zhang Min, he not only controls the Zhang family, but also wants to control the whole imperial capital. He has collected so many strange people and talents!" Qin Tian shakes his head, can't think of this looks more general woman, unexpectedly is a Empress Wu same woman!

Qin Tian also wanted to ask Zhang Jing what, a cold drink came after Zhang Jing back, it was Zhang Lai!

"Zhang Jing, why are you still standing there? Is that man you can get close to? Don't dirty our Zhang family

Hearing his brother's words, Zhang Jing took an apologetic look at Qin Tian, and then walked away with his head down.

"Boy, I heard you are Lin Xiaoyao's girlfriend. Don't run back!" Zhang Lai directly to Qin Tian did a wipe neck action.

Qin Tian's mouth appeared a touch of evil smile, which did not care.

Zhang Lai is just a fox and a tiger. If he dares to provoke himself, he will not be polite!

To help the Lin family is just an excuse. In fact, the purpose of Qin Tian is the zodiac jade in Zhang Min's hand!

The dinner continued, during which Qin Tian and Lin Xiaoyao had been sitting together for dinner. Qin Tian did not know anyone and didn't need social intercourse. When he was full, he simply took out his mobile phone and sent messages to Lao Chen and Zhu Yu respectively.

The content of the text message just told them that he had come to the imperial capital again and would stay for a while. Zhu Yu invited Qin Tian to come to practice martial arts, while Chen said that he would reward Qin Tian with a good thing when he finished the task last time.

Qin Tian sent them off by visiting another day. To tell the truth, the last time he helped Lao Chen finish his task, he went home without looking for Mr. Chen because he was in a hurry to go home!

Now the Ding family owes him a favor. In the imperial capital qintian, there are ding family, Lin family and his own Qin family!

It's a pity that these three companies are honest businessmen. They are much worse than Zhang Min's methods!

After dinner, Zhang Min takes the people to a classical hall, where many people are her people. Judging from the momentum of her body, maybe they are all ancient martial arts experts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I, Zhang Min, take this opportunity to introduce Mr. Qingyuan from the martial arts association of the Zhang family. He is proficient in geomantic Taoism. If you need help in the future, you can find me Zhang Min, and I can make friends and cooperate with you in any aspect."

Qin Tian finds it interesting that Zhang Min has become the host, pretending to be forced in front of everyone. In fact, the so-called cooperation is just a cover. She just wants to deter people!

Many people present are businessmen and have never seen some magic arts. Zhang Min just wants to show her ability. In the future, she will find you and hope you can do something. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!At this time, a man in long clothes came out of the classical hall, with several older elders standing beside him. These people seemed to be the people in the imperial capital's cultivation circle!

"This is the real man of Qingyuan!" Zhang Min looks to introduce to everybody and says.


At this time, a burst of laughter rang out, and everyone did not expect that when Zhang Min blew up the real man of Qingyuan, there was a man laughing.

"What are you laughing at, young man?" The real man of Qing and Yuan Dynasty looked at Qin Tian.

Zhang Min is also Liu Mei a Cu, this nobody wants to smash the field?

"Is there no one in the martial arts club of the Zhang family? Call an ordinary geomantic omen skill to support the field Qin Tian stood out and said.


At this time, everyone was shocked. One by one, he looked at Qin Tian in front of him. He was a young man who was still in his infancy. He dared to say that the real person of Qingyuan was ordinary!

"Qin Tian, what are you? Zhangjia Shangwu association is a brand that my sister has built for many years. How can you laugh at it?" Zhang Lai couldn't help satirizing!

"Yes, who is this boy?"

"I have never seen such a person in the imperial capital."

"This guy is just a nobody!"

Everyone's noisy voice makes Lin Xiaoyao and Lin Wei look helpless. They don't speak. They just watch quietly. They don't know what Qin Tian thinks?

"Immortal Qingyuan, I don't mean to offend you. I just laugh at some of Ms. Zhang Min's words!" Qin Tian stood out and said without ceremony.

"So?" Zhang Min frowned and asked.

"So don't be fooled by Ms. Zhang. I know more powerful feng shui masters. I've learned a little. If you have difficulties, you can come to qintian!"

"Presumptuous, you dare to boast in front of our Qingyuan immortal?"

Hearing this, immortal Qingyuan was extremely angry and ashamed. He looked at Qin Tian and said, "boy, since you are doing me a bad job here, I want you to taste the power of geomantic Taoism."

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