Hearing Zhu Yu's words, Qin Tian and Chen couldn't help laughing.

"The skill is inferior to the person. What's wrong with you calling me martial uncle?" Qin Tian looked at Zhu Yu and said with a smile.

"You..." Zhu Yu's expression is not good by the way, the whole person flat mouth, a pair of do not want to talk posture, in the heart have unwilling!

"I what? Don't worry. As long as I'm advanced, I'll also lead you to progress. If you don't move forward like this, you might as well let me teach you how to cultivate Yin and Yang. Maybe it's faster! " Qin Tian evil smile way!

"You're a double cultivation man. If you talk about it, you can eat it yourself." Zhu Yuyu's face was full of shame and indignation. She was no longer as proud and charming as before. She was more like a little beauty who was bullied by a big man.

After dinner, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Lao Chen asked with a kind smile, "Xiao Tian, do you want us to practice?"

"I'm sorry, old Chen, it's getting late. I have to go back because my wife is pregnant and I can't come back late!" Qin Tian said with apology.

"Er, er, I see. I'll bring my younger brother and sister here some other day, and we'll treat them well." Old Chen said with a smile.

"Certainly!" Qin Tian got up and left.

Zhu Yu couldn't help but murmured after him. His eyes were full of disdain: "damn Qin Tian, you have a wife, and you still bully me like this, slag man!"

"To practice martial arts is to be inferior, not to be kind. Honest people can't live in this ancient martial arts circle!" Lao Chen said.

"No wonder I am not so progressive. It seems that I am too honest!" Zhu Yu didn't have a good laugh.

"Ah ha ha ha, you are too honest. That's stupid!"

"You Master, you haven't been with Qin Tian for a long time. How can you talk to him in the same tone? " Zhu Yu said angrily.

"Ha ha ha ha!" "Xiaoyu, I give it to qintian Pharmacopoeia. In the future, I hope he can refine some pills, which are good for you and me. I can also instruct him to enter the ancient martial arts cultivation. It's not a loss!"

"No wonder, you are willing to give him the treasure you have treasured all your life!"

"That's right. Before I caught Ding Jiali, I just looked at his character. The future of this person is limitless. In a certain sense, we have made great progress."

Zhu Yu nodded his head.

Li Xinran lives in Lin Xiaoyao's house. Because the Qin family is now guarded by Qin Huan and Qin Kuo, and the old man is in charge, everything is OK, so Qin Tian and Li Xinran are not in the past for the time being!

In fact, Li Xinran's personality doesn't like to go back to the Qin family. On the contrary, he has a lot of happiness here. At least Shaolin Xiaoyao can get along with Li Xinran!

With some wine gas, after Qin Tian went back, he saw two sisters sitting on the sofa watching TV series. They seemed to be very involved. When Qin Tian came back, the two sisters stood up!

"Husband, you are back!"

"Cousin, you are back!"

Hearing two women's different tones of welcome, Qin Tian said with a smile: "where did you eat and drink in a friend's place, so it took a little time!"

"Wife, are you feeling well?" Qin Tian looks at his wife Li Xinran with concern.

"Of course I'm ok. You can rest assured to develop your career in the imperial capital. I'm very good at home." Li Xinran knew that even if he came to the imperial capital, he should not delay Qin's talent.

"My wife is so good, Xiaoyao. You can take good care of your cousin's body all the time. If there is anything, you can do something about it, or tell me, by the way, is there a family doctor?" Qin Tian asked solemnly.

"We have a family doctor in the Lin family, but I don't know how to move maternity. I'll find an obstetrician for you some other day." Lin Xiaoyao said obediently.

After Qin Tian helped her family through the five billion difficulties, and after fighting with Zhang Min at the party, Lin Xiaoyao had a new look at Qin Tian, and no longer had the expression of looking at the loser's son-in-law before!

"Not for me. I need an obstetrician." Qin Tian jokingly said.

"Pooh, brother-in-law, you are very humorous, but even if you want to find it for your sister-in-law, it's only three months." Lin Xiaoyao asked.

"Prevention before it happens is to take care of food and other things. All these need to be paid attention to, OK?" Qin Tian said.

"Well, I'll find it myself tomorrow!" Lin Xiaoyao's mouth vowed to say, but look straight at the TV screen, seems to be attracted by the plot inside.

Li Xinran then used her hand to meet her body, and then she gave the man an angry white eye, "OK, go to have a bath and brush your teeth, and have a rest early. I see you are full of wine!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Qin Tian sheepishly smiles. The liquor made by Chen is really fragrant. But if you drink it and spit it out, it may be another flavor

After Qin Tian left, Lin Xiaoyao put his arm around Li Xinran's shoulder and said with a smile, "cousin, are you going to sleep with Qin Tian or me tonight?""Sleeping with you?" Li Xinran didn't have a good breath to hum a way, "you this sleeping posture, sprawling, I don't want to suffer!"

"Ha ha, can't you control when you and Qin Tian sleep together?" Lin Xiaoyao asked very insidiously.

"What?" Li Xinran was asked by Lin Xiaoyao, and she could not help getting embarrassed. "Don't think too much about it. You don't have a boyfriend. What do you think about adults all day long?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, but can't I ask you? If you don't teach me, I don't understand anything! " Lin Xiaoyao watched the TV play. There was a bed play in it. The men and women had already made love on the sofa!

If Qin Tian is also in such a picture, how embarrassing is it?

Xu said, "this is a way for men to express their love."

"Well? How did you seduce her husband? " Lin Xiaoyao curiously turned his eyes on beads and said curiously.

Li Xinran did not shy away and told her how he guided him when Qin Tian didn't mention it at the beginning

"Ha ha ha ha, I can't believe it!" Lin Xiaoyao burst into laughter.

Qin Tian, who takes a bath in his bedroom, has already heard it. Unfortunately, he will not understand what Lin Xiaoyao is joking about!

"Oh, I can't believe that my ferocious brother-in-law once had a man's unbearable side!"

"It's killing me. He used to be a good counsellor."

"Yes, he didn't dare to say a few words in our Li family before. Now he is a great devil in Songshan City, and the future imperial capital must have his own world!" Li Xinran looked forward to saying.

"Cousin, was Qin Tian very fierce later?" Lin Xiaoyao inquired again!

"That's enough. Why are you so interested in your cousin's husband? Don't ask about these things!" Li Xinran rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll live next door to you tonight. Don't make too much noise!" Lin Xiaoyao watched the TV play come to an abrupt end. It was almost eleven o'clock. She got up and stretched out her waist to reveal her beautiful figure.

"Good night Li Xinran also walked into the room with a shy face.

Lin Xiaoyao looks at his cousin's back, inexplicably has a very envious feeling, there is a couple at home, she this dog food eats too much!

Mainly because they envy their husband and wife's life

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